Worst patch ever

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by teks, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. teks

    Wow I thought they were waiting a week to actually think about some of the changes they were making.

    Lets recap.

    They nerfed the viper to make it useless again.
    They nerfed the saron against infantry to encourage halberd sales.
    They nerfed the enforcer to encourage more halberd sales.
    They nerfed nanorepair because of ESFs. Who cares about the implications to tanks.
    They nerfed prowler weapons against AI, because some prowlers were still using HE and heat, when all tanks should be using AP.
    They nerfed max ranks of abilities to punish players for actually bothering with tanks.

    Any word on aspect of tanking that needs a buff? Better luck next time.

    I don't really need more evidence then this to see that SOE has no clue about tank balance. None of these changes were good, or even make sense. ITs just a guy staring at a spreadsheet and making wacky conclusions about what those numbers mean, because noone making these decisions can be bothered to actually play the game.

    Didn't the whole community come out and explain in detail about every one of these nerfs? I just...nerfing nanorepair? Really? 3 shots from a saron to kill an infiltrator? Do you know how hard it is to score 2 direct hits? Couldn't we have thought of a better way to nerf the viper without just making it crappy vs. everything again?

    Oh thats right. WE did. Come on SOE, listen to the players just once.
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  2. Cswic

    ^ The thing that makes me laugh the most is that the viper was 1 shotting guys since launch. It was only in the past few months where people started flipping tables about it lol.

    Christ, just give the old viper back with the decent splash radius. People didn't whine then and it was still effective.

    It was balanced by having a large amount of drop, aka balanced by "skill". If you're bad, you missed your shots. If you were good and could compensate for it, you were rewarded.
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  3. Nanomorph

    They're nerfing AI farm to make the game more balanced and help new players get into the game.

    The fact that it's happening so long after launch just means they're catering to the console crowd ahead of the PS4 launch.
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  4. teks

    Yeah I agree that this is an attempt to cater to new players.

    But I'm not a new player and this patch just made me regret that. Had they spent that extra week improving other aspects of the game that are broken for tankers we may have taken it a little better, but the nature of the patch 'don't kill the noobs PLS.' is pretty crappy, and not very kind to loyal players.

    UGh, need to calm down. They make lots of these horrible patches, and they get fixed over time. Like the harasser, and the magrider. I just, ugh. Is there like a team that does these patches in a rotation, and every 4 months the rotation comes up to this guy who just wants to kill the game, and alt he other guys in the team have to spend their shifts fixing the damage he caused?
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  5. Nanomorph

    Yeah but that's how these f2p games work, they care most about bringing in new players who will pay up.

    Veterans are usually treated like expendables because vets are less likely to cash in.
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  6. Deschain

    Honestly, they should refund certs spent on the nerfs just implemented like NAR and Vanguard Shield, AV turret, Enforcers and basilisks + many more, folks would probably be a little less phased.
    I won't be running Vanguard, Viper,magrider,Engineer AV Turret. So it will be Liberator/Galaxy side2 from now on, or medic to pick up all the dalton bulldog dead :)
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  7. Deschain

    How you figure that, they buffed Liberators and esf guns to cater for AI farming...
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  8. Nanomorph

    I'm surprised this game still doesn't have a cert flush/reassign option.
  9. Deschain

    they've been promising it for over a year, still nothing.
  10. GaBeRock

    This is false. The AI noseguns/shredder just get an appearance change, and the change to the duster still leaves it pretty much useless.
  11. Nanomorph

    Yes exactly, that was a bad move and I've seen tons of anti-air hate since that update.

    I guess they just wanted to sell some more air assets and will surely nerf Libs later.
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  12. M2_Bradley

    +1.Couldn't have said it better myself.
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  13. Deschain

    Exactly, the viper was a skill based weapon unused because folks thought it was crap until they learned how. Seems to me soon as players understand the mechanics soe swing the bat blindly, example HE barrels, ubgl's. Next it will be Heat and AP.
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  14. teks

    swinging the bat blindly pretty much sums it up.

    All they know is the numbers say the viper is too high, so meh, lets just nerf every aspect of it and continue staring at the spreadsheets.

    I wonder if the people staring at these spreadsheets even remember there is a game behind these numbers.
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  15. Shaken_U

    I DO like the vanguard nerf. It was an "I win *****" ability. Now, to start giving my opinions on your grievances.

    Yeah, I've seen people saying that it required skill before. I want it back in the pre-buff/pre-nerf state. It was just fine.

    Yeah, the only reason that I use the vulcan is for it's damage up close, and the ability to take down airborn targets (C4 faries and ESF)
    It was fine on ESF AND Tanks. They needed to make other options more viable, not make the most used one worse.

    What about new players? While I agree that most players should be using AP, HEAT has it's uses. HE was pretty good only for farming. The only reason that they're getting a nerf is that the prowler has 2 shots, instead of one.

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  16. teks

    I didn't mention the shield nerf. I believe it was inevitable after the prowler nerf, but there's already at least 3 open threads about it for people to discuss it. No matter if you believe it was good or bad. It still could have been followed by some form of buff or quality of life improvement instead of a further nerf to enforcers on top of it.

    I wanted to mention it because ti was a nerf, but it was too controversial and I didn't want to open that can of worms. At least people were making threads about shield balance before hand. I never seen people mention threads with titles like...

    Nerf the viper, too strong vs my tank.
    Saron OP against infantry.
    Enforcer is too good PLS nerf.
    Prowlers need more reasons to run AP. PLZ nerf heat.
    Nanorep is OP Because Science.
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  17. salembeats

    I'm totally in support of every nerf you complained about. Looks like SOE listened to us.
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  18. teks

    lol. go back to the infil forum.
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  19. NCDaniel

    RIP Enforcer. You will be mist.
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  20. salembeats

    Bias is fantastic, isn't it?
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