Worst faction to fight?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. PurpleBeefer

    I can believe this happening... though i see reavers and mossies on my lib :eek: alliance i say!

    There are times where I just tell my gunners "Hey lets crash a TR/NC party for the lols" usually ends with us getting popped but it is fun. Usually i never see any teaming up or rather blatant ones where the other 2 factions re humping eachother on a hill shooting at the 3rd. But oh well. things happen.
  2. Taemien

    As I said, I don't believe there is an alliance between some of the newer outfits. But premerge there were two outfits that decided to ally to take on the NC. Those two outfits are still around and it makes me wonder if some of the old ways are still there. Some of their members have denied any alliance, but its hard to tell what is going on.

    When you see Scythes (with said outfit tags) over a TR area far away from any VS, it gets suspicious.

    Of course it may not be the policy of those outfits to ally anymore. But individuals may still harbor some sort of 'gentlemans's' agreement still. One thing is for certain though. The TR and VS would rather lose to each other than to see the NC win anything. I know that for sure.
  3. Spacelife


    Easily abusable weapons abused by statpadders that think numbers mean skill.
  4. Whatupwidat

  5. shadowstaIker

    so much hate on VS no wonder why TR and NC group up against us instead of fighting each other :eek: would say TR
  6. Kentucky Windage

    We hate the things we love sometimes. I might say I hate them(VS) but inwardly I appreciate playing them. They make me better as a player and that in itself is beyond value. Thank you Connery VS(Especially The Forty Deuce). I love to hate you.;)
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  7. Larolyn

    VS. Just because they justify their PPA farm by saying "but Scat MAX op indoors." Sure. We get a good farm within 15 meters so you guys are justified in having a good farm within render distance. Sure. Nice one.
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  8. IberianHusky

    TR and NC actually ganging up on the VS? What server are you playing on?

    In my experience on multiple servers the TR and NC have a tendency to actively avoid fighting the VS so the double team is on whichever faction the VS decides to attack.