Worried about false bans?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gambles, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. v1zor

    well, i've just seen that my account was banned.

    i don't really know what to say know. the only tool which was always running is Teamspeak3. and iam not unsocial, exploiting bugs in any way.

    iam looking forward for the reply on the support ticket. if Teamspeak 3 CAN (can, because all people i know use it too and didn't get banned) be a reason to get banned i would be speechless.
  2. vampwood

    tl:dr of op
    Hasn't happened to me thus it can't happen to anyone.
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  3. vampwood

    Hear this people, no one in the history of gaming has ever been wrongfully banned. Never. Nope. Not once.
  4. Roklut

    I've been hacked before on WoW and whoever used my account had hacks since I was banned and got an email about it. As long as SOE handles things professionally and doesn't play favoritism between players who put money into the game and those who did not (yet!), then I am not worried.
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  5. RF404

    Seems like there's no need to worry about that:
  6. Compass

    The only thing I'm concerned about is that SoE detects my JBoss and H2 running and thinks they're malicious. =_=
  7. Vanon

    Here is the problem. If your legit, and you get banned, you are going to quit. All the money you spent, all the time has basicly been stolen from you and trashed. If you are hacking and you get banned you will simply create another account. Note: The guy that Smedly apparently banned had a new account, and apparently was live streaming it 10 minutes later. I'm all for active, aggresive banning, but it CANNOT effect legit players. I rather have a 10 cheaters not get banned then one legit guy be banned. Do i think that they are on a witch hunt? Go read The president of SOE's offical twitter account, the one thats directly linked to the forums. See the part where he (Apparently jokingly) threatens to hunt down hackers, their familys and their children? Thats the guy incharge. If he's saying stuff like that, then whats the chances he's giving direction for others to go overboard.
  8. Gambles

    He may have been a little extreme with his joking words, but many dev's tend to get very heated when their game is ruined by players intentionally. So we'll say a few players slip through the cracks and get banned possibly unjustly which would be a very veryyy small portion mind you, but still wrong right?. Look at the alternative, people spend money on this game and EVERYONE's game is ruined and taken from them by hackers. Seem extreme? it happens all the time especially in free to play gamest hat are lax with hackers, people blow tons of money and then absolutely everyone feels ripped off because the hackers are in control. The more leeway that is given for hackers the more it ruins my game, your game, and everyone's game. Also, I know companies these days have ways of tracking players specifically and if you get banned unjustly and contact support with your asking them to further look into it, I'm sure these people will be recovered. So logically he is going about it the best way possible with having the absolute least amount of people put under duress by this hacking issue. This is on top of the fact that it has already been stated that cases are reviewed before bans are issued, this is not a witch hunt with an automated ban system.
  9. Jackyl

    Read a thread about this on PSU earlier today. Guys who were banned that profess their innocence. It had links to profiles for some those banned High Profile Community members for their stats. The thing that stood out to me wasn't their insanely high KvD or number of kills, it was the fact that in 10000+ kills they were only present for 50 some odd base captures or defenses. In relation I have 500 or so Caps and a much lower KvD(1.03 ish) and kill count (around 1500).

    I don't know any of these guys, so I do not profess to know if they were hacking or not but the disparity between Kills and Caps does smell slightly of fish.

    In response to the OP's Question I don't worry about a false positive on me, I'm just not that good =D.
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  10. NOX2097

    On the other hand, banned cheaters admit what they did all the time. Always. Yes. Without fail.
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  11. Gambles

    That is super suspicious indeed.
  12. vampwood

    Which isn't my point. People are spouting that it hasn't happened to them, thus it never happens apparently...I have been banned many a time falsely personally in other games.
  13. BadLlama

    As have I and I will still support an aggressive system toward hackers/cheaters/kill farmers.
  14. Saiph

    Why are you grouping Kill farmers with hackers and cheaters? Do you mean people that get their friends to play as enemies just to have them run into bullets? I hope so. <-this is stat padding.

    Someone who just knows how to kill everyone around a Sunderer without killing it, isn't doing anything wrong. <--this is farming kills
  15. vampwood

    I completely agree there needs to be an aggressive system but as a leader board player myself someone being falsely banned due to reports or whatever, this greatly concerns me as I get hackusations often, I will never ever support a game that falsely bans even a couple people to weed out a hundred or thousand hackers and no one else should either.
  16. BadLlama

    ^^ I have a feeling that the majority of these falsey banned players were banned because of third party programs that are probably harmless but still popped up on SOEs sensor or at some point early at release they were stat padding to get a leg up on certs. I doubt they were banned because they were "Too Good".
    Yes I mean stat padding. If you are legitimately farming the enemy then that's their problem to figure out how to stop you.
  17. Ryloxx

    Actually it's not that strange for a skilled player, especially someone who plays the game over a long period of time. Personally I avoid every base as soon as the enemy gets stuck in the spawn, and I move on to another base. Waiting 5 minutes for a few hundred xp isn't worth my effort when I can double or triple that with kill xp. Not to mention how incredibly boring it is to spawn camp people.

    In fact, the majority of the base caps I have are from unintentionally flying over a base that was just finishing. While on paper this may seem like a way to spot a hacker, it really isn't. Everyone is going to play the game differently.
  18. Liquid23

    if you are "worried" about getting falsely banned than you are either overly paranoid and need to get a better grip on reality or maybe some meds, or you are doing something you shouldn't be which is why you are actually worried and you should stop it
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  19. vampwood

    Or I'm worried that people will be wrongly banned because its happened before, thus can happen again. I want this game to succeed and have a long life time, but banning people wrongly (even if its not the case with the current fiasco) will kill the game super fast especially if you ban the top players who usually contribute a lot more to the community then your average player.
  20. Liquid23

    so overly paranoid then