Woodman on High ??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aztecoatl, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Aztecoatl

    Not sure if dreaming or actually happening .. :eek:


    This was a really nice suprise . At 5 PM there was a High Pop for Woodman . I was really happy because I could finally do something I have not since December , Play on Esamir & Amerish with more then 20 people on whole continent . I don't know if this was because it was Sunday or because of the x2 XP Weekend but it was finally nice to change my dusty camos to a bit more snowy ones .

    Ofcourse having a lot of people revealed how badly optimized the game is , FPS was pretty stable but the ammount of times I had to restart the game because of this ''All White Screen Flash'' was a bit annoying . Still awesome night and I do recomend that SoE notes that a lot of people prefer a bit high EXP so how about just leaving it as it is ?
  2. Ganelon

    I think giving Woodman, Connery and other low pop servers (if there are any) a permanent double exp bonus would be a huge boost to server population. Outfit leaders have also noted the influx of new players on the server and approve of SOE's decision to put Woodman on the recommended list.
  3. Scorponok

    well the weekend is soon over and things will go back to normal ^^ or the way it was..
  4. Zer0range

    There's always action on Woodman - those who claim it's a ghost town in need of a merge must be living in an alternative universe.
    • Up x 2
  5. Richard [PG]

    Nice- Woodman, BTW is on a recommended list for newbies. This probably explains it. Nice to see some fights on Esamir this weekend, specially Sunday!
  6. n0pax

    ^ This x1000. Woodman population is and always has been fine, stop making threads about it.
    • Up x 1
  7. Angelo85

    I don't know about that, seeing that Miller had 1.5x to 2x the number of active players I always felt like missing out. But I hope some more people will stay after the double XP weekend :D
  8. ladiesop

    Last night, both Indar and Esamir were full. It was very strange, especially with the floating debris.
  9. Farlion

    For those saying Woodman is fine, let's talk again after the Double-XP weekend, eh?
  10. Vashyo

    I cant believe I HAD TO LINE UP TO GET TO ESAMIR!

    UNREAL :eek:
  11. Ganelon

    Denying that Woodman had problems is silly, but this weekend shows that merging it with another server impossible. The problem with Woodman that it's peaks are certainly not the lowest, but its lows are the lowest (literally 40 people online at low points).

    The recommended server list certainly helps and I hope the upcoming outfit-organised events on Woodman will be a good incentive to play on Woodman.
  12. Farlion

    Everything he said, as well as maybe the permanent "Double XP for low servers" thing that has been mentioned above would fix Woodman.
  13. Richard [PG]

    Hate to say this, and I know it's wrong, but server stats from the PS2 site state that numbers have never fallen below 140 something on Woodman. Even at 3 in the morning.
  14. fish998

    It's low again right now, just past midnight UK time.
  15. Richard [PG]

    Perma double XP? Everyone else would be super jealous.
  16. Farlion

    I don't know, maybe make it depending on Server Population in comparision.
    Kinda like Faction XP Increase works on the continents.
  17. Ganelon

    I think the perma double XP (or at least until the server pop is up again and people have invested too much to leave) should be applied to Connery and Woodman.
  18. n0pax

    It will never happen:

    A) They're not that low, especially Connery.
    B) It'd decrease SC sales.
  19. Pivke

    maybe they just lowered the server capacity to give us an illusion that we are playing on a good populated server.

    on the other hand, i have been killing (and been killed by) very large numbers of BR 1-4 players this weekend. cant determine if they are new players or just FOTM rerollers...
    we will get a real picture a few days after the double XP weekend madness is gone.
  20. Richard [PG]

    Yep, Woodman is being recommended to newbies Pivke, so that's why we're seeing BR1-7s.

    But, on the same note... I was sure any FOTM (not sure what that means btw) rerollers from the TR would roll to Miller, seeing how the TR dominates that server.