[Suggestion] [Woodman] A Tale of KOTV, the NC and TR. Never ending story?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sprintfox, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Sprintfox

    The idea of this is having at any time an own pool of player resources. Sure, you couldn't make out of them only "good players", but more interested people will simply get deeper involved when it comes to the outfit.
  2. JaL


    "The reason you see KOTV everywhere is because they mass spam invites to EVERYBODY.
    So yeah, when some random zerg shoots you, it says KOTV...because so many randoms are in KOTV, but they're not necessarely playing with KOTV.
    Get it?
    KOTV tag = not an indicator of KOTV.
    KOTV tag = this player once clicked yes to outfit invite. THAT'S IT AND THAT'S ALL.

    When you get killed by someone and it says [KOTV], it means NOTHING.
    But you THINK it does.
    And that's why you call it zerg.
    Because really, you are just fighting the zerg who happens to have once clicked YES to KOTV invite. But they do not necessarely play with KOTV.
  3. SilentGuns

    All of your tears are delicious.

    Also pretty much everyone who takes part in KOTV platoons will get an invite , this is true. Why wouldn't we invite them? The increase in upset TR and NC ( and some VS) on the forum clearly shows that we are doing quite well for ourselves.
  4. Nexus545

    NC on woodman do combined ops form time to time and almost every single time I've participated it resulted in a 0% win for an alert. Coordination still has squat on player skill (which NC seems to lack) and population (which we tend to be on the low side for big alerts).

    Another factor is the randoms either really do not care about alerts or have exceptionally low IQ. Considering the skill level of the NC Woodman randoms I'll assume the lack of IQ.

    Oh and another big thing is that our command chat is desolate 95% of the time/
  5. Kunavi

    Sorry but if you wear a tag, you are it. So I can't agree. And no KOTV aren't doing well SilentGuns! You just flood the rest and that's flawed design, not KOTV superiority. If you can't acknowledge that then we have nothing to discuss.
  6. thederpi

    There is another problem with zergfits that I have had my eye on for some time, sure when u get zerged u dont stand much of a chance, but thats not all, when KOTV sends hundreds of players standing beside and on each other the defenders gets really laggy end it gets hard to aim, on the other side when I join huge zerg and we heavely outnumber the enemy, there is no such lag. Enemy units in numbers for some coded reason just cuts more of the Fps. Sure one could just counter the zerg with another zerg same sized so we all just lag around, but that just wouldn't be fun imo.

    Btw i respect KOTV, its just not that funny to fight them at times.
  7. Jaloro

    The thing a lot of people also overlook is the way that KOTV galvanises a lot of the very small squads and even soloers. When Chicken is on and playing an alert people listen to him in command chat and on orders and respond to his suggestions, even if they are not actively participating in discussions. The reason they do that is because they know that (a) he has the platoons to back up his strategy, and (b) he is there virtually every night so it is accepted he has the experience of doing this and with proven results.

    On top of this, the larger outfits like IP will actively co-ordinate with him because it is now pretty much accepted and understood that it works. Sure there are still disagreements and arguing and name calling at times, but there is also a clear grudging respect between outfit leaders as well since eventually people either agree or just do as they are told.

    I tend to run a small squad of between 4 - 8 players. I do not participate in the chat as our numbers are negligible. However, I will listen to what is happening, what is being planned etc. and respond accordingly. I know I am not the only one.

    I also play on other servers and know that this whole scenario is pretty much unique to Woodman VS. I listen to command chat on other servers and frankly it is nothing more than a fustercluck.
  8. Jaloro

    The problem with NC on Woodman is not player skill it is you are simply totally uncoordinated. Only last night you had platoons defending the lattice lanes to amp stations against a couple of squads of VS.

    Sure that would have been passably ok but it was a Tech plant alert.
  9. Nexus545

    Sounds about right. They were probably random casual players which cannot be controlled. The other day we had an entire platoon fighting at Onatha when we were losing Mekala right next to it during a Tech Plant alert.

    I will also add that it's a common occurrence to have almost taken a base then KOTV tags start appearing and everyone gets demoralized and says "let's go elsewhere we don't have the numbers to fight KOTV"

    Formation and organisation have dropped drastically since ALongStory,Lubbe,Mentis stopped playing. Aswell as Tact on the NC side. People may have disliked Tact, but he could lead well.
  11. PrimePriest

    I think Woodman NC discovered true essence of the game. Otherwise I cannot explain this.
    The fact that this game is not about winning....it's about FARMING. Who cares about Tech Plant alert when you can gain 3 times more XP in Biolab.

    Yea it really seems to me that NC follows this philosophy.
    • Up x 1
  12. shd

    Can we at least know who you are ? Since you decided to take a big dump on an entire faction, we should at least know what a$$ it came from.
  13. Charlie

    Woodman NC has the problem of a lot of public platoons being set up by people with no intention to "properly lead" those platoons. This means that when alert time comes, we have platoons at crossroads of the crown, rather than places that matter.

    There are plenty of NC platoon leaders and outfits that actively participate in alerts, but the fact of the matter is that we still have large portion of our population (I would guess somewhere in the region of 10-15%) in these "unguided" platoons, meaning we don't have the focused strength to push back the VS, who seeing as the vast majority of that faction is in KOTV, do have focused platoons.

    The question is not whether the NC outfits can get organised, because they are. I regularly speak with PLs from the major NC outfits every alert that I am PLing, and we co-ordinate drops, we send re-enforcement to eachother, we act as a cohesive team. As I said before, the problem is that we have a huge percentage of players that aren't taking part, and we can't get them to. Sucks really.

    Maybe an AMFC player?
  15. JaL

    Consistency will train the people that cannot otherwise be communicated with. Keep running solid, open platoons during alert. Same names. Good leadership. Close platoons after alert.
    Spam outfit invites.
    Announce on outfit voip channel that people should join alert platoons.
    It will take weeks, but it will work. I don't think there's a difference in skill or mentality across the factions.