wolf in elite's clothing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Karki, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Pirbi

    I played a lot of UT on public servers. There were always cheaters. They hurt the game in two ways. One, obviously the had an advantage over everyone else. Two, they hurt the real talent as everyone assumed they were cheating too. I got good enough to occasionally be accused of cheating. So I didn't like the cheaters for that reason. People would still play and wait for the cheat to get bored and go away. But UT had a feature where you could view the person's gameplay and that helped sort out the cheats. But that also meant that hacks became more sophisticated to avoid detection. I just accept that it exists in an FPS and if they need to do that to feel big in an anonymous internet game then that's their problem. Is it that bad in planetside? I've seen one guy defend Indar Excavation against two platoons from two different outfits. Then the even more obvious high speed invincible galaxy that ruined an amp station fight. The occasional wall hack. So it certainly is there. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.
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  2. Jerox

    The moment I saw how the whole story in blue was set up I thought: NOPE.

    Use punctuation ffs..
  3. ChampagneDragon

    Impressive research, and I have to agree...
  4. zu2

    What I find most amusing is that there were people who think Visigodo was actually cheating somehow. There is no way I can pull off kill streaks like that because of my poor connection to the server and lag. Not to mention my inability to see things clearly on the screen. I've watched quite a few streams of very good players and I can barely see some of the people they are shooting at, let alone actually kill them if I was engaging them. I suppose I could get a better computer, go through all the rigmarole of fine-tuning my mouse, graphics, yada yada, but that really seems like too much work for too little benefit. Especially since my connection and lag are never going to change. I'll stick to pissing people off with my nighthawk, claymores, onslaught max, and prowler he. :)
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  5. Visigodo

    Not enough pitchforks in this thread.
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  6. Lightwolf

    There's enough flame... But no torches.

    We might need tinfoil as well. You never know.
  7. Plunutsud pls

    Insert popcorn.gif

    Keep the gitguds coming.
  8. Karki

    you obviously have not been looking very hard.....its not hard at all to spot the flying max that runs like the flash. or that one guy in the mountains who one shots your max with a pistol at 5k away
  9. Karki

    well according to what we have found one of the most popular ones...now I doubt it was in that video but its a simple one....just makes every shot hit like it was a headshot. its not an actual shot to the head so I dont much think it would show up on your list....however they just need to aim center mass and they kill very very quickly
  10. Plunutsud pls

    Nope, haven't met them yet.
  11. Karki

    consider yourself exceedingly lucky
  12. xboxerdude

    it would be a hilarious if AC actually did hack and was just parading around in front of everyone in their threads talking about AC.exe and what not lolololol. That's why they love to talk about conspiracies so much especially the ones out in the open since in that scenario they emulate them lolololol.
  13. Valok

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  14. Scatterblak

    You have to time your play for the game to be fun (and a level playing field). Watch the hack boards, use Google advanced search and check for updates and new hack videos in the last week - and when they come out, log off until SOE posts another update. Granted, they're basically modders as opposed to coders, so there's very little they can do, but just changing the distribution of hooks, locations and offsets in the executable requires the hackers to recompile/rebuild/reconfigure their scumbag cheats, and we have a few days of playing time that don't suck.

    As I post this, it's 7/31/14; most of the new bots and updates came out this past Sunday and Monday, so there are tons of people with cheats - and not overt ones either - they're mostly smarter than that now. The newer cheats do things like reduce damage from small arms by 30%, or implement regen at a constant rate, or reduce CoF to 0, etc. The wall hacks and aimbots are still there, but they seem (at least to me) to be getting fewer and far between; unfortunately, both SOE and the playerbase (at least the playerbase that cares and is paying attention) are tending to hail this as some sort of 'we're winning the war on cheaters!'. Far from it. Cheaters are just becoming more and more sophisticated, that's all.

    If you don't buy it, track your own K/D and watch the boards - play every day, and then see what happens when the new cheats come out. If you're CQC or infantry at all, you'll see the drop after about 2 days or so.

    Just like now.
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  15. Nerd Mode

    This is good research and reveals enough circumstantial evidence that could lead a reasonable person to believe that these numbers are consistent with being guilty of cheating. There is definitely more than mere suspicion here, it's pushing towards probable cause, but more proof or direct evidence would be necessary to have these "highly skilled" players dealt with. What always rings true of cheaters who have found a way to masquerade as legitimate players is their ego. They'll counter accuse or attempt the "l2p mad cuz bad" smokescreen, but anyone with half a brain knows that numbers don't lie. I have perused the stats as well, not to this depth, but I've also looked at their NC outfit, Always Chafing, and there's more of the same. In the end, it's of little consequence, I doubt all of them are using "assistance" based on the numbers, but as with what I've seen in the past, it's usually a small corps of players within a team that'll will do this unbeknownst to the rest of the rank and file. Regardless, with numbers like that confined to one team, yeah, BS flag raised. No need for pitchforks here, just tar and feathers.
  16. Karki

    lol pretty sure that hackers do this all the time....its not unreasonable to think they are here now doing exactly that
  17. Karki

    I do notice a lot of this....Ill play right after a big update and just murder the **** out of people...even the big name clans but few days later.....its just death after death after death after death....so if its not hacking then...its a special magic that doesnt work only after updates or you are fighting one of your own people
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  18. Karki

    holy **** crackers...lol I just found something interesting
    scripting and hacking on almost any online game is actually a felony, the act of altering any program that doesnt belong to you or spreading the ability to is a felony and if caught the state CAN give you 20 years in prison and a 15000 dollar fine XD
    lol most likely these laws are more or less directed to cyber terrorism or just theft of information...more lucrative hacking...but hacking in a game DOES fall under these laws....
    could you imagine it? some ****** in some fancy clan hiding out so everyone thinks hes legit but hes hacking his *** off and a federal agent just happens to be playing the game and notices something odd, inspects it and is just so pissed off he goes and gets all the information through an official investigation and throws his *** in prison XD I wish that happened a **** ton...that would be hilarious XD
  19. uhlan

    I don't like to add to these threads, but I always feel compelled to because there are so many people who throw out accusations of hacking so often.

    Especially when most hacking complaints have roots in the severe latency issues found in PS2.

    With that said, it IS true that hacking is endemic in online FPS's.

    Most of the hacking occurs right after a patch as the griefers come back to the game to see what's new.

    I have experienced numerous folks on the TEST SERVER of all places with hacks in place and even a few TKers (why people feel they have to TK on the test server I have no idea.).

    Aimbotting on the test server at least makes some sense because of the new directives. The rewards associated with completion or achieving Auraxium will drive many folks to the dark side I'm afraid.

    Normally, the hackers and griefers get bored quickly and leave the game till the next big thing or patch.

    I think this will change once the new directives reach live. People will be much more discrete with their hacks and it will be continuous.

    People will want the new awards and many will do anything to achieve it.

    The Aimbot hack as well as ESP can be turned off an on at will. The Aimbot cheat can be set to avoid universal headshots and target certain body parts. Well used, the hack is invisible.

    Unless the hack is really obvious it's super hard to recognize and most people in the game just the assume the complaint is based in angst as the result of lag or latency.

    Are there people that are just that good at aiming and spamming fire? Yes, to a degree.

    Most folks that do really well know how to use the latency issue in PS2 to their advantage. In order to do so you need to have a really good set-up in the first place and it does take crap-loads of skill to abuse the meta of an online FPS.

    The unfortunate part is that many folks who are situational aware and do their best yet still can't win a gunfight are most often plagued by a underperforming computer system or a bad connection.
  20. Shanther

    You're adorable. General game hacking such as aimbots, EPS, etc, don't fall under computer crimes. I suggest you read your own link.

    Case and point, http://www.gamespot.com/articles/blizzard-sues-starcraft-ii-hackers/1100-6282171/

    And for lulz;

    Start v1.09 Tech -V- Crash
    #Converted By Artemis`Entreri On May 18, 2001
    #Originally Written By Techwarrior
    40A15D BA8CE54800eb05BA88E448 6068ff7f0000b22d33c9e8
    40A168 008B0D44646800 3f280300615bc3