wolf in elite's clothing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Karki, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. JudgeNu

    I hate a haqr just as much if not more than the next guy.
    However, without any solid evidence for me, I cant play in the middle.
    I realize there are those who do use haqs.

    Earlier in the year I seen someone with a great idea.

    Having an Admin or whomever they would be called, possibly even a decoy of such be in the game and be somewhere that only a haqr would be able to detect.

    When they shoot at them or whatever.
    It could be used as a verification.

    Tbh I am not quite sure why a game cant be haq-proof or something.

    But playing many games over the years I assume it is not as simple as it seems.
    I guess?
  2. Karki

    oh we have done ample testing...all you have to do ...is get on the same side as them and challenge them....yes it is team killing. but make it clear that either they kill you or you kill them and if their "amazing" perfect accuracy isnt there....then you bet your *** its a hacker. we did that and killed a hacker 4 times in a row
  3. Scr1nRusher

    OP... your recent thread..... is really...... just what.
  4. elementotrl

  5. Utrooperx


    Interesting story...want to bet that whatever SoE did that "caught" all those cheaters was "reverse-engineered' and defeated with 48 hours?

    There's simply too much money involved for it to be any other way...as PromptCritical stated:

    Cheat detection and development is (potentially) a never ending cycle. Currently, there are no working cheats.
    Will someone develop a new cheat and/or repair an existing cheat? Of course.
    Will we detect that cheat and ban everyone using it? You betcha.

    See: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...c-really-that-bad.171784/page-12#post-2517938
  6. Kunavi

    Oh look... That pic of cheaters conversing, commenting about how SOE pwnt their *****. Yeah, totally legit! It looks EXACTLY how chatting among such people goes!


    Really people? You can believe there are only 0.00000000001% cheaters in PS2 AND that that is an actual conversation among PS2 cheaters who SOE caught?

    Such espionage! Much exposure! True HAX chat! SOE Anti-Cheat Team GO!
  7. Nerd Mode

    Nah, those guys are totally legit. Lawl
  8. Karki

    I saw a flying max 6 hours ago dude
  9. Alarox

    That's called horrible lag.
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  10. Rogueghost

    Planetside has one major advantage with dealing with cheaters compared to other FPSs, Planetside 2 does not have a very large player base. This would give a fairly low income for those making cheats, especially when you divide it between everyone that works at a cheating site. With how proactive SOE is being with anti cheats added to the low income, most cheating websites have already dropped support for Planetside 2 completely.

    Possibly the only positive effect of Planetside losing population.
  11. Visigodo

    Obvious cheating

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  12. Karki

    really?....so if you have terrible lag you can be a max on top of a biolab popping through the roof occasionally to rain rockets down upon the people in the center?
  13. Karki

    ??? was he using some sort of invisibility hack? the only thing that seems fishy is no one was paying attention to him. in the end he died from his own teamates killing him
  14. Karki

    this was from yesterday
  15. WTSherman

    I'm not sure about why people are just ignoring him (maybe a combination of VS full-coverage camo and somehow spoofing the IFF to show a blue tag?) but the main thing that stands out in the video is how the gun was moving, and the fact it had no recoil or CoF at all.

    For example, notice how when he was looking at the crates his gun jumped back and forth, "locking on" to people on the other side of the crate. It's a soft lock (it takes a little time to transition rather than snapping instantly, and the player can drag it off-target) so it's not terribly obvious when fighting just one person, but tight groups cause the bot to get confused (for lack of a better word, basically their target priorities are very close together and so the bot keeps picking a new target) and bounce around like that.

    This results in what experienced Battlefield admins call "the bot dance", and is something they look for in Punkbuster footage.

    And of course, the whole thing with the bot locking through solid objects/walls.
  16. -Synapse-

    Fixed that for you.
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  17. Saviorself

    Many outfits have a policy of discouraging their members from revenge teamkills, even against intentional griefers. Many good players themselves do not bother themselves with griefers either. What you did proved nothing about the legitimacy of the accused.
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  18. BITES

    /reported temple ... forum hacking, clearly using ESP to find himself the culprit.

  19. tf2hero

    PREY might be what he is talking about.
  20. Alarox

    Nah, he's definitely talking about TIW. He's been crying in our outfit recruitment thread for a week now.
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