When I say there are many Anti-Max/Tank Weapons, I mean that there are so many things that can kill them, meaning that they will die often, while at the same time I do not believe they should be thrown around carelessly, in a way that somebody does not decide to use an MBT as an armored taxi. C4 do not destroy tanks every time, Rockets don't destroy tanks every time, but I do think that if you managed to keep your Max/Tank/Vehicle alive long enough for the timer to have ended, you should have enough resources to pull another one but as the problem stands, especially for people dedicated to specific vehicles, the resource costs are too high. The only thing GU11 actually did was it made it so the dedicated drivers cannot pull their vehicle of choice that they put most of their certs into as often as they would like, and if something were to happen to their vehicle right as they pull it (Such as tank mines in front of vehicle pad, a zerg of tanks, a Max Crash, etc), they might be out of resources even when their timer expires again. How I would fix it is either add a cert line in passives that lowers base vehicle cost by a small amount for each level, or just lower the resource costs from GU11 down, not assuming it will be destroyed by C4. Overall if it were me I would leave C4 as it is now and just lower the costs of certain vehicles that cost too much, or add a cert line that would lower base resource costs which would probably benefit dedicated drivers more anyway. TL;DR C4 is not OP, MBT's/Max's are overpriced.
Yes, I've learnt that the C4 stats are off. Apparently the fire count is the number of times you pressed the detonator. But the point that people are making still stands, not only can MAXs be rezed but C4 misses a fair bit of the time. I know that I miss with at least 1-in-3 bricks.
Overpriced by what standards? What are you basing this particular opinion on? As it stood pre-GU11, good pilots would never be tankless. It was fairly easy to keep a tank alive given the right circumstances, most of which could be provided by a well organized outfit. If you have solid AA coverage, a tank zerg could stay up for hours. Increasing the cost decreases the chances of such a zerg staying up and forces those dedicated tank drivers to hoof it once in awhile. Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, the reason for the price hike is to do exactly that? Vehicles aren't really meant to be your 24/hr go-to. Likewise for MAX suits. They are specialized equipment meant to do specific things in the game. So if you perceive a problem that is actually the goal of a fix, and try to fix it, what would be the point of the original fix in the first place?
I think you are wrong. The sense of this game is that people can pull one tank after another, demolishing everything in it uncontested 24/7. This is not a combined arms game where everyone has to play more than just one thing all of the time. This whole game purpose is giving BF3 kiddies the possibilty to run around all alone in their 2 seat tanks to get the 10.000/0 kill streaks that are denied by other people playing BF3. Tanks should be a) able to cap bases (flip points and stuff) b) should be made out of auraxian wood (the trees are immortal!) c) should be invulnerable to everything (including enemy tanks) so that the driver can do whatever he wants. Just give the tankies these. And then add a continent, where no Armor is available (Sunderers and Flashes can be pulled). So all the tank drivers can drive around eacht other all day long shooting at each other without ever taking or dealing dmg. PS: The influence of MBTs in BioLab fights is way too low. We need ramps so that tanks can get into BioLabs
Just a side note, without commenting on max current balance: Do you really think they increased the max cert cost to buff you? Because thats what you're asking for right?
Cost of C4 is fine considering MAX's are revivable. The problem as it stands isn't C4. The problem is the lack of medics and the incompetent fools who usually play the class.