Wish List...

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Spafmagic, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Spafmagic

    Since there's no button to make a new thread in the actual Wish List category in the forums... I thought I'd try my hand here. There are some observations I've made that I believe take away from the immersion of combat.

    Soldiers in general - There is no Prone Position at all, and would be a GREAT help in combat, especially when you want to keep quite the low profile.

    Infiltrators - A great help would be the addition of a bi-pod that can be propped on surfaces in the crouch position along with the ability to go prone.

    air craft - They fly like bricks. If I may suggest, play and observe the maneuverability of craft in games like Battlefield 2142 or even Battlefield 4 to get the feel of how an air craft aught to fly. Hover units aught fly like choppers and fighters like jets. This is the "Future" here... if anything, flight mechanics aught be better than modern vehicles... which of course DON'T fly like bricks.
  2. ObiVanuKenobi

    By bricks you mean... not manouverable enough? If that's so then you're very wrong. Esfs can pull off ridiculous turns.
  3. user101

    Aircraft - they do fly like bricks when they are shot... way to much damage is done when they are shot, forward & vertical thrust is way to little. And landing them takes way to long when they are hit ... they just explode. You can't use after burners if any damage is done to aircraft.

    And MOS Rockets are very under powered. I want my hand held rockets to do 50-80% damage to a tank on a single shot. Thats what happens to my MOS when it is shot with a rocket.
  4. ObiVanuKenobi

    I see you don't fly much.

    Afterburners work while you're taking damage, nothing ever disables them.

    You can't compare durability between a plane and a tank. One relies on speed for survival while the other one on being a tank.
  5. user101

    Well I can tell you not a TR person becaue any person that flys a MOS knows if you have more than 3 bullets hit you the afterburnes are all but worthless... getting you out of there. Do they work well that depends on you discription of working. Sled dogs would be faster.

    And if what you say is true then the Magrider should be just like the aircraft since it can move fast One shot and a mag should be finished.
  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    I have finished the Mosquito directive (auraxium lumifiber) and have auraxium medals for 3 nose guns and 2 secondaries and i'm not even a good pilot. Mind telling your ingame username? Would love too see how many hours you got in the mosquito.
    3 bullets? That's not even 5% damage. Afterburners NEVER stop working. They simply have a less noticeable effect when you're almost dead and burning.

    Max speed of a Magrider is about 70 kph or less, don't remember for sure
    Max speed of a Mosquito without afterburners is 220 kph, 320 kph with afterburners
    Mosquito can fly,
    Magriders can't.

    And you want them to have same durability? Are you joking? ESFs would be ridiculously OP if you made them as tanky as MBTs. Imagine a ******* plane just hovering in front of a tank eating tank shells and killing it. It would be impossible to play infantry or ground vehicles, why pull a tank when you can pull a flying tank that can go anywhere at 300 kph.
  7. Spafmagic

    I have my joy/flight stick sensitivity set all the way and here's what I've observed playing as NC:

    NC Reaver - Pitch: Responds great ** Roll:Sluggish ** Yaw/Rutter:Sluggish.
    NC Valkyrie - Pitch: Responds great ** Roll: More sluggish than Reaver ** Yaw/Rutter: Slightly less sluggish than Reaver
    NC Liberator - All three controls: Flying Brick.

    I'm not exactly complaining... I'm merely making observations, and sharing my conclusions and opinions based off of simple logic here.

    The Roll of an aircraft aught equal that of it's Pitch. Yaw/Rutter control only somewhat less, but no less than half of the other two. Modern air crafts can roll and pitch on a dime. How much more should something from the future be able to?
  8. Spafmagic

    Ok... it's come to my attention that there are performance enhancing modules for the air crafts. That being said, I've yet to experience flight with those modules.

    but moving back to the original post, does anyone know about the other two issues I brought up? Will post below again.

    Soldiers in general - There is no Prone Position at all, and would be a GREAT help in combat, especially when you want to keep quite the low profile.

    Infiltrators - A great help would be the addition of a bi-pod that can be propped on surfaces in the crouch position along with the ability to go prone.
    *edit - would be nice to have a stable aim with bi-pod in fixed position without having to hold breath all the time*