Will you be driving the harasser again?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Levtech, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Cirevam

    I will definitely be using mine more. Comp armor + fire suppression + max turbo + Halberd or Enforcer. I'd try stealth but the engine is so loud that it doesn't matter much. I'll leave stealth gank maneuvers to my Lightning.
  2. ZeroErrorz

    i blame the harrasher for getting EVERY VERSION OF SECONDARY WEAPON NERFED,pls rebuff them but keep the nerfed/trash version stay on harraser
  3. FaLI3N

    LOL fury harasser was always trash.. PPA master race. Used to get 200 kill streaks for my gunner when comp armor was OP :p My heavily certed harasser with mag size and ammo capacity PPA will rise again to slay the ignorant sundie spawning masses :cool:
  4. JackD

    Can someone please post the unofficial patch notes? Dont seem to find it or overread it.
  5. Noppa

    Hell yeah im driving/shooting if it is half as good it was, used to love take those MBT:s out with it before :)
  6. dstock

    I couldn't find it either. I'm just farming certs until it's released, been trolling a Bulldog rassler with prox radar lately, for the lols.
  7. Stormsinger

    I never did pull too many harrassers (Although mine is maxed in more then a few categories) ... I still pull them occasionally, although the loss of resists, comp armor AND boost made them simply too squishy to be worth pulling over a lightning in most cases. Add universal weapon nerfs to the mix, and it lost alpha strike capability as well. Mostly, they are nice for long range vehicle sniping for NC / VS, and, uh... making fart noises for the TR.

    I'm looking forward to the changes, hopefully the minor buffs will make them worthwhile again. I know i'll be pulling a huge pile of em for a while, although at this point... I get more XP parking my stealth / scout flash around a base siege then I do with anything but a spawn-camping PPA harrasser.
  8. Regpuppy

    Not when NC gets our humvee, I won't :p
  9. John_Aitc

    I, very much, agree with you, Zero.

    Because the Harrasser was too strong, SOE nerfed the vehicle and the weapons that attached to it. If all they changed was the composite armor, I think it would have brought the vehicle back into balance without swinging the pendulum too far.
    • Up x 1
  10. Wonabe

    Started playing PS2 just around month ago, mostly flying lib, doing medic job as infantry and recently started harassing with my mate gunners.
    If u want my 5 cents on the vehicle i would like to see:
    1) Handbrake to be actual handbrake and lock rear wheels for more agile turns.
    2)(never tryed stealth yet but) Stealth to lower the harasser engine sound for actual stealth.
    3)Make turbo 2-way (both forward and backwards applyable)
    4)(not a suggestion but an topic to discuss) - MANA AV turrets, they take out 60%+ of ur life and u cant see/hear/feel/sniff/whatever if its comming, if comboed with any AP round - instakills. I was thinking about some projectile deflection active ability like decoy flares but for any AV projectiles(not lockons) for lets say 3 seconds duration with 1:30 RUT. So when you actually end up uncovered for a second you dont get sniped 1shot.

    Here's a video for you from the other day, enjoy/discuss =)

    /edit also would like to see upcomming enforcer nerf, was a pity since we got enforcer like a day before PTS notes were live, anyway with stats listed the perfomance seen in video would lower aswell...
  11. Fangry

    How exactly did the harasser get nerfed?
    Repairing on the go were OP
    Just imagine the new Valkyrie air transporter with rumble seats and engineers in them..
  12. Levtech

    Added small arms resistance to harasser, buffed/nerfed some vehicle secondaries, and made turbo a passive cert is all that has to do with the harasser.
  13. The Red One

    The harassers can still be useful if it has a good crew and cover since I only pull my Vulcan harasser when I have people volunteering to be my gunner and I can kill quite a few tanks and infantry before getting killed