Will we ever see player made armor?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SinerAthin, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. SinerAthin

    So I keep seeing new and new helmets.

    And they look GREAT! The player studio has no shortage of talent.

    However, at the moment, we're getting flooded with helmets, and unfortunately I only have one head, meaning I can't wear more than one at a time.

    It'd be cool if we started seeing some player made armor sets as well!
    So why not give the green light for those? :O
  2. kadney

    Yes, we will. But they have to give people the right geometry restrictions and stuff so they won't look strange since they have to work with the player animations aswell.
  3. Dieter Perras

    I'm actually kinda against adding more visual stuff as it's just harder on the system without adding anything gameplay wise.
  4. IamDH

    After i figure how to get to Narnia through my closet.

    I'm fairly certain that they will allow this as well but i imagine making armor is a lot more difficult than making helmets.
  5. Pikachu

    It doesn't add anything to the system. It just changes existing stuff.
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  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    i agree. the market becomes pretty oversaturated with helmets. and they dont even allow Max helmets

    that said, custom armor comes for vehicles first. lots of harasser armor and lumifiber designs are in the making right now. after most vehicles have custom armor, they'll do it for infantry too. and they also think about adding player-made weapon models for existing guns too

    so infantry armor will definitely come, but it will still take a while
  7. SinerAthin

    Have they said why they haven't given the green light for player made weapon models so far?

    I don't know. If I was the suit, I'd just say: Go ahead, make models! We'll take the best ones and give you all the credit!
    It seems like win win, zero loss, so why not? o_O
  8. sindz

    I want playermade weapons since SOE clearly doesn't have the imagination for this task. (Or they are not allowed, but its the same result in the end).
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  9. DJPenguin

    I'm awaiting a more "para" themed suit/armor for the LA. There are too many helmets that not only look similar but only look "good" with the heavy assault. On the note of similarity, camo is starting to suffer the same thing. Just how many ways can you make blue camo look unique without it looking like almost every other design 10+ meters out?

    Less helmets and camos, more unique armor and vehicle cosmetics.
  10. Tommyp2006

    I think I remember Tray saying they plan on adding more things for the player studio to create, I know they are closest on getting harasser cosmetics out. However, who knows when that will be, look how long it's been since he promised the ability to equip multiple camos.
  11. Dieter Perras

    Well if it doesn't hamper the system great, go hog wild :)
  12. M2_Bradley

    inb4 spandex armor....I'd buy that.
  13. Pikachu

    inb4 NS armor.