Will we ever see Battle Rifles and Scout Rifles merged into one group?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xebov, May 8, 2015.

  1. Xebov

    I would realy like to know if we will ever see both weapon groups being merged together. Since the Directives went online both groups allready share the same Directive and they are very similar to each other, yet it was never said if it was ever discused to merge them or not. Since both groups are very similar and there are only a few players around who use semi automatic weaponry there wouldnt be an impact on balance anyway, but a merge would give these few players some more options to choose from.
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  2. Skooma Lord

    Yes, yes this will be most welcome to me.
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  3. Doc Jim

  4. Bloodwod

    I would actually like this. I use the Warden on all classes with access to it (HA, Medic, Engie), and Scout Rifles on the Infiltrator.

    It's a lot of fun to see how the same rifle plays differently in each class, and to learn how to maximize its effectiveness.

    If they could give the Battle Rifle to the LA too (without making it a flying sniper) that would be really cool, because it would be one of the few primaries available to all classes. That would make it even more of an interesting niche weapon.
  5. Iridar51

    Would make sense. also give them to LAs

    But then nobody would use battle rifles other than for directives / medal.
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    This would mean battle rifles would be on the infiltrator class.

    A change I've been wanting for a while.
  7. Xebov

    Both Battle Rifles and Scout Rifles are rarely used by anyone. Semi Automatic Weapons are not widely used, as most players either dont like them or cant aim properly. Thats also the reason why you dont see any new weapons in that categories as the potential number of players to buy them is low.
  8. Iridar51

    Maybe scout rifles aren't used often, but it doesn't mean they're weak. But battle rifles are direct downgrade to them, so even the few that does use battle rifles will have no reason to continue.
  9. Devrailis

    It would make more sense than the current situation.

    The one where you grind an Infiltrator for the Directive Battle Rifle that the Infiltrator cannot even use.
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  10. Xebov

    I know what you mean. Battle Rifles only recieved 2 Patches since release, but since they are rarely used i dont expect to see any overhaul in the future. However it might be possible to recieve a merge as it wouldnt require much Devtime to do so. The only thing needed to get this to the Devs attention would be much luck and support of the idea. Sadly both didnt work out well on any attempt to get this done in the past.
  11. Xebov

    No more ppl supporting the idea?
  12. Scr1nRusher

    people already do that.
  13. Iridar51

    You know, whoever said "brevity is soul of wit" didn't say it about you.
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    lol, I was just stating that people commonly do it.
  15. 00000000000000000000

    Oh dear sweet lore Please DBG PLEAAAAAAAASE

    I know you are scared of camping LA snipers but its not too hard for ANY class to get to a good sniping spot, and LAs are in serious need of ranged firepower.
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  16. Armcross

    With my t5 amc, no i'm not. But still I welcome the idea. I'm in for a new game play.
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  17. 00000000000000000000

    Yeah I guess you're right. Still would be nice to have something I can pick targets off with from atop an ammo resupply tower. (I can do this with some of my carbines but it would be easier with a BR)
  18. Akashar

    Well, as good as this idea sounds, I must say that I'm against it. Indeed, one thing I wish they would do would be to give scout rifles to the LA, making him share these weapons with infiltrator, something that would be logical (both have scouting roles) But if they merge scout rifles with battle rifle, the probability of this happening drops to 0, and that makes me sad.
  19. Cinnamon

    You regularly see infiltrators in trees and HA/Max on the roof, they give smg to HA and Inf but they will not give scout rifles to light assault. They want light assault to be the shotgun/pistol class I guess despite ha/max having the best shotguns and inf being best with pistol. They gave up on LA changes when almost nobody wanted dual pistol for LA. And when people don't like an idea they like they lose spirit for a while, do nothing, then quietly release that idea later when people forgot it existed.
  20. Xebov

    LAs are no scouts, they are high movement shock troops. Giving them to the LA would give them more options, but while all classes can get to good sniping spots, the LAs have the easiest time to do so as they dont require any further preperation and simply fly there. Thats the reason why they didnt get acces to BRs in the first place.

    However my idea was about merging BR and SR into one group that should be usable by the classes that can currently use weapons of this group (Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator, HA). Sadly i dont see much compatibility with teh LAs role for a need of long range weaponry as it is not there job and you could end up having several LA sitting on top of objects they can simply fly upon and start sniping around.