Just bought a Nokia 920 and wondering if there are plans to bring the forthcoming PS2 mobile apps to the Windows Phone ecosystem.
Its unknown if the app is still even coming. I have sent several tweets to @planetside2 @j_smedley and @mhigby and also asked in the beta forums and a couple of times on these live forums but no response from SOE.
On a chat just 2 weeks before release Higby said it was still coming and should be released with the launch. Well launch has come and gone but I going to assume if they were that sure 3 weeks ago it should be close.
Pretty sure the only platforms "confirmed"* atm is Android and iOS. *confirmed as in I seem to remember having seen/heard it in a video at some point
When I was watching Higby's stream (or a stream with Higby in it) on twitch the other day (Friday I think), I heard him say the App/Apps have been sent for final approval. What ever that means....
It won't be on Windows Phone 8 anytime soon which is a shame as I'm about to get myself a Nokia 920 also. At least they should release it as a web application so any one outside iOS/Android can use it on-the-go