Will the Mobile Apps Be Available for Windows Phone 8?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Stellus

    Just bought a Nokia 920 and wondering if there are plans to bring the forthcoming PS2 mobile apps to the Windows Phone ecosystem.
  2. FullMetalMonkey

    Its unknown if the app is still even coming. I have sent several tweets to @planetside2 @j_smedley and @mhigby and also asked in the beta forums and a couple of times on these live forums but no response from SOE.
  3. Omegacomet

    Yeah no update whatsoever on this. If so someone please post or direct us to the post with the info.
  4. Tamalan

    On a chat just 2 weeks before release Higby said it was still coming and should be released with the launch. Well launch has come and gone but I going to assume if they were that sure 3 weeks ago it should be close.
  5. MarlboroMan-E

    I seriously need the app to come out for android so I can satisfy my addiction while at work.
  6. Domnonos

    Pretty sure the only platforms "confirmed"* atm is Android and iOS.

    *confirmed as in I seem to remember having seen/heard it in a video at some point :D
  7. Stellus

    Thanks for the info, Dom.
  8. Zman421

    When I was watching Higby's stream (or a stream with Higby in it) on twitch the other day (Friday I think), I heard him say the App/Apps have been sent for final approval. What ever that means....
  9. Rolfski

    It won't be on Windows Phone 8 anytime soon which is a shame as I'm about to get myself a Nokia 920 also.
    At least they should release it as a web application so any one outside iOS/Android can use it on-the-go
  10. Stellus

    I'd be ok with an intermediary web app.