[Suggestion] Will the light assault be able to support the team?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Tjcoldhat, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Tjcoldhat

    Hey guys, my name is djcoldhat in game on connery server,i've been playing for kills for the past 2 months ,solely to this light assault and medic,& i'd like to see if it can support its team with a surge ability,An area of effect ability that improves cooldown for medic healing ability,heavy shield,infil cloak,sheild regen time,etc- some thing to help the team, due to the recent patch i've found it very hard to use the light assault effectively in combat because of the hipfiring arc is to wide to be used while hovering,i find this hurting the class seeing as that's its main strength in combat compared to cloaking and shields, the laser sights don't help when i hover,is there anything i can do or you guys to help it be up to par with the heavy assault killing potential by improving the hip-firing while hover.
    i've been having trouble against good heavy assaults who know how to play with them solely because can't ads in air and hip-fire,i mean i'm not usually this bad at the game,any who i really hope this gets to the dev's so they can check into it,give it a thumbs up so its seens.
  2. Paperlamp

    Main strength of LA is mobility / positioning. Shooting down at your enemies from weird spots, or flying up/dropping down on unsuspecting targets. You can support the team by killing enemies, calling out targets from a vantage point, C4ing more dangerous targets such as MAXes or tanks, etc.

    The XP is never going to be as good as medic or engi unless maybe you're exceptionally good with it and/or playing in a dense enough area to get lots of kills, but LAs can still support the team.

    You shouldn't be trying to shoot from the air, you should be trying to shoot when you have a good opportunity/angle from places you fly or drop down to. A LA will always be at a disadvantage vs. a heavy in a straight up even fight, you're the ambusher not the front liner so you should be trying to kill them before they see you or can react fast enough.
  3. Dimachaerus

    While i do think the LA needs a bit more love in the class ability department, nobody can really agree on what would be best. the Devs have their own ideas, but who knows how THAT will turn out. There are a few tips I can share from my time being a sneaky Vanu bastard creeping about on rooftops like some kind of stalker. Maybe they can help you out.

    The key to being a good LA, is being SNEAKY. Don't just hop onto a roof and expect to profit, use cover to jump up from unexpected places, jump down and reposition as soon as you're spotted. Don't let the enemy catch you going up to a roof, this is bad mojo.

    To kill Heavies, flank the bastards, wait till they're occupied, or just flat ambush them. Every bullet you get in before they go shields up puts you closer to victory.

    Remember your jumpjet makes noise, try to use it in as short of bursts as possible, don't try to grandstand and overjump. NEVER fire in midair unless you are either A: Ambushing some lone poor slob from DIRECTLY above, or B: just that damn insane.

    Never take a shot unless you know you can hit and fade, once people see tracer fire from the roof your life gets a LOT more interesting. When people know a LA is about, they WILL be waiting for you.