Right now, the Lasher just looks like a regular LMG/AR. I remember hearing that the current model is just a placeholder, but that was when it was released, which was quite a while ago. Will it ever get an updated model?
Exactly when every other weapon gets a unique model or skin... Which is as soon as they realize that selling better models for money would bring them lots of $$$$$$, i fear.
That's all well and good, yet TR and NC already got unique models for the Jackhammer and Chain gun. It would be nice to at least have the third truly unique model before they could eventually differentiate every weapon by the sale of weapon skins. (which I hope they don't)
The biggest chance for an update would be when they do a pass on the heavy weapons. I wouldn't hold my breath though, because there hasn't been any mention (to my knowledge) that the model actually IS a placeholder or not and whether they are planning to update it.
Yeah... I wish it'd be sooner, though. They did mention it was a placeholder way back in Beta. Since the beta forums don't exist anymore, I can't pull the post back up, though.