Will pistols ever get any love?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Braken, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Braken

    For basically the entire life of the game so far, we've only had 2 SLIGHTLY different (Basically one has a bit more damage per bullet, but at the cost of a slower rof and smaller magazine) pistols for each faction (The Facebook promotionals don't really count, since they're just reskinned default pistols.).

    All 6 of these pistols only have 3 attachments (More like 2, since the flashlight is practically useless).

    Will we ever get some unique pistols (PS1 Scattershot for the NC, anyone?), or even at least more attachments, like freaking scopes?
  2. Pengalor

    Well, Heavy Pistols are coming soon and there are Faction Specific Pistols in the works as well.
    • Up x 1
  3. FateJH

    • Up x 1
  4. Torok

    as already stated, watch the latest Command Center episode #11, you can see the Revolver coming which will be in 2 different guns, and in june if you look up at the Roadmap we will have Empire specific pistols, as for my experience with the NC, both Magshot and Rebel are really different, and feel so aswell, both great pistols, what's missing is a different skin ;)
  5. Braken

    Now that's just overkill. :D
  6. Braken

    I'm glad we're getting more and different pistols, but we really do need more attachment choices for the ones we have right now.
  7. bodmans

    why would pistols need some love? when i have emptied my clip, i switch to sidearm whilst aiming at the other guy's head. since i was already in ADS i insta headshot him. if im lucky i can still take out another guy with that same clip.

    unless youre only using pistols they wont need love. theyre used as support
  8. Pengalor

    I agree, would love to see the top rails used eventually : /.
  9. StormStrafe