Will MBTs and lightings be viable on Hossin?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Phrygen, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Puppy

    Just remember you can't shoot through water...
  2. Bragg

    Excatly this, for anti-tank mines. This is actually good, it gives meaning to other kind of vehicle load outs. And makes mine guard certs useful in any vehicle. You want to survive in Hossin, mine guard will be your life line in vehicle.

    I will aim to auraxium medal for anti-tank mines in hossin, wont leave the continent until that is achieved. :D
  3. Regpuppy

    Hard to say with only seeing like... 1/3rd of the bases right now. The outer edges seem more open for both vehicles and air and it seems to get thicker in some areas around the middle. We also don't know for sure whether they'll have to sacrifice some trees here or assets there for performance.

    If they somehow don't have to sacrifice much, then Hossin will be my favorite continent until they can top it or not with the next continent. I really will not want to go back to Indar. I will throw a box of kittens out of a window if I have to play on indar for much longer for decent fights
  4. Nogrim313

    as a magrider pilot, its terrible,sure we can get weird places but what good will that do us?
    the magrider is the worst close combat tank and thats pretty much all hossin is
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  5. ScrapyardBob

    I think it will be okay as long as there are sections of Hossin that are more open, and the trees are more clumped rather then having a uniform thickness. The trees work both ways. Against lock-ons, they provide you a way to break line-of-sight easily. Of course, they also creating hiding places for infantry.

    But the interior of the continent might end up feeling like the SE portion of Indar, except with a lot more cover against attacks by air.