Will Emerald Inherite Mattherson's Plague?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. gibstorm

    Maybe but it's enough.

    AC, DA and Goku have all turtled in a defend able base. Who do we send to kick you out?? We will send a zerg it will get farmed then those players will end up fighting NC after they get slaughtered.

    I will join a unit to try and kick them out so far i have been told BWC is the best option.
  2. gibstorm

    It's not a chicken in the egg situation.

    3 teams started fighting each other. One team team became more organized and had better skill and executed it better. They started winning more. Players that win are happier. They burn out slower and stay longer. The players on the other teams start to burn out or stop caring at a faster rate cause they lose. Then it starts to snowball. New player come and want to join an Awsome unit.....they will most likely end up on the winning side that has lots of great units.

    There is simple no reason to want to play or start playing on a side that is getting crushed so as you did. Players who want to win start leaving the losing teams for other games....or switching to the winning team.
  3. WyrdHarper

    TR gets crushed because the majority of our population gets hoovered up by one of the four enormous zergfits on our faction, none of whom coordinate via command. Zergfits are notorious for having poor player retention because they offer a relatively poor game experience, unless you like overpopping with massive population advantages.

    This has been a problem since Mattherson. Even with BWC/VG/903/DOG/1TR and others operating in BGM and being very organized and coordinated, having 2-4 platoons of players derping around getting farmed or putting us in a position where we would get attacked during an alert, and patently refusing to coordinate meant that more often than not we'd still lose. Those of us who coordinated would have a lot of fun, but it gets old losing after awhile because your teammates can't do what they need to do. DAPP, for example, is large and zergy, but they're also fairly good at redeploying and coordinating with the rest of VS.

    This has been extremely persistent, and it means that players would rather go looking for other games or bounce around on other factions. For example, 903 has done a bunch of cross-faction ops with both NC and VS outfits, as well as joint ops with other TR outfits, in addition to private scrims. That stuff is all very fun, but TR on live right now isn't. We put plenty of effort in (as did many of the other mid and small organized outfits) to help our faction, but getting consistently screwed over by megazergs incapable of taking a base with 60-70% hex population is frustrating.
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  4. Liberty

    This was before Alerts and in the days of TE running around dumping 3+ platoons on fights. The only "win or lose" was being able to lock a continent and the only one that mattered was Indar because the other two would get ghost capped during off peak hours. If you were to go into the way back machine and look back at the history of the game (in the servers that made up what is now Emerald) VS was not always the dominate force, nor were they the one with the most population. There were periods of time where both TR and NC had that title.
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  5. gibstorm

    oh ok, I don't know about that stuff then. I didn't follow matterson back then. I am from waterson. Maybe VS just took power at the right time. Most players wouldn't consider moving to a new game for at least a year. So losing at the start of the game was more tolerable

    When we started TR was totally broken we just had too many people so we could always win with sheer numbers. Then after the striker nerf and ZoE buff some of our biggest outfits broke up and we were never the same.

    I was pretty sure the matterson VS would end up break us. I thought it would happen sooner though. We actually did pretty good for a while. But now units like NUC are gone and things don't look so good lol
  6. Shanther

    I find it funny you are complaining about VS taking all the good players because NUC basically ruined competitive play and Waterson outfits for a very long time. This is something you should know being from Waterson.
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  7. gibstorm

    Yeah, I said I would transfer my toon off of TR to VS if they let me. I didn't like being on TR when we one every single day but I was already very high level and didn't have the time to start over. We could control all 3 continents and win the alert at the same time at one point. It was ridiculous

    The constant steam rolling was bad when I was on the winning side as well. It's boring. You keep mistaking my comments about me personally being upset about lossing. I don't really care. I am almost level 100 and have a sub so I get all the nanites and cert I need

    I just want better battles so more people stay and play the game
  8. Crowne

    Just my .02 nanites but...

    Really not so sure about this whole VS being so maddeningly skilled thing. From what I've seen, the most decisive skill in large battles is the skill of listening. A platoon can only be as organized as the troops allow. If nobody is willing to put some trust in the platoon leader, then we all just get picked off pretty easily.

    Organization is key. People do need to give it a chance for it to work though. We also have to be forgiving when the PL's plans don't work out and be willing to give them multiple chances. That is, so long as the PL's idea of leadership isn't limited to yelling louder, insulting more, and blaming everyone but him/her self for failures. Their strategy is usually no more interesting than throwing every warm body at a single location. If that fails, they yell...


    Far as the badmouthing, yes, it is bad. I think even battles I get hammered in are pretty fun, until the pimple faces start piping up. Removes all fun of the game.

    As it is, since I don't have the option to shut off /yell, I am placing every single "enemy" lacking in the most basic sportsmanship on my /ignore list. Let's see how many thousands of names I can throw in there. Sure hope the devs planned on these lists growing ridiculously large.
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  9. Vertabrae

    TE almost never had 4 platoons. Most nights was a single platoon, weekend nights were two platoons or once in a while three. We did hit 4 platoons once or twice, but it was extremely rare, and the last time I remember was for a server event or something. We had a lot of members in TE, but most of them weren't on a lot of the time. DasAnfall has 93 members, so I could say you're running 2 platoons every night. But just like TE, I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen most of the time. AoD lists over 7000 members, but how many platoons do they run a night? I'm told most nights it's two. So around 100 guys online out of 7000. TE only ever had like 1500-1800 at it's high point.

    TE was never as big as people seemed to think. AOD, GOON, AT were all bigger than TE back then. Keep in mind that TE was also lead by Buzz. He had, by far, the most popular PS2 stream going back then, which helped to draw in a lot of people.

    As for dumping everyone on a point, Buzz usually didn't do that either. No...really. Pretty much all his streams are still around, so can always google them. Most of the time he would send about 1/4 to 1/2 of his forces to secure the surrounding bases, or to make a quick recap at one base while he took 1st platoon off to whatever fight he thought would be the biggest threat. Granted he could always call those troops, but remember that a lot of the tactics (for lack of a better word) he used weren't all that common back then. Units like GOON, AT, TEST mainly fought a fight, then grabbed armor and drove to the next fight. TE was one of the first to really take advantage of mass redeploy (remember TE's Steel Rain that everyone complained about for months on the forums). TE was also using mass Gal drops with empty decoy Gals up front. Nobody else was doing that at the time, and when they tried, as AT did a few times, they couldn't coordinate them properly.

    People complain about units like Goku and their zerg rush. But it works. Guess where they learned it? Yep, Goku plays just like TE used to. Granted some things have changed since then, but the basics are the same. TE was the first large outfit to figure them out on Mattherson, and while few of the TR outfits learned from TE, the VS certainly took notes and polished the ideas. Smaller units like DasAnfall, guess what, you play exactly like Buzz used to use TE when he had only 2-3 squads available. Main difference is DA seems to have more capable troops. TE had some good players, but by and larger most people weren't anything special. A few 3-4 kdr people, but most were 2 or less.

    You can call TE a zergfit. Just like AOD. Or any of the big outfits. But TE did something that no other zergfit was able to do. TE could win the majority of fights against anyone. AOD can't do that without a huge pop advantage. DA often crushes them with far less troops. TE could fight any outfit on the server, and more often than not, regardless of numbers, walk away with the win.

    Edit. For anyone who wasn't around way back when, redeploy used to drop you into combat in a drop pod. So instead of using a bunch of Gals to drop on a base, all of which can be shot down by the defending forces, instead you have 2 platoons drop podding in all over the base. Plus you could somewhat steer the pods, and landing one on a vehicle instantly destroyed it. So was an easy way to kill sundies. TE was the first use this tactic en mass. It was called Steel Rain, the devs ended up changing it because it was massively OP.

    The link below is to a very old thread about it, which includes a video of it in the first post. The video was made by one of TE's squad leaders, and features Buzz using Steel Rain to land on bases swarming with enemies, and winning the fight within about 30 seconds. Kinda a nice look into how things used to be.

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  10. Aeflic

    I'm really confused what the issue is with nc?

    Get in one of the decent outfits and your problems are solved?

    If you're in a casual outfit try a competitive outfit or if you're a lone wolf samething.

    You guys are crazy if you care that much for alerts.
  11. GrandpaFlipfox

    I played during an Amerish alert last night/this morning and NC just didn't show up. We had the server population they were just too busy derping around the mostly vacant Indar. I'd almost rather have Waterson back at this point. At least those three hours a day of reasonable population had me playing alongside NC that actually wanted to win.
  12. BaronVonVirtu

    You GREATLY underestimate the pops that TE generally ran with back in the heyday. It's peaks during their weekday ops nights were 16 squads for quite a while, eventually settling around 8-12. Back in the early days there were no population percentage charts to truly guess how much population one had in a hex. Their greatest nerf in the eyes of everyone else was when it became clear just how often they were winning through overwhelming numbers with those percentage charts.

    That said, they were probably the most organized 2-4 platoons that have ever been under one particular outfit in Planetside in mere getting folks where they should be. AOD/PHX can't do that because their outfits are not set up to pull that off, the competent leadership structure isn't there to truly handle their numbers and they don't really have a sense of purpose to maintain any cohesion.
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  13. Vertabrae

    TE only ever had 16 squads during the first couple months, or during special server events. Ops nights were mon-fri, with fri being one night you actually had a chance to get a massive amount of members online. Buzz works on Sat and Sun, and doesn't play during those days. So while first couple months, yeah we could get that, it didn't last very long. I know, I used to see how many members we had on because I was on almost every night back then (didn't have a kid at the time hehe).

    As fir being organized, yeah. TE was probably the best organized of the larger outfits. You'll never see AOD or PHX with even a tenth of that kind of organization.
  14. Govedo13

    So vanu OP plz nerf? Because they got good organization that attract good players. Seems legit
  15. DQCraze

    Prolly cause half of em are at the WG doin dance party.
  16. dirtynub

  17. Sardaukar

    You should correct this line. The streams where TE wasn't losing are still around. The archives with defeats were deleted quickly. It was a comedy topic for a while.
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  18. Arghy

    Hahahaha damn is this a joke post? next you'll be saying he wasn't a raging racist!

    I don't think i ever saw TE under 2 platoons until wristcut was nearing his burn out. What tactics are you talking about btw? if you watch his streams its mostly him screaming at everyone to swarm the base with 3-1 odds in their favor. TE didn't redeploy BCP used gal drops, instant action and beacons. Guess what happened when instant action and beacons got nerfed? who started losing alot? hahahaha.

  19. SpcFarlen

    As for the topic, i play all three faction. What i tend to see TR and NC do most is roll around in 48+ or 96+ zergs to cap one base, mean while they are getting their own territory taken by 12-24 of another faction. It seems far too many PLs use their squads in mass for one objective rather then spreading them out when needed. There is no reason to have 96+ at a base that ISN'T being contested.

    So of course they leave one front open for attack, then have to double back to defend, and in the end lose what they took because of it. Its classic example of equal and opposite reactions. If its 33% across the board and you aren't getting resistance it is because the enemy are elsewhere. You need to react to that.

    That is why i solo play now. Far too many PL's or outfit leads feel they are mini gods and forget that they are the least common denominator in every situation.
  20. Vertabrae

    I never said Buzz wasn't rascist, it's a well known fact he was. Also felt the same way about homosexuals, females, and pretty much anyone who wasn't himself or a close friend. I'm not defending the man. But TE was damn good. You can claim it was all numbers. Ok, lets go with that. How come the VS couldn't beat him often? They had serveral outfits larger than TE. While VS pop might have been lower overall, those VS outfits still had more people online than TE did. But lets ignore that. VS pop overall was far larger than TE was, and everyone pretty much fought on Indar only, so almost the entire VS pop was there. How come they couldn't stop TE? Same things apply to the NC.

    If TE sucked and only won because of numbers, then why doesn't it work for AoD? They have far more numbers than TE ever did. Yet the VS defeated them easily, even way back then. They VS didn't seem to have any major problems handling GOON back then either, which was also larger than TE was. So the VS could handle the super larger zergfits no sweat, but the somewhat smaller TE was so much harder to handle.

    Of course, one could always say TE only won now and then, and that TR is blowing the TE legend out of proportion. Well anyone who thinks that way, search The Enclave in the forums here. For an outfit who success is so wildly overstated today, there is a surprisingly large number of threads and posts about them. About how TE was no fun to fight. Don't take my word for it. Look for yourselves. Threads are all still there. If you happen to read them, quite a few of them sound EXACTLY like this thread. TE is no fun to fight, we can't compete with them, they are ruining the game. In fact it got so bad, NC and VS formed ATRA (Anti TR Alliance) just to fight them. Course you could say this applied to the entire TR. Ok, so the VS and NC teamed up to wipe out a faction that only ever locked Indar 5-6 times, something that the VS at the time did every couple days or once a week? Sounds kinda funny to me.

    I won't defend Buzz, there IS NO defending Buzz. But TE as an outfit was the best on the server. But don't take my word for it. Search the forums here and find your own answers. For an outfit that was supposedly a crappy zergfit, they sure achieved much more than their reputation today hints at.