Why you no dart

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Leivve, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Problem Officer

    For support, max spotter and optionally switch to darts.
    Solo, whatever you prefer as long as you know how it works.
    IMO darts are better for offense (where you're going), spotter for defense (where you are).
  2. Tykune

    I dart all the time. Last I looked, I've shot around 11,000 darts since I started playing.
  3. Leivve

    You sir are credit to team. Better be the RIGHT team...
  4. Vaphell

    noob ;-)

    dart rank 6: 45k+
    dildar rank 5: 15k+
  5. blzbug

    I had the bug again where I couldn't equip my motion spotter, so I had to run darts for the remainder of an alert. OH GOD! The micromanagement! The numbers above make my head spin :p The spotter is fire and forget for 5 minutes. And it deploys fast (on flat ground...). No messing around with reloads. I acknowledge that there are aspects of the darts that are better. But they will take my spotter from my cold dead hands.

    Although, in truth, I am running LA for a bit to finish the LA and carbine directives. Having no spotter (and no dart) is really disappointing. I constantly get ambushed from sightlines that would simply not happen while running my map hack....err...spotter :)
  6. Vaphell

    yup, that's why i am running dildars full time too and the dart numbers shown are from before. Indeed it could easily turn into a full time job, eg trying to cover as much of amp station as possible.
    With darts I was running dry all the time (spamming from afar for people charging crucial spots tends to do that), and ammo packs were nowhere to be seen even in huge battles because that's the NC for you. It's rare to find yourself without spotters.
  7. Tykune

    Well, I am SORRY for strategicly placing mine and keeping some in reserve for when I need it.. scrub
  8. Tykune

    17.7k since my last post, and of course. Hard Mode TR all the way :)
  9. Jawarisin

    darts= can be shot at range. And with minimal experience, you can guess which way they are facing.
  10. Leivve

    Happened again. People use your darts. I sat on a cliff watching three infiltrators looking down their scope not throwing out their darts despite having ammo (thx to me). The whole time I think only one of them actually got a kill because we had pushed them inside the buildings.
  11. Problem Officer

    Keep dildars up when they're not up, never think 1-2 is enough, don't stack them when there are action areas left uncovered.
    Far over half the time I'm the only one scanning and it's very frustrating not being able to switch to a different class because the enemy would get intel monopoly.
  12. Moonheart

    A sniper using darts? You want even more people to ask them to be nerfed?
  13. Vaphell

    don't get your hopes up, because your average player at least in NC is a drooling idiot with blinders on who is 100% focused on the nearest enemy dorito.

    Yes, it is infuriating that in every other big battle i am literally literally the only infiltrator who drops a spotter and the defense that should be easy peasy is lost because there is always that one direction that is not covered by recon tools despite the fact there are assloads of infils around. the enemy gets to sneak a whole platoon of people on cap point uncontested, now have fun assaulting your own base against a fortified enemy. Y U NO FARM BUT PREFER TO BE FARMED!!!
  14. repairtool6

    Solution (almost serious):

    Dont give new infiltrators access to ANY weapons until they have collected like 5 recon-ribbons? No rifles, no sidearms.
    Like..so they are forced to use the tools properly before they even get to fire a single bullet.

    If they still enjoy the class - hey cool, we have a talent here!
    If not...goodbye, play something else! No one cares

    Might help a bit? :p
  15. Moonheart

    Why not... if you render the HA unable to use its overshield if it draws fire on an allied stalker, if you forbid the medic to heal if it doesn't have the patience for an infiltrator to decloak to heal it, if you forbid the engineer to use its tools if it doesn't climb the mountain on the regular basis to give ammo to snipers etc...

    Why should we penalized to not helping others, when most of time, others don't give a ******* damn about our existence?
  16. Leivve

    I think I know the what the problem is.
    1) lack of EXP to encourage use.
    2) Lack of darts, so low level players only have two, and i they DO want to actually use them they want to make sure they are useful.
    3) Darts expire to quickly. This is one of those iffy things; if you do 2 and give more darts by default then people don't want to keep switching to them every 10 seconds to fire another one. But if you make it to long then people will think they last TO long.

    Solution - Less assist for ribbons (reward good placement), carry more darts by default (5 level 1, 10 level 5), Darts have a slightly smaller detect range then they currently do, but last much longer, Sensor shield cost less energy to maintain, to encourage it's use and crouch walking causes you not to be detected at all, darts can be "spotted" like motion sensors can and you get same EXP for destroying them. Also increase their hit box; those things are stupidly hard to hit if you're not standing right next to it ADS.
  17. repairtool6

    I agree with much of this.

    The recondarts when at first level is so incredible bad compared to when you level it up to the last levels.
    The difference is just way way too big. Way bigger difference than the other classes from default to maxed tool. This is a part of the problem.

    PPL always recommend to MAX the medic-tool ASAP because it is SO GREAT at max level, but in truth...it is never that garbage at low/medium levels either. It is just *even better* when maxed. Same with repairtool.

    For DARTS the difference from default to maxed is just so incredible insane and new recruits dont get a taste of that so they dont understand that it PAYS OFF to max it.

    Im convinced they should tweak the upgrade/progression-path of the recontool so new players get a better feel for its potential when maxed out.
  18. Vaphell

    xp is good, even very good for something that is fire and forget, especially if you account for the fact that there is almost no secondary source of somewhat steady, predictable xp for infiltrators (hacking is a one off deal requiring very specific circumstances). The problem is you need 1780c to max the goddamned dart out, while at the same time for 500 or so you could get god tier cert printers for engineer or medic. ROI is not there for majority of people who are not hardcore infils.
    Other points are well... on point. Long story short, there is a chasm between the default and the actually usable levels and very few people are dedicated enough to jump over it. The default should be usable and the transition to awesomeness should be smoother.
  19. Leivve

    Same with the medic's shield regen. People think it's "ok" because they only level it to 2 or 3, but if you take the time to max it out you'll find it just flooding your screen with certs and ribbons. The bubble is huge at max and it restores shields so fast it's nonsense.
  20. I_am_the_kiwi

    I dart all the time i think i have close to 30k :D. I use them to see where i am going, not really a fan of the stationary tool.
