Seriously why do Infiltrators no use their darts, I was bombarding a tower in my Prowler and decided to give the five cloakers there some ammo. Now i got plenty of thank yous, which I much appreciate, but If you're sitting on a ammo box you should be going dart happy. even more so with a tower since the detection is a vertical cylinder not a sphere so one dart in the center will light up the whole tower.
It's easy to get tunnel vision. You forget to fire your darts because you're so focused on the next kill. One reason I prefer the motion spotter is that I can set it down when I get to an area and almost never worry about placing another one.
Motion Spotter > Darts. Motion Spotter shows which way the enemy is looking, Darts just make dots. When I see an infil with darts, it kind of makes me mad.. If you want to make just dots on the minimap, go pull a 100m radar flash with any class, you will be more useful, k thanks... If you want to be really useful infil, pull a radar flash as a stalker cloaker, and carry motion spotter. Put your flash in a good spot, hop off, place motion spotter, get on the back of flash, cloak, then go watch TV.
Darts are for snipers, Motion spotter is for everyone else. On top of that, darts don't have a limit, so if you're on a ammo box you can light up a entire base like it's x-mas come early.
Darts suck, even on an ammo box. A 100m stealth radar flash with a heavy sitting on the back seat is better. I park my stealth radar flash right on a point and sit on the back with my cyclone heavy... They don't even know the flash is there until they round the corner into my cyclone lol. Why would a sniper use darts? A motion spotter shows you the guy walking up to you, and which way he is looking... I just disagree with you completely I guess..
no, darts don't suck ... you can shoot them anywhere without running there. this makes them more usefull in almost any situation than motion spotter.
You can cover more area with darts, can be forward placed and while darts can be destroyed, most of the time they aren't, unlike the motion scanner that's guaranteed to be destroyed as soon as somebody sees it.
the darts are good if you see that a point gets taken but you want to know whats there BEFORE you are there. if you want to settle down a tracker you have to go over there, place it (outside of the struckture) and now every enemy in there knows exactly that you are pretty close to them. the tracker is easyer to find and destroy than the darts. the tracker gives more information but it is better to use in a protective way while the dart is more for the attacking faction.
Well, as a sniper, the darts let you do recon on the actual fight while you're safely perched 150m away. That said, I personally use the motion spotter as a sniper in order to better protect myself and any neighboring friendlies. It's true you could park a radar flash by the base instead of using darts, but that's not always practical, and if the flash is blown up (and it will get blown up very quickly in some types of fights), you've lost all that radar coverage.
Darts are better pretty much always. Spotter has its use sure, but in the end there is no contest. About the 'direction' thing: Assuming fairly high lvl dart you get enough pings to assert facing with very little quesswork. Only takes some experience Just my opinion
1- Because it's boring 2- Because it leave us unable to do anything else 3- Because it makes us killed quickly since we can't move or cloak or use our weapon when doing so 4- Because the xp we earn with it is pityful I was playing engineer before, and let me tell you: you have the best part with ammo boxes. Ammo boxes earn you a ton of xp, doesn't need you to switch weapon, last long and do no requiers you to stay around it to work. Darts are not like that. Covering a place with darts is a tedious and very unrewarding task.
5 seconds and you're back to the fight, clearly such unenjoyment to the game to help your team is way to much to ask. At higher ranks dart stay longer so you just fire them off real quick then go back to sniping. Darts don't tell you where their shooter is, and you can cloak while reloading so you just do what you already do as a sniper. All passive EXP is good, if you're not in the act of actually shooting a guy you should have your dart out, plus it'll help you find targets you didn't notice before.
My thoughts exactly. Regardless of whether you use the darts or the motion spotter, I agree as infiltrators we should help out our team and use them to the fullest extent. Information is power.
If you dart the building they know you are coming also.. I walk up to a building, put down a motion spotter, see what is in it and get to see how many are facing each door.. Pick which door we are going in, EMP the room a few times and let the heavies clear it, then place down motion spotter inside. Motion Spotter is one of my favorite additions to the game, it is like legit map hack for your minimap. Then again, when I play infil it is a CQC support role as a stalker with motion spotter and AI mines. I am there to provide radar, mine the doors, and to camp cloaked on the control point so no solo rambo can flip it. This is me playing infil:
I also like the motiontracker more than the darts. but there are situations when the darts are better especially when you are a stand allone stalker. But you described a group action and in the end exactly what i was trying to say. if you captured the point you and your group are in the defending position and thats where the tracker is absolutely better (he does even tell you how many maxes are coming). But both devices are usefull and they both have reasons to be used. And its interessting to see that there are still people who hide on top of the capture point. thats the fist location i start to shoot at when entering a room without any visible enemy and the point will not turn back to my faction. (And the commissioner with dark light is always my secondary)
A team? Which team? The first thing you must understand, is that us, infiltrators, almost never walk beside a team. Our class is not made to be efficient in large scale battles... if we play sniper, we are at 200m of the others. If we plays stalkers, we are most often BEHIND the enemy you are fightning... and if we play smg hunters, we're running everywhere without a stop. Most often, you won't drop an ammo box on us, because, just... we are not here. If you happen to see on of us, you can drop one.... but then, your odds are something like that: - 60% the infiltrator have the motion spotter equipped and not the darts - 30% the infiltrator do not have maxed the dart, so they wear off as soon he finish to cover the area, so this is no use to try unless he spams them with no stop without doing anything else for several minutes, which prevent him to both have fun and have decent xp (that's my case, here) - 9% the infiltrator has darts equipped AND maxed, but he readed already so much hateful post against infiltrator, and lack of any support for any suggestion to give us proper tools to be useful for a team, that he will just spit on your ammo box and do its stuff instead of helping people that will never never never lift a finger to help him - 1% the infiltrator has darts equipped and maxed, and is willing to help all those people that just ignore him 99% of the time.
My only issue with darts and motion sensors is when I see 5+ infiltrators in an area and not a single dart is pinging the map or motion sensor on the ground. Its like a medic who won't heal or revive or an Engineer who won't drop ammo. If you're not going to use the utility tools at your disposal, then just go play Heavy Assault. /endrant
I love darts. You can provide intel without being unnecessarily close. You also don't have to bother carefully setting up the spotter. Darts sticks anywhere and everywhere. You got a better coverage since darts are not limited to one at a time. In general, they are two different tools for different goals and different situations.