Why TR with lowest pop ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Merakov, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Merakov

    Give me a valid reason why TR have the lowest pop on most servers ?
    Is it the weapons, vehicles ? what ? why ?
    On my server (Woodman) Vanu are the ones who usualy control 1 of the continents and have considarable territory on the others ,also most often win alerts
    NC have a large pop and control at least half of 2 continents
    TR have the lowest pop (whenever im playing) rarely win alerts and Ive been playing for 3 months now and have seen TR control a whole continent three times..
    Srsly give me a valid reason why is this happening ?
  2. Jachim

    Why are you asking forum goers for this? What is the point of this thread?
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  3. JudgeNu

    You can answer this question yourself.

    What will you do if you always play with lowest pop?
    What do you think most people do?

    I have played another game that is a MMORPG
    It had 3 factions.
    It also had a persistent battlefield as well.
    Not on the scale of PS2, it had a large area set aside for faction based PvP in a persistent arena also with capturing facilities.

    The 3 factions were not separated by skills, they were all the same for each faction.
    They just had to be unlocked and "tweaked" by gear and such.

    The problem was somewhat the same.

    Capping the highest population just 10 players over the smallest population, in the PvP battlefield ofc.
    Then they switched it to the second highest population because the lowest had already lost significant numbers that they were nearly dead.

    Idk if that "kind" of action would work on PS2.
  4. Mekeji

    I'm on Waterson and TR, VS, and NC are all usually pretty close. However there are often times where the VS are about 20% while TR and NC have 40%. Also at times the NC have 40% when the other two have 30% and the TR have times where they have the 40%

    It just seems to be jumping around a lot lately. However during the WDS stuff the NC always had a massive pop advantage.
  5. whitupiggu

    Aesthetically and gameplay wise TR is a bland faction.
  6. Mekeji

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  7. SharpeShooter

    The TR is the faction that got "buffed" longest ago. Therefore, its the least popular. I 'm not saying the TR are UP or that the NC or the VS is OP, just that the TR as a faction has not been "buffed" for a good while, where as the VS and the NC have (The NC being the latest faction to get some love therefore, its the most popular).
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  8. sindz

    TR overpop on miller and has since beginning of the game.
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  9. whitupiggu

    You really can't name any weapons that are distinctly TR. Maybe the vulcan and chaingun but those are really just high rof weapons with a spin up.
  10. Paperlamp

    There are plenty of reasons ranging from ideology and aesthetics to frustratingly inaccurate and less diverse infantry guns, poor/dull empire specific weapons/abilities such as the striker and lockdown, a fairly pointless heavy weapon, vulcan that seems to be a downgrade to the basilisk, etc.

    They're doing a balance patch in april, many TR seem to be hoping/expecting some positive changes for them in it.
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  11. CallMeBob

    One could say the TR have been nerfed a lot to bring them closer in skill/reward to the other factions, and while many TR players got used to having the superior gear, many of them got frustrated by the newly formed balance and left the game or switched factions.

    I hardly think you can blame it on esthetics as much as having blend boring weapons.
    To fix the problem the TR will either need a buff (the easy way out for SoE) or a weapon redesign.

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  12. MurderBunneh

    Exactly this. And the fact that TR CQB dominance has been eaten away with introduction of Subs and Shotguns. Also the reduction of flinch.

    Striker needs a redesign could use a little bit in the LMG dept. But other then that they are fine they work just as good or better then the other guys guns. They react well to trigger discipline just like the other guys guns.

    Problem is got used to holding down LMB and winning without trying. At some point "winning is our tradition" turned into "winning is our faction perk".

    A lot of TR came crying for buffs after flinch was normalized. Think about that for a second.
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  13. Paperlamp

    This might have some chance of making sense, rather than just being a run of the mill irrelevant faction bias/slander comment, if they weren't staying on the other factions after they found out VS or NC aren't better off.

    But they seem to be staying, not coming back to their more certed TR characters. How odd, wonder why that is.
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  14. GoyoElGringo

    I don't know about aesthetically. Yeah, most of the guns are so generic, but I think their max and mosquito are awesome looking. And the soldiers are pretty cool looking too, or at least, compared to the NC(who just look like cheap action figures to me). For the guns, the only ones I think look good are the SABR-13 and the Armisitce. All the rest do nothing for me. But I wouldn't exactly laud the VS weapon aesthetic either, they have a pretty generic "sci-fi" theme if ever I saw one. Plus asking for batteries instead of ammo is just cheesy.
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  15. Littleman

    The MSW-R, TAR, TRV, and Trac 5 are about the only skill based weapons the TR have, and even those have some severe deviation in the angle of their pull per shot. The rest of them don't have a very high skill ceiling due to the nature of severe < + > recoil patterns, and thus they have no skill floor (just point and shoot and pray.)

    Basically, all TR weapons require a fore-grip to get any semblance of accuracy out of them. NC weaponry tends to be more consistent in their pull. The Carnage is the only one that replicates the TR's curse, but essentially removes it with the advanced fore-grip. As for the VS, the Orion is in the same boat as TR weaponry: needs a fore-grip. This only makes it tolerable... like TR weapons. But hey, 750 RPM weapon LMG with .75x ADS movement modifier... That's fair.
  16. CallMeBob

    I was projecting from my experience.
    because of the recent nerfs, i stopped playing my TR alt and made an NC alt instead.
    I enjoyed playing my TR while it was OP but now the faction seems lacking, many of the weapons are too similar and it's easy to get bored.
  17. DevDevBooday

    Mostly because TR has very bland and similar weaponry and have been nerfed quite hard in the past few updates with little to no buffs.

    Striker is now useless = less pop
    Vulcan is now useless = less pop
    Marauder is now useless = less pop
    Lockdown is STILL useless = less pop

    Our faction specific gear, the reason why you should be TR isnt very enticing over the other empires gear.
    We are quite a boring faction with some broken weaponry.
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  18. EliteEskimo

    That's basically the story of TR. We had strong weapons, and some of them were OP, but that's what was helping keep the people from noticing the underlying issues that the TR don't have a lot of work put into them to make them interesting. How to fix TR in a nut shell

    1. The guns sound weak and need a sound overhaul for almost every one except the MCG. Something like the following would help a lot.

    2. revamp the abilities on weapons like the Striker, nothing says boring like giving a faction weapon an ability that everyone already has. Or a weapon which any faction can imitate with a better performing N.S version A.K.A Striker, Marauder, Vulcan.

    3. Change the abilities to make them fun. Whoever thought taking one of the most disliked abilities in PS1, Lock down, and then bringing it back for the Max and then taking it one step further by putting it on our MBT I highly doubt played PS1. Specifically giving an immobile ability to the Shoot Fast and Go Fast doesn't make sense. Some people like being mobile turrets or mobile artillery, others want to have an ability that lets them push up with the rest of their team offensively and move around. Accommodating both types of players needs to happen.

    4. Take a good look at the guns the TR have. There is significant lack of weapon variety, and the weapon traits are messed up. The traits should be high rof and low bullet damage, and not shoot a lot but miss a lot. Take away the side to side uncompensatable recoil on the guns which revolve around spray and pray rather than aiming, or at least give us advanced forward grip and compensators for all our guns since we're a professional military. There should be less weapon overlap like between the Jaguar and the Lynx.

    5. The TR weapons were originally designed to be powerful because while the least accurate weapons, the old flinch system made up for this. This Flinch system was taken away, and while our guns were specialized around CQC in the beginning that trait quickly became universal with the introduction of shotguns/smgs and the removal of flinch. We need some more weapons that can compete at medium range, and the watered down version of the Gauss Saw (Tmg-50) isn't cutting the mustard from what I've heard lately.

    April will definitely be the developer's chance to try to fix these issues. I don't seem them doing something really cool like giving us an Overdrive ability to replace the crappy lock down, but hopefully they at least rebalance the weapons nicely and make our currently crappy/situational abilities less situational.
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  19. vanu123

    Well ZOE in its earliest form was our last good thing and that was over 7 months ago. It will be the NCs turn next and will most likely get their shield taken away.
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  20. Silvermyst

    That's pretty true. I think a lot of people dropped TR after the Striker fiasco. First it was ultra-OP and definitely the flavor of the week, (TR pop soared for a while there) and next thing you know it's basically garbage and the TR population plummeted.
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