Why TR is the worst faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fellgnome, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    You can't have everything though.

    NC high DPBullet weapons tend to be longer range weapons and not so good in close.

    TR high RoF (and high mag) weapons tend to be slanted towards CQB.

    But the TR have access to low RoF weapons in pretty much the same ratio at the NC have access to high RoF ones.

    You couldn't really make a 143/750 weapon that was "long range only", because it would be (no matter what you did) deadly at CQB too, although it is easier to make a high DPbullet weapon that is CQB only 200/585 as you can just give it very high drop off.

    So in the context of TR, yes they lack a bit in longer range (a bit - they do have options though), but then conversely it is no more than the NC lack in CQB options really.

    It is (rather unsurprisingly) pretty balanced - which is shown in statistical competitiveness, no where is the TR really behind (at least no more than it is ahead elsewhere in small arms).

    Er.... I don't get your "the PPA wasn't problem when the Striker 1.0 and Fracture 1.0 were ridculously overpowered" arguement.

    They perhaps weren't, but that was only because the Striker 1.0 and Fracture 1.0 were BIGGER problems and not remotely balanced.

    The Strike 2.0 actually performed pretty reasonably compared to the Lancer and Phoenix, it just compared badly to the Striker 1.0 (which ruled the Air and Ground in any 20+ engagment). The Fracture may well be a bit weak currently, but it was ridculously strong pre-nerf, both AV and AI-wise and even AA! :eek: That was never going to last either.
  2. Ztiller

    All those times the no-drop on my Beamer have saved me.

    At least our Snipers and MBT have the no-drop where it truly matters...oh wait. We don't...

    Every time i hear a TR/NC say that no-drop is OP/Easy mode, they just completely lose all credibility.
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  3. Axehilt

    Having played all factions quite a lot, I still consider TR's arsenal the strongest overall. Mostly because I understand the true value of ESAV (not much) and having a good tank (very important) and magazine size (very important.)

    Also the Hailstorm accuracy comments keep being made, yet it has the same exact CoF traits (literally exactly the same) as any other SMG. And if you're using an SMG at a range where recoil is a factor, you're probably not using an SMG very well. I see basically the same stats with the Hailstorm as any other SMG.
  4. bubbacon

    The Anchor, GD-7F, Blitz, Carnage, and Jackhammer would disagree. Not only competitive, but among the best.
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  5. bubbacon

    And now we have huge problems with ranged weapons that have no counter measures. ESRL's aside, the Nerf to AV Turrets really put infantry in a bad position.
  6. NoctD

    Lockdown is just a bad ability the way it is - its either too good in the few situations it might shine at, or too bad the rest of the time - TR lockdown/anchor is just a death wish waiting to happen. Fractures with lockdown is fine, but rather lackluster when you can't afford to lockdown (and a MAX is dead to 2 tank shells so lockdown is truly a death wish).

    To me, both the Prowler anchor and TR MAX lockdown should be redesigned somewhat along the lines of the ZOE (although the ZOE was nerfed outright, and is really in need of a buff too). Make both anchor and lockdown a time activated ability for short bursts of extra firepower, and in return remove the negativity of the slow unanchor/unlockdown actions. One should be able to toggle it off and regain mobility without having to wait, but you of course lose the firepower bonus and have to wait on your cool down to finish before you can use it again.

    Its a tradeoff because you can't keep your firepower up all the time like you can today with anchor/lockdown, but actually means you can use these abilities without dying all the time as you remain stuck like a rock unable to react to the enemy. Plus it addresses the issue that the original ZOE had, having unlimited firepower and immediate toggle of ability would make any ability OP.
  7. Goretzu

    Using the Pounder shows you what ranges it is effective at, it is highly effective from pretty close range out to certainly what would be deemed long Carbine range and really with anyone that is competent with it out to long LMG range.

    Past that range nothing is massively effective at AI outside of vehicles.

    But then the Pounders influence is AI (and some AV and AMAX) in situations where you can't get vehicles which means its range is absolutely perfect for AI work of that sort.

    The Raven certainly (as is the Fracture), but then it's no where near as good at close, medium or the beginnings of Long range.
    The Raven is only basically better than the Pounder at ranges where there Pounder doesn't work well, so any indoor fight or even base fight is likely to favour the Pounder (or Falcon) over the Raven.

    The Falcon really isn't too much different to the Pounder, slightly easier to aim, but less splash and no mag - which basically shows in the stats.

    Where you claim the 125 damage teir is meaningless, it only exists to give the TR its factional highest RoF, which as I said has to be the case because a 143/900 RoF weapon IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
    When you're talking about the 200 bullet damage weapons, that is why they DON'T have a high RoF, in fact they have a very low RoF (500).
    I suppose you could have a 125/500 weapon...... but I've no idea why as it would be utter pants. :confused:

    The Lynx 1.0 was fine and performed well, but I completely disagree that the Lynx 2.0 isn't working, it is competing perfectly well with the GD-7F and Serpent (arguably even outcompeting) AND is factionally the highest RoF Carbine.

    Having the same AV as the Pheonix probably does though (they Phoenix was better at AI, the Striker 2.0 at AA, at AV they were very, very similar in performance).

    Again the Striker 2.0 wasn't a bad weapon comparatively (or at least if it was the Pheonix is too), it just didn't have a lot on the Annihilator (but that's not the same thing).

    You can't have everything (although this would indeed seem to be the TRs biggest and indeed only complaint) - the Prowler is a very, very good MBT, it already has surviablity in the context of mobility and speed, give it Vanguard durability too and it is just a plain out and out MUCH BETTER MBT.

    It's not like the Prowler can somehow only "farm" whilst being generally terrible, it is in fact very strong in many ways.... again just not ALL WAYS!

    Of all the MBTs it is the one least needing any buff (except possibly to secondaries - but even there it is actually doing well with somewhat weak secondaries! :eek: So a buff is going to have issues unless they nerf the tank in other ways).

    Indeed and the only one of those the Carv is comparable to is the EM6 which is is performing perfectly well compared to it. :confused:

    So the Carv isn't "weak" unless the EM6 is also "weak" - and I wouldn't say it is at all, both are fine weapons.

    I wouldn't argue that the NC6 SAW was a competitor weapon, but in Q4 KPU you're talking about the Carv vs fully and properly upgraded NC6 SAWs and people that know what they are doing, not newbies. :confused:

    And again the Carv is perfectly competitive with the EM6, its actual competitor gun - both are below the SVA-88, but that's another kettle of fish.
  8. K2k4

    I appreciate op's constructive feedback. The TR arsenal has many middle of the road weapons. I think the problem is that while we have a couple of weapons which have higher RPM than any others its hardly any different from a weapon which has less RPM from the VS or NC since our weapons are balanced by damage per shot on top of the fire rate.

    The other problem are the extreme limitations on our es secondary or harasser weapons. I get that the Vulcan was dominating when the harasser was much tougher but the thing has such a short effective range now that only the most dedicated harasser drivers still have it equipped.. And nobody uses the marauder since it's suicide against any vehicles now.
  9. Goretzu

    As are the Lynx, Jag, Trac 5, T5 AMC, Cougar, Carv, T32 Bull (suprisingly) Hailstorm, Armistice, Pounder, TORQ-9 etc. etc. :confused:

    Again balanced not weakest.

    So does the NC.
  10. TheRunDown

    I play AllSide, and I prefer TR.. Best Weapons but most BS weapons and abilties..

    ZoE makes Anchor makes redundant..
    Anchor mode is useless, unless you happen to stumble on that one very rear time you can kill about 20 Tanks before they know what's hit them.. other than that it just gets you kill by C4 or the far superior Second Weapons of the VS and NC + AP rounds..

    Vanilla Prowler is USELESS, all Prowler main weapons are nerfed to reflect Anchor mode, Anchor mode is balanced to Vanilla NC and VS Tanks... so a Vanilla Prowler only does 50% of all other faction weapon.. Splash damage is Nerf, Splash Radius is almost not existent.. all other empires take 1 or 2 hits to kill with HE.. Prowler takes 2 Direct, 3/4 Indirect.. (The double barrel I guess..)

    Most Prowlers roll with Fire Suppression, but since the G30 can hit a barn.. the Prowler greatly under perform as a front line tank.. out MBTs are always camping.. while all other MBTs are happily pushing the front lines...

    Because of our weak MBT weapon, it's easier to Zerg that reline on a Tank, and that's why TR are Zergers..

    Don't believe me, compare the damage stats from prowler AP to Mag/Van AP.. it does nothing in comparison..

    It's a very frustrating empire to play, but I believe it's probably the Faction that gets the most thought out ideas and discussion with the Devs.. I believe we are the most balanced empire, but we do have 2 silly weapons at the moment, and the Striker is slowly doing something... I say something as it was once Good, but since it's never been usable.. and now it's kinda usable now, but still lacks something, and adding something will break it.. so I don't know where it's heading in it's next patch.
  11. Hatesphere

    thats because they dont seem to realize that its useless for anything but extreme range or with a silencer. the drop on most weapons in this game in the standard engagement ranges is minimal.

    things that bullet drop actually helps with that really isn't OP:

    battle rifle
    semi auto sniper (barely)
    anything with a silencer
  12. SkyEstaLimit

    TR or G.T.F.O.

    I don't care if the Prowler can't move.
    I don't care if the Carv kicks left and right.
    I don't care if our guns stats aren't optimal.
    I don't care if the Magrider cant strafe.
    I don't care if the Vanguard got the IWin shield.
    I don't care if the Striker blows.
    I don't care if the default VS camo is OP.

  13. FocusLight

    Welcome to the suffering Olympics, where only the ones who had it worse than everyone else, no matter how long ago that was, get to complain about anything today. Everyone else need to stay quiet, because claiming suffering of any kinds today offends the delicate feelings of the life-time "winner" of the Olympics.


    Now stop whining about anything in this game people, folks are dying to the rampages of Ebola-chan in Africa as we speak.

    Freakin' 1st world problem scrubs, don't know their place.
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  14. pnkdth

    TR hard mode? You guys are adorable.
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  15. InvitroCanibal

    Though I agree with you, most people do play another faction. I like TR though because I feel like they are the most tactical based factions around. I just wish some things were improved, like our max and vulcan. I really wish they'd give us better range over ROF and accuracy most of all. Damage and bullet RPM doesn't matter to me if you can't hit anything because your velocity is awful.
  16. Fleech

    honestly no debate here. after this baffling striker nerf the TR have essentially no anti-magrider weapons. i have no difficulty dodging any kind of dumbfired object at pretty much any range. so the only AV threat present against magriders used by the TR right now are the standard lockon launcher, mana turrets and prowlers in groups more than 2.

    i feel for you TR.

    i actually go out of my way to engage NC at this point because they're more of a challenge. i can't think of a single TR weapon that i find OP, annoying or even threatening.

    besides the repeater, lol.
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  17. Fleech

    because they can't deal with magriders. my cert gain has doubled in TR fights since the striker nerf.

    if A2G is not an issue, nothing TR has right now can present a reliable threat to my magrider.
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  18. Fellgnome

    ESAV is important. Air support is unreliable/base dependent. If you can barely hit the tanks, you can't stop the tank column. And with lattice lines the way they are, huge tank zergs that need to be cut down with infantry AV are a big part of the meta.

    I've seen a TR tank zerg against NC - Raven and Phoenix pretty much stops us cold at many bases. TR have nothing that can do that to NC, and no AV that can hit VS very well. We're the easiest faction to surround with tanks by far. I see way more NC and VS AV MAX/ESRL projectiles flying around than TR at any vehicle heavy fight, because their AV is actually functional at long ranges. TR AV is pretty much limited to destroying vehicles that overextend into dumb fire/pounder ranges.

    As for the Hailstorm, the problem is it doesn't have the DPS for it to be a CQC spray and pray SMG - it's just barely about the MKV. It either needs to be more accurate, or it needs to lose the 45 RoF disadvantage.

    And I do use SMGs at ADS ranges where recoil matters. Versatility in engagement range is nice to have, sometimes you don't get to pick your optimal range. VS and especially NC's first gen SMGs cover versatility a little more, while the Armistice is limited to the same ranges as the Hailstorm for the most part. TR have one weak spray and pray SMG, and one shotgun range CQC SMG. NC have a first gen SMG with about the same TTK but nearing NS-7 PDW accuracy. Eridani has that extended maximum damage range - although it could still use better accuracy it's got longer effective range than the Armistice.
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  19. DatVanuMan

    Traitor! Why do you praise Malorn? Are you not VS?
  20. Flag

    If I may be so bold as to suggest something.

    Harassers. With AV on top.