Why this hate against air?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Amnoon, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Amnoon

    Hi guys. I use to play infantry the major amount of time and personally there is just some few moments that air become really annoying and this use to be more due to a successful zerging that air profits than the air power. If the battle is equaled the air will not be able to fly across the enemies more tha a minute. I personally find more annoying the tank camps or the tank zerging. It's more hard to counter (and personally I really don't what any change about this, this game is like a war and there are tanks in war, complaining about this is like complaining because bullets can kill you). A max and a guy with a lock-on can clear the air without help if the battle is ok, try to deal with tanks with this. So why so much hate against air?

    Save your: "cry more libis" because you can check my profile to see than i am not a lib player, just an non cryer infantry soldier.
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  2. FieldMarshall

    I think the hate comes from the fact that air can swoop in and kill you before you can do anything.
    Same goes for camping tanks ofc, but you can somewhat fight back. Air just runs away.

    In general, i think people hate dying to something they cant prevent/react to.
    Hence, the shotgun hate when they first came out, sniper OHK hate, Liberator hate, lolpod hate, RL primary hate, etc.
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  3. vsae

    People get too zealous when they get killed. They want to avenge. But aircraft simply flies away and they get full of frustration, slamming their keyboards, cursing in german. Then the aircraft returns and kills them again, which make same people log off in hate, or other things I wont mention.

    The problem is that people cant understand that some things in this game cant be soloed, or are rather difficult to solo. But they refuse to understand that and come to forums to whine.
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  4. Amnoon

    But as HA when I shoot tanks i feel the same when one hides behind a hill to repair himself than when i shoot to air and they run away.
  5. Gemenai

    Just as vsae said it´s kinda frustrating if those flying bastards just flee away before you can do anything.
    It´s even more frustrating if those idiots around you yell in the chat to destroy the air or do nothing instead of shut up and take out trusty lock-on.

    Why german ? :eek:
  6. Bortasz

    Because I'm ****** pilot, and until some other Pilot will shut me down I can get 14 Kill strike in matter of minutes with easy.

    Lockons shut down me, only when I get to much greedy.
  7. vsae

    Because cursing in german gives you +10 to being awesome.
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  8. Amnoon

    Beacuse of the angry german boy meme. XD
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  9. Amnoon

    Been good as something should not be the reason to nerf it. XD
  10. FieldMarshall

    Yes, thats why people hate tanks aswell (i suppose). Though sometimes you are close enough to just flank around the tank and finish it off. And sometimes they cant get away in time. Plus, you always know where it is once its retreated.
    Unlike air, that you only rarely get to kill (compared to tanks)
    I think thats why air gets more hate than tanks.

    When a tank runs away, its "behind that rock over there".
    When air runs away, its 2 hexes away, and comes back to swoop in on someone, "somewhere"
    I dunno, thats my idea on why air gets so much hate.
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  11. Bortasz

    That's the point. I cannot win with any other Pilot. I can fly from point A to point without dying, but I will not win with other pilots without Tomcats ore coyoties. But give me a banshee+Thermal and I can get to even 30 kill strike.
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  12. Athanasios2104

    Imho this is right on spot.

    Sure it feels bad to be killed 10 times in the row by the same guy who's flying hundreds of meters over your head, but an infantry-only type of player has to understand that he put time & effort to gain this skill.

    My main complaint is that SOE tries to satisfy the majority of the players (obviously and i understand them), resulting in a continuous nerf of air after the game went from beta to live. I'm not only refering to the number of ways given to infantry to counter air, but also the air power itself; i might be mistaken, but not a single stat was left un-nerfed (dps, rpm, radius etc).
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  13. vsae

    Not only cant those people understand what I said above, but lot of em dumb enough to die REPEATEDLY while trying to kill you in some ineffective solo way. They come to forums afterwards and moan, that is op, this is op, I WANT MY INFANTRY FIGHTS UNINTERUPTED!!!1111
  14. Bortasz

    So as long I'm in the ESF i can solo the entire squad of people, but to take me out require specialist equipment + teamwork.

    Seems legit.
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  15. Rikkit

    At leat, if a tank really pisses me off, i can sneak up to it, and assasinate it (stealth-flash + c4, or ESF with ejektion seat....)

    if a plane pisses me off, i can't do annything meaninfull to it, on my own. I have to get some mates to pull AA

    So for solo players it is hard to get rid of planes, but easy to kill tanks.
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  16. vsae

    You forget that you can do the same in a max suit if you're pro enough. The only difference is that you have significantly LESS mobility.
    PS: you can do that as LA for that matter.
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  17. M4gn1

    Hornets got buffed last patch ^
    Or we're they more powerful back then?
  18. SharpeShooter

    if you're pro enough lol? It takes no skill to own people in a max just like it takes no skill to farm infantry in an ESF. I do both and enjoy doing it, but it takes VERY LITTLE skill to do these things!
  19. Athanasios2104

    Seems legit because you don't spend 250 resources for your rocket launcher and ammo box to indefinitely resupply you.
    Seems legit because no infantry alone can stand up against a tank or jet.
    Seems legit because if that squad of people has basic logic, they won't go out in the open without basic AA counter measure.

    lock-ons, AA turrets, burster MAXes, skyguard, AA secondaries on sundies, tanks, harassers with hundreds of rounds
    lolpods and slow-as-snail hornets

    let alone that you can swap equipment in a second free-of-charge, while i have a timer + resource cost
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  20. vsae

    You completely misunderstood me. If I'd talk strictily about "skill" dependent aspect of this game, I would name only a few. The aim and positioning, which applies to both infantry and vehicles. But I used it in more general way, as of skill=expertise with the game, because using it in strict term as of skill=talent, too few people would really posses it.