Why the nerf to bulldogs on sunderers ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyMike, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. CrazyMike

    Did somebody shoot down too many c4 fairies ? Oh wait... somebody shot down an ESF with a bulldog. That's called skill. Why are you sitting still enough to be shot down with a bulldog anyway ? You are a bad pilot.

    The bulldog is crap now. I use the fury instead. It has a higher rate of fire and can land two direct hits way faster than a bulldog. All you have done is make a slower and dumber fury with less velocity and not enough splash damage to really matter.
  2. Iridar51

  3. Shockwave44

    Because it was too good at both AI and AV.
  4. Kcalehc

    Possibly because some outfits used multiple dual bulldog sunderers, in a very aggressive manner, charging and killing enemy tanks and groups of infantry and then escaping afterwards. Which was a very effective tactic in mid sized engagements.
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  5. KenDelta

    Bulldog sundys are too good at cleaning big facility outposts. REALLY good.
  6. Oberlion

    was they nerfed with last patch?!
  7. Mastermind

    If they keep nerfing things that are only good because of good team work they need to BUFF SOMETHING FOR PLAYERS THAT LIKE TO SOLO SO THE GAME ISN'T SO BORING
  8. Iridar51

    Easy there farmer boy, or I might enjoy your nerf tears a bit too much.
  9. lothbrook

    SOE really to realize that the only weapon a sundy should be allowed to have 2 of is basilisks, one of the turrets should be dedicated to AI/AV (what little av they allow on sundys) and the other to AA, this is the only way these weapons can ever become viable on their own, otherwise they become ******edly strong on Sunderers.

    Basically imagine 2 of any ES AV weapon on a sundy, lol, but these weapons are fine as is due to them being locked to vehicles that can only have 1 of them.
  10. Stigma

    Personally I think that bulldogs are still really good. Furys can potentially kill people faster yes (but so can a kobalt), but the bulldogs can clear entire areas with the large splash. The main difference now is that you need 3 sloppy splash-shots now to kill most soft targets rather than 2, but it's hardly inefficient. A battle sundy backing into battle with double bulldogs is an anti-infantry behemoth at a pittance of a cost and doesn't generally back down to anything except 2/2 MBTs with AP.

    That said it was the air versions of the bulldogs that needed the nerf most. I didn't think the old ground bulldogs were super OP or anything. The air versions got somewhat of a reduction in projectile speed though. I don't think that applied to the ground versions.

  11. Hairspray

    Bulldog was and is a powerful weapon, I love running a battle sundy and killing everything. The nerf to damage sucks but fine I killed to many people I guess. However the stealth nerf to the ammo is a pain in the ***. Now it takes upto 3x the shots to kill with splash and I have 1/2 the ammo. That was a true stealth nerf bat to the head. So I state for the record :p SOE and again I :p in your general direction.
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  12. No_STG

    Nerf tactics and teamwork then...?
  13. Razzyman

    Finally someone gets it! Teamwork OP! Nerf teamwork!
  14. minhalexus

    It's still pretty good, I use it everyday.