Why The Crown should die, and why it could be the coolest thing to happen in our lore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 9thPower, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Olek

    While I'm looking forward to the Hex system, I do worry that factions may find themselves getting DP'ed more often, will it become a game of the 3 zergs?
  2. Alkasirn

    Yeah we can all agree the Crown is an abnormality as it currently stands. :D The thing is the Crown is extremely defensible. Turrets all over the place, every single infantry defending the Crown just loves to throw grenades down the hill, etc. I imagine the Crown would just be more of the same if more people were there (maybe there would be even less people there! I swear 30-40% of SolTech's population was always at the Crown at all times of the day...), as in the attackers wouldn't get any noticeable advantage. I guess we won't know with 100% certainty until the "hextice" system is out.
  3. 9thPower

    Well I would certainly be cool with some minor nerfs to the base. I would still prefer to see it a giant blackened crater though.
  4. Fligsnurt

    What about instead of a slow damage while in the crater you could have:
    All vehicles lose half their functionality while in the crater from EMP residue. (1/2 movement speed, x2 reload speed, Damage not effected)
    Infantry lose all shields while in the crater from EMP residue. (shields drain to zero over the course of 30 seconds, they do not regenerate.)

    And also, agreed we could use some more lore for planetside 2.
  5. 9thPower

    Honestly I am fine with just about whatever as long as The Crown becomes a wasteland.
  6. Imposer

    When orbital strikes come out Higby can come on and use it on the Crown reducing it to a smoking crater and rendering the area inhospitable due to the radiation that was caused by the out of tune orbital strike. Right after a hot fix would come out to calibrate the orbital strike.
  7. Kracken

    The Crown....

    Steal My Sig!!!
  8. Fernbhoy

    just tell the brass there's a bfr in there, that'll soon get it nuked
  9. NovaAustralis

  10. TomaHawk

    I can't say I agree with this off the bat. Consider I am only on Connery, so the player "personality" is limited to my server, but I can count on one hand the times I've been at the Crown, defending, and seen organized attempts by the other side to take it. True, it seems only when hit by a zerg, or numbers in far excess of defenders, it gets taken, but that can be said of any other base, the Crown or not.

    My point is I've rarely seen organized assaults. People treat the Crown like it's any other base; just saturate it with shells and inch your way in until you begin taking caps. But since the Crown is geographically different, that mundane strategy doesn't work. The defenders have the higher ground, but attackers have 3 potential ways in from what I can tell; the air, the rear, the front. Some would even argue the side opposite TI Alloys is another way in.

    But I imagine there have been capable commanders that have tried and tried to take the crown to no avail. Perhaps some succeeded? I can't imagine there isn't an attack approach available to Commanders to take a defended Crown. Perhaps my opinion is based on the fact if I get bored in one area, I'll just leave and find something else to do. A Crown that isn't being attacked won't find itself with a horde of defenders for long, so the attackers have more control here than people assume?

    I dunno, I like the Crown, for one thing, it's unique. It's not a direct copy and paste job every other bases seems to be about.
  11. Nalothisal

    Plus I (don't know about others in PS2) can't seem to strafe worth for **** in this game.
  12. NightmareP69

    Bio labs
  13. Vapid

    Bio labs are easier to defend than the Crown. Well, except Suarva.