Why The Crown should die, and why it could be the coolest thing to happen in our lore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 9thPower, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Wobberjockey

    it's a tumor for EVERY faction on waterson
  2. 9thPower

    Whoa buddy, you got it all wrong. I am not trying to zerg anything. When they make the coming hex changes, we are all going to be fighting in massive battles because the number of adjacent territories you can cap from is going to go from an average of 6 down to 3. This is going to make The Crown wholly irrelevant to begin with. I do find your blatant assumptions throughout your entire response pretty silly though.
  3. Cowabunga

    I hate the crown, it's sucking the life out of this game.
  4. TomaHawk

    I don't get all the bellyaching about the Crown. I've had nothing but fun whether my side owns it or not.
  5. Riftmaker

    "Fun" is used so loosely nowadays. Just look at the crown and around it and see what it's doing to the game. It takes so much manpower to capture that it basically leaves the whole continent empty. I guess people that like ghost capping or small fights won't mind but from what i remember that's not what they advertised with PS 2.

    It's true that the lattice system might fix the issue but it's not enough. It needs to be flattened! I'll melee the main tower for a whole week if that's what it takes to get it out of the game.
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  6. Cymoril

    Bio Labs are the same as the Crown. The only difference is when one side loses drastically they quit and go to another continent and ghost cap and cry in /orders /command chat the rest of the day. The VS on Helios are only good at ghost capping at the moment. They only believe in this and hiding on other continents...ghost capping. I see more of a trend there. Take away the awards for ghost capping morons and leave people that enjoy defending places alone. DPSO is one of the biggest outfits on Helios, pre merge- yet they always seem to NEED the pubs to follow the semi-afk train. When you didnt -they become douchebags in /orders/command chat. Take your 500+ outfit and do what you think is fun and leave the rest of us alone.I dont care about resource management, I dont care about everything you stand for.. I PAY to PLAY the way I want. When its not happening I switch servers. When thats not happening I do something else. See the trend ? Ghost capping, resource management is boring to me. You enjoy it- go do it but count me out.
  7. Draxo

    "We are implementing CoD accuracy implants for only 100SC per hour. The zone for giving you headshots has been extended to three meter's around the enemies head in all directions. Now you can feel 'awesome and skilled' by spinning around like a gibbering money and pulling your trigger while aiming at a bush off to one side of your opponent for headshots since you seem to think it is awesome."
  8. Selerox

    I'll just quote myself, as I can't be bothered to type it all out again:

    I'm just hoping that a catastrophic earthquake/artillery barrage/orbital bombardment will finally collapse that entire, blood-soaked, tear-stained, hope-destroying spire of rock into nothing but rubble and memories...
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  9. 9thPower

    Why do you assume I want to ghost cap? I am not trying to take any fights away, and with the new hex system the Crown is going to be dead anyways. This hex system is also going to make ghost capping almost impossible. It is going to funnel us into major fights all the time.
  10. Cymoril

    The majority of the whiners that hate the pubs at the crown (or smaller outfits) cry about it the most while ghost capping on another continent. Your message read that way. If it becomes a major fight like a bio lab x2 then I will be there enjoying myself. Until then, I will defend areas that I enjoy. Bio Labs, Crossroads, Crown, Ti Alloys.
  11. 9thPower

    I don't enjoy ghost capping, I want a fight. With the new hex system, destroying The Crown only makes perfect sense since it will never have the same activity it has now.
  12. joe smo

    hm, how about all three fractions decided that this battle would be the one they would test their respective, ATM, experimental orbital strike technology? In place of only one fraction?
  13. 9thPower

    I am fine with that as long as The Crown becomes The Dead Crown. Although I think letting the TR be the ones to do it seems a bit cooler because they could have been on the losing end of the fight and decided to just glass the entire area killing their own people along with the enemies. It certainly fits their faction as well. Either way, just nuke the Crown please.
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  14. The Milk Man

    I feel like the Crown destruction should be some kind of event that occurs, but isn't permanent? Eh idk..
    Ooo btw, wouldn't it be awesome if when the holidays like Halloween or Christmas come around, they decide to decorate all the bases with decorations =o?
  15. Acceleratio

    Said it before and i shall say it again. The crown is the operation metro of planetside2.
    I hate it with all my heart. Cant wait for the day Indar will be locked an peopl will realize that there are other continenty in this game. I know adapting is hard but fights on Esamir can be SO MUCH FUN if people actualy bother to participate.
  16. notyourbuddy

    No The Crown needs more three way. He who holds the crown gets +20% xp gain rate in all territories! :eek:
  17. 9thPower

    I am not sure how they could do it in the game temporarily. So it would probably have to be permanent.
  18. Robes

    Again, your assuming people are going to be playing your game of conquest when theres no point to it instead of picking the center-most area and holding there and fighting. The new hex system WOULD help if people were interested in conquest, but as you can tell from the majority just shooting each other at the crown right now with no interest in actually trying to capture it, they won't, it'll just be a different tile on the map people hold up at. Now if the new hex system actually adds in a reason to try to capture the map, that would probably change.
  19. disky00

    As much as I dislike what The Crown does for the game, it sucks people in because it really is a fun place to fight. The best thing to do, and obviously it is also the more difficult thing to do, would be to take a serious look at The Crown, find out what makes people want to fight over it so much, and then apply those principles to the whole continent.

    I don't personally have a problem with changing it completely because I rarely fight there myself, but if it is changed, it should be changed in such a way that it is still every bit as fun to fight over.
  20. 9Ceka