Why The Crown should die, and why it could be the coolest thing to happen in our lore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 9thPower, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Riftmaker

    Rabble rabble rabble!
    Oh right,not a riot,might as well put my pitchfork and my torch aside. And a big YES on taking down the crown. Destroy it. No,wait,RAVAGE IT! Make it so that nobody will even be able to recognize what it used to be. And demote who made it,then fire him,hire him back and then fire him again.
    That place ruined so many good fights that could have happened that it's just beyond words at this point. I'm sick of Crown/TI/Allatum and Hydroponics(IF i'm lucky) fights. And to all the "why don't you go somewhere else bla bla bla "guys,i would go somewhere else if i could find a fight somewhere else. I don't play PS 2 to ghostcapp. This game said it had huge,epic battles. I want just that.
  2. Riftmaker

    You have so little knowledge of what is happening that you went beyond sad and it became funny again,good stuff. People fight at the crown so much because it's so hard to get. IT'S BROKEN. It takes way too many attackers to get. If it gets a few platoons defending it,it can get to the point where an entire enemy empire has to come to try to break it. That should never happen.
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  3. drNovikov

    People love the Crown, they fight there and have fun there. Stop trying to take away their fun. They don't want to play with your zerg, they are happy at the crown. Leave them alone.
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  4. Riftmaker

    Screw the crown and everything it stands for ! Even though i'm completely against Orbital strikes i want them in the game now just so everyone could spam the crown with it and make a real crater in it's place.
    Yes,i'm that mad. Just logged out of the game because of it. Not to mention the fact that the empire that holds the crown loses everything else. It's game breaking and the fact that it didn't get nerfed/destroyed just boggles my mind
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  5. fish998

    Well, it will solve the specific problem of a faction losing the whole map while defending the Crown. No one is claiming it will fix other problems.
  6. Robes

    Sooo ******* dumb.

    Actually i think i was just trolled.
  7. FigM

    I been playing for months and the platoons I join have very few fights at the Crown. And when we do fight there, for defense or offense, it doesn't take all day. So I see no real problem here. If some noobs choose to spend all their time on the Crown, what's it to you? Majority of players still fighting elsewhere
  8. 9thPower

    Those other bases will not be as easily to defend as The Crown. It is already going to be more of an afterthought than anything else with the new hex system. We are going to have even bigger fights with this new system because there will be certain routes you have to go. More people at less bases making for bigger fights. You clearly have no idea what I was even suggesting, because I am certainly not taking a fight away from anyone.
  9. Riftmaker

    I don't even care if there are fights in other places or if the crown issue will get fixed once the lattice system will go live. I just want revenge for all the pain and bitterness the crown has caused me and many others! For me the crown got to the same level as the BFR.
    I want it gone and i want to never hear of it again.
  10. Killzor

    no the crown should not die
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  11. 9thPower

    You do realize The Crown is already going to be meaningless in the new hex system right? They are taking the average surround bases that you can cap through from 6 down to 3 on average. It will never foster the same gridlock it did before.
  12. W0rthy

    There's some good meatgrinder battles at the crown. And eventhough you might THINK that it is far more interesting to run around with a massive zerg capturing bases in a matter of 5 minutes due to your overwhelming "tactics" but i can assure you it isn't.. (tried that many times).

    It is over before it began, kinda like a premature ejaculation of a virgin or whatever. People barely get kills and you can capture half of the map and getting maybe 15 kills or less, in an hour.. let me translate that for you; TOTAL WASTE OF TIME..

    Sure you will have a lot of ressources, and you are able to starve the other faction and provoke them to come defend or attack you, but this is only done ultimately to set the stage for a massive battle..

    Now about the crown;

    Crowns strategic importance is pretty self evident. But if it becomes a problem for you as you move your squads/platoons around, just go cap the tech plant, bio and amp station.. and they'll have to retaliate on a massive scale unless they are dumber than dirt, if they don't just starve them for a little bit and do a concerted assault using mbt's in key areas and it's a done deal. And laugh as the lightnings pile up in the garage. And then because you've starved them you can push them all the way back to the warpgate. or close enough that they won't be bothering you for quite a while.

    If you want some really good fights, then the best thing to do is pit yourself against higher numbers of enemy than yourself or ones who are very fortified. That tends to guarantee extended battles regardless of the installation, since you can't just steamroll it, and also a great challenge = more fun.

    Because the fun and good fights ARE the meatgrinder fights where people are able to hold the area very well that it becomes a near continuous battle. Sometimes the outcome is that the defenders win, sometimes the attackers, sometimes the attackers back off come back later for round 2.. stuff like that.. Enemies crawling all over the place, all classes and vehicles in action.. nobody is bored..

    But this is does not only happen at the crown by far, i experience this on a regular basis at amp stations, biolabs, tech plants and also smaller facilities. And it's awesome fun whenever it happens.

    And eventhough you might THINK that it is far more interesting to run around with a massive zerg capturing bases in a matter of 5 minutes due to your overwhelming "tactics" but i can assure you it isn't..

    If you gate a faction by starving their ressources too much, they'll just switch continent and you'll have less people to fight. You'll then get the OPPOSITE of what you want.

    This kind of shortsightedness of "nerf places where meatgrinder battles can take place" is actually the opposite of what is good for the game imo.

    That some stay in crown instead of other facilities where massive battles can easily take place, and you are annoyed that you cannot hold it because;
    a) you don't attack it correctly
    b) you don't starve their ressources by taking their facilities and force them to come defend
    c) your faction players on your server don't realize the importance of the other facilities and how they will run out of ressources
    d) they want use the crown for continous battle rather than attempting to siege the installation in order to capture it

    Is really not something you can "fix". That is something people decide to do. It's free will, like if i wanted to i could take a scythe and fly it directly into the ground and explode.. Doesn't mean it's terribly clever to do so, or that it would be beneficial for me.

    And imo the extended battles at the actual ressource facilities (tech, amp, bio) and even the smaller installations also, have far far more action than crown has.. crown just has a lot of ppl standing around doing nothing, except maybe shelling ti alloys.

    The golden rule to crown is, if they have the crown, let them have ti alloys, then they'll push out when they realize you aren't looking for a fight because they'll be bored very quickly without targets.

    If you want crown for whatever reason, say you are moving some armor columns up from zurvan and you want to go to allatum, starve their ressources first/cut them off, or assault them in other ways than just running up the hill..
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  13. Devrailis

    I bet people love it partly for the name.

    Nuke it, turn it into a crater.

    Then call it The Toilet.

    Problem solved.
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  14. 9thPower

    I guess I am biased to my own idea, but I think The Dead Crown sounds better because it really plays up the fact that this is now a scene of complete death and destruction. It is also very succinct, and to the point. It would be so cool to see the territory on the map and have it darkened or just devoid of any faction color. I think it could improve the map overall and give it a cool back story.
  15. SgtBreastroker

    The game hasn't even been out that long and you're already proposing the Crown be destroyed?

    No thanks.
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  16. Robes

    Yes because the people who fight at the crown all day long do it to try to capture it, not just to sit there and fight.
  17. Lucidius134

    but...the crown is my favorite joke.
  18. 9thPower

    By the time they even did this, it would likely be quite a ways away. I don't think you understand how the new Hex system will change The Crown. It won't be this massive gridlock of a fight anymore. It is already going to be meaningless. Making this change only lets it go out with a bang.
  19. 9thPower

    Man, maybe I should have waited until the new hex system was actually out. You are essentially going to be funneled into the biggest fights and when a territory is capped everyone will be spawning at the one next to it. It is going to make the fights bigger than they ever were, and stop ghost capping almost entirely. This is going to make The Crowns fights minimal if not nonexistent. I am not trying to take the fight away from anyone, we are going to have massive fights consistently and its going to be awesome. Please do not misunderstand me.
  20. f0d

    we should have the bending again and wipe crown off the planet with a torrent of meteors just like they did with old oshur in PS1