Why Soooo Many Bases ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Andy04, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Andy04

    Do we really need 80 bases on each continent ? Would it not be better with fewer bases that are not all stuck on top of one another and actually leave some room for more interesting skirmishes between the larger facilities ?
    It is terrible design that makes tanking so grim to the point that the only benefit is to FARM spawn rooms until you get c4 on your *** or a galaxy belly flops you! yes there are some reasonable spots for good vehical play but it seems that as soon as you spawn and get moving your already on top of another base to sit there and farm or the enemy have all fled to another lane and your tank is now useless (TIME TO REDEPLOY FOR THE 40TH TIME!).
    Base hoping between the alerts is a very poor way to play but it has to be done to be able to get anything done, Sundys never last unless your with a zerg of about 30 of them and galaxies are about the most useful tool we have but a deadly spawn camping tool lol :D
    What are the main thoughts on this would you like to see fewer bases and more room for players to make their own battles instead of being forced into small areas of farming HEll ? Or are you a happy camper ?
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  2. Alarox

    While your formatting sucks for readability, your point is solid.
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    The base amount is fine. The continent size could have been 20% bigger to accommodate these bases however.

    Would be silly imo to have only a handful of bases to capture.
  4. Morchai

    If you are going to have continent locking, you need lots of bases or the continent gets taken too quickly.
  5. Alarox

    Not if people are fighting between bases.

    Ex: Indar Ex to Quartz, Mao to Howling Pass, Crossroads to Regent Rock, etc.
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  6. Maelthra

    People who only play as infantry need to feel relevant, so they need to have their super high number of bases.

    On a more serious note, I agree. I'd love to see a continent that has fewer outposts with more open space between them. I would also like to see a few of those bases (not all of them of course, need to keep infantry players relevant) designed in a way where you actually capture them with vehicles, instead of always having to ditch your vehicle outside and go into the base for capture.
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  7. Andy04

    Depends on what you call a handful, 40 would be great as long as they were designed to accommodate Large scale warfare, To which Planetside 2 promotes.
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  8. Andy04

    Well the infantry could always be accommodated with various coverage to which engineers could actually deploy giving the engineer class a whole new game play to which I think would be great for slow pushes, Set up fight and then push, set up again hold push and repeat while supporting the Tanks on a long push to a base to keep the lanes free as the other infantry GAL drop to the objective to secure from behind.
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  9. Icedude94

    Look at it this way OP, the small bases, with their short 4 minute capture times, in the lattice links between the larger ones are there to buy time for the defenders to get organized. The distance between the major bases is just too short.

    If you didn't have all those small bases, there wouldn't be time for a squad or platoon to spawn all their vehicles a couple bases back and get them organized. You would need more vehicle terminals and vehicle bays. This idea would be fine if it took 15 minutes to drive from one major base to another. Currently it takes only 1 to 2 minutes, less if you're talking about driving to within firing range.
  10. Vaphell

    I play only infantry and i don't need super high number of smallish bases. Fighting over smurf villages is not epic. Bases so small that a dozen tanks can form the full 360 circle of death in 15seconds rub me the wrong way.
    Smallest of bases should be 200m across at minimum and spaced out so you can shoot turrets from 1 into windows of another. None of that 3 shacks + spawnroom nonsense we have especially on indar and esamir. And i do like open field battles but even if they happen, they are very shortlived and devolve into corridor shooting spamfest either way.
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  11. Hoek

    Silly? Let me tell you what is really silly! It's to camp spawns 400 meters apart one after the other and think you are having an awesome battle! PS2 at it's current form is a pitiful joke and you can thank the numerous outposts for that.

    Well, if we would have only a handful of bases in the game then the bases would be treated as important and they would be defended as oppose to the numerous outposts which hardly anyone cares about. Also, the limited number of bases means that the most of them would be in use for spawning vehicles anyway. Hence it would be pretty unlikely that there would be an empty base lying around. Of course those bases which are unreachable for the enemy due to the lattice can be empty, so I'm not claiming that each base would have someone nearby.

    Also, if there by any chance happens to be one base undefended and available for attack and the enemy manages to capture it by a surprise then what next? They are not going to keep on moving to the next base the same way as you currently do with outposts. There are simply no meaningless bases in the map for that to continue.
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  12. Frostiken

    Tank battles in this game is just whack-a-mole as you lob shells in between bases at each other as each side peeks out from behind a shield or something.
  13. UberBonisseur

    Or a lot of continents :rolleyes:

    How long do you think it takes to make a Hossin thrice ? Continents have been done once. Then remade for Lattice. Then for optimization pass. Then for resource revamp. Then for "tweaking".

    With the lattice the ammount of bases is irrelevant.
    80 bases is sheer madness.
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  14. Pacster

    As if having tanks shooting at each other from the horizon would make a great gameplay.
    Quartz Ridge vs. Indar Excavation anyone? That's boring as hell...and many people have called it the worst part of Indar(at least after the old Crown was changed).

    Maybe we could use less bases...but then we definitely have to make sure that you have several attack routes and that you have to go into "in-fight" and not shoot from a mile away.
    And last but not least would tanks have to be balanced in close combat then(*hint* magrider *hint*).
  15. FBVanu

    from another thread:

    another year old idea (if not older), where a player took the time and made this great effort showing what a continent could look like, if there were 20-30% LESS bases.. what's the point of all these small bases so close to each other?

    Better base design and less bases would encourage far more armor fights and column versus column , plus more air battles.to cover the trip from one base to the other, (if spawn rooms and capture points were under ground) while at the same time giving infantry a safe heaven under ground, and give infantry an even stronger purpose to storm a base, 'casue only infantry can reach the spawn and capture points, if they were all under ground.. while the tanks keep each other under fire, outside.

    one could prevent the ghost capping and speed of continent capture easily, by locking a base, once it was captured, for 10 min+.. before the cap point would recognize any enemy standing near it.. before the actual capture timer would start..

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  16. doombro

    For one, they don't like us having nice things for some reason. For another, the very foundation of PS2's bases is a terrible one. Allow me to compare basic base layouts for PS1 and PS2. All bases in PS1 follow the following layout, and PS2 follows its layout accordingly.





    As you can see, PS2's bases, just going from the basic layout that they all fallow to one end or another, aren't nearly large or complex enough to support a battle of 300 people or more. As such, they have to make the bases small and simple so that every fight doesn't devolve into a 15 FPS meatgrinder (I know, it happens anyway). It would require a revamp, and more to make PS1-style continents functional.

    However, I do think we could definitely stand to take a step in this direction. A big problem is the long, linear lanes with 3 bases or more. One or two of the bases in those lanes could usually stand to be removed.
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  17. Halcyon

    No it's not fine.
    The map sizes are large enough. What this game needs is:

    - less bases
    - more space between bases (also fixed by having less bases)
    - preventing vehicles from firing on spawn shields/flag rooms
    - increasing cap timers for all bases as a flat rate or a tier 1/2 rate for large bases and slightly smaller outposts
    - get rid of every small dinky 1 flag micro base

    All of this will do a number of things, including:

    - giving infantry combat more mustard by removing constant shelling/bombing of spawn rooms and flag room entrances
    - giving tanks more meaningful combat in the (what would be) large spaces between bases. Basically how PS1 had it. It worked. Don't fix what isn't broken
    - making transports more meaningful, especially galaxies. Right now people can practically run from one base to another, or just instantly spawn there. Transport vehicles are pretty much obsolete with high density base maps

    What we have right now is Battlefield 5 the MMOFPS. It just isn't working.
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  18. Ronin Oni

    yeah, what we need are "shelters" between bases. Maybe control points/ hackable consols to control ownership of nearby terminals and gate shields.

    Indar's 94 bases is insane. Esamir is much better spread out, but they should add some "AMS garage's" to the space between bases I think.
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  19. Ranik

    Little bunkers and such would make sense. Some of them military level, small and fortified. Others just regular buildings for some forgotten purpose.
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  20. headshotsultd

    You say there are too many bases. I say the continents are too small. ; )