Why So Few NC on Leaderboards? (Waterson)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alarox, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Alarox

    So out of curiosity I checked the Waterson leaderboards today for the first time, and I have mixed emotions:


  2. Shadowyc

    In general, NC as a collective are absolutely useless.

    Specifically, lots of reasons. Way too many. Probably from wanting to be that one badass that turns the battle around for everyone, but really, you end up failing as much as everyone else, because sadly, everyone's exactly the same as the next guy with nothing that would mark you as a special snowflake of awesome. Because you're cattle. And cattle deserve to die.
  3. come1l

    Majority of teenagers doesn't have time playing a video game 6 hours a day.
  4. thePankakeManne

    Not really sure why this is the case, though of course, you're going to get impudent upstarts that claim that it's because the NC suck, or the TR/VS are better, or any one of several hundred reasons (the vast majority of which have no basis whatsoever).

    Honestly, though, I don't really think there's a specific reason for it. It's just the way it is.
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  5. Brayton

    This is so wrong on so many levels. The NC Weapons are not built for soloing, or very few are. A lot of our stuff is meant to be highly coordinated and work together in groups. If you look at our weapons and the way they interact, a lot of weapons are based around support based weapons, the EM1 being the biggest.

    I also know that the only 'MLG' outfit we had quit a while ago so now we just have our normal coordinated outfits who work massive platoons instead of relishing in a single squad of NUC/ZAPS like troops.

    In short, NC isn't meant to solo, we're meant to work together.

    We also had a shortage of NC Vet troops after the TR started swarming Waterson a few months ago. The Vanu have always usually been the third wheel so the Vanu are pretty dedicated. Now the NC troops who joined during the middle of the fight are starting to Vet.
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  6. Shadowyc

    The parts before the cattle part basically said that. Sadly, a lot of players really are just trying to lone wolf it with NC guns because...well. It works for the TR and VS! Why not NC? :p

    Didn't even know NC had an 'MLG' outfit. At all. :eek:
  7. Brayton

    We did at one point, then the Total*****miniTR **** ***** basically pissed them off and away from the server.

    Also, I'm going to be honest, we're winning alerts, we've shown ourselves to be able to win alerts even with the TR/VS having greater numbers on us.

    Why does this matter?
  8. RyanGUK

    Couldn't agree more, the amount of times I see NC camping in our spawn point (I'm NC-only player btw) and yet nobody has the thought of getting a tank at the nearest station and DRIVING 1000 METRES to flank a ton of enemy zerging. That would be a preposterous idea! I seem to be the only one who gets off his **** and does it, and being the lone tank I get absolutely demolished for it.

    Like Brayton said, NC isn't meant to be solo, but its rare that I see NC working together. On my server, Miller, you'll see maybe one or two squads actually trying to work towards an alert, meanwhile the other two 3rds of the NC are derping about fighting pointless battles on the two continents the alert isn't going on. That's when the NC are on a higher world percentage too, yet the TR & VS can pull their finger out and send like two platoons over to the alert and completely wipe us out.

    I proper throw my laptop out the window in those situations, live free of any bloody awareness in the NC. :(

    Sorry, hijacking the thread a little just for that... The reason there aren't many NC on the leaderboard is because the TR and VS simply have better equipment and thus, better players than we do. MLG go where the weapons are.
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  9. Alarox

    It doesn't, I just want to understand it.
  10. Brayton

    They don't have better equipment...their equipment has lower skill floors.

    We're the only faction with a weapon that has GOD in it, that's how beastly it is.
  11. RyanGUK

    Yeah that's a better way of putting what I was trying to get across. :p Thanks.
  12. RyanGUK

    You know what, I've just noticed you've got the filter on wrong. You've only got it filtered to show whose top scoring today, might more even if you check all time or monthly!
  13. The Shermanator

    Oh for the love of God.

    It's rare that I see TR or VS working together, either. However, the NC went through an entire year of having game mechanics that worked against them and notoriously under-performing equipment. It should come as no surprise when no notable personalities like Levelcap, Wrel, or anyone else that I know of main NC.
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  14. ronjahn

    It's because I got a job and have been playing less :)

    But seriously I know where you are coming from Alarox, most days there are only a handful of NC players even in the top 50. But some days we fill up that leaderboard. As someone who runs without boosts or membership(for now, new job will help me get a new membership soon) I generally look at the kills leaderboard. Most days I am on the top page of kills, but don't even break the top 100 in score :(

    Even worse is that sometimes the highest scoring/killing NC players for a day are obvious alts.

    Waterson NC has definitely stepped up their game from an alerts and teamwork perspective since the horrible days of summer, but the high skilled players are still few and far between it seems when looking at the leaderboard regularly.
  15. Bankrotas

    Sadly Dramathus and ItzMurda seem not notable enough, though, they don't talk as big as Wrel (not that it's wrong) and just have less of interesting content. Haven't seen an interesting video from STLYoungblood either in a while, also aren't MattiAce and MoukaS both NC from Woodman? There is Koolaid too, don't know if he's still active though.

    Anyways, currently there doesn't seem many PS2 youtubers anyways, not after the empire showdown flop, that it was. Also, do think, TB's involvement did maybe more harm to PS2 than good.
  16. TheShrapnelKing

    You clearly did not play the last alert. We still SUUUUCKKKKK.

    ****, I never should have given us the benefit of the doubt. Every time I think "Hm, maybe we are getting be - NOPE". I'm so ******* sick of it. I want to go somewhere else. I want to go to Connery. I just want to run around with a bunch of mindless morons killing hordes of other mindless morons where it's hard to say that one horde of them is stupider than the other horde. At least then I'd have no expectations of either my allies or enemies being competent and winning the alert or losing doesn't matter because no one cares to even try to win them.
  17. Tekuila

    Never play the game for more than an hour a day really. If that.
  18. Pokebreaker

    After taking a break for a couple of months, I recently came back, about 3-4 weeks ago. My first day back, NC won like 3-4 alerts in a row. I was baffled That trend has seemingly continued, although a bit more spread out. I'm actually satisfied the with amount of Alert wins I have been a part of over the last few weeks. It's a drastic difference from 3-4 months ago.
  19. vsae

    Matti is TR Cobalt.
    Moukass is NC woodman
  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    Mostly because NC have the worst anti-infantry (read:farming) tank and the worst ESF to lolpod farm with as well.
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