And if you are a lowbie medic with a subpar applicator, it gives the enemy an extra target/distraction taking some of the heat off your guys who are still healthy.
Healing is by far one of the greatest XP earners. That alone is the reason for it. over the double XP weekend managed 56000 xp per hour on my medic......
Yeah he has no idea. That's why the OP made asinine post like this. Also it is actually MORE beenficial to heal a people who are up over time - this is because you get +25xp per 1 sec of heal for squad members, and around 11xp for some random guy or assist. So if they are in the thick of firefight, they are constantly getting damaged, and you are constantly healing them (especially if they are heavies because they have high survivability for a footman) you actually ended up getting more xp. Plus if they fall you will be the first to be able to do the rez because you've been healing them. It is like an engineer following a tank or a MAX around. You get crazy xp over time. So yeah, OP's post just show how shortsighted and lack of knowledge into how medic's works as well as the xp mechanism really are, and is just very foolish overall.
Nice, but try hitting that without a double XP weekend and without using all the "active benefits" along with level 1 applicators that always steal your rezz, making you keep you beam on your target. You'll lose that benefit of "healing 3-4 to their healing 1" and since higher level applicators take less time, you get EVEN LESS XP. Just what I do everything as a medic, I get more XP killing people as a medic..
They changed the way support roles grant xp. It is not awarded for time spent healing but how much you actually repaired or healed. This means the higher ranks of the medical applicator are awarded the same amount of xp for healing a target from 10% to full as the lower ranks.
Incentivising medics to keep friends alive rather than wait for them to drop seems a logical thing to do. If we are to make use of a potentially major benefit of the experience system, in that it may be used to encourage behavior that is better for the team. Keeping team-mates alive is better for the team than just hoovering up revives (Especially when they are in line of sight of an enemy still, leading to chain-kills and chain revives)
I think the OP is trolling.. As a full time medic, I have everything maxed out. Med tool, AoE heal, revive grenade, triage. I always stick with my squad/outfit, & as a result I have the second highest rank DESPITE having less hours in game than most of them. So don't heal, I will just walk in and hit my AoE healing while Reviving/shooting/reloading and take the points, thank you. I run into, or through heavy fire to heal/revive because the guys I help stay, or get back into the fight are my defense/meatshields. If you are just going to play a class because X gives Y points, then I doubt you will be playing for long. I am having fun as a medic, and usually have a lot of certs at the end of the night as a bonus.
To everyone debating "Rez the corpse quickly, or heal the guy fighting next to me"...why are you choosing? Activate your AE heal, rez the corpse. Multitasking is an awesome thing.
Well, don't bother healing with the Medical Applicator- just use it for revives (Unless there are no corpses). Healing is what the nano-regen is used for.
Well, If you have 1 guy in need of healing it is better to use applicator. I use nano-regen when I need healing or when I am fighting alongside a group, so everyone lives longer.
Maybe because reviving means they are without shields and usually vulnerable and healing allows them to have both shields and full health and aware of their surrounds and can cover for you unlike a corpse.