A team mate with full health takes longer for the enemy to kill. That's more time of them not shooting you while you shoot them for the kill exp. This requires you to not have your applicator out 24/7, though.
Sorry but what? Earn a cert for revive someone? Didnt noticed that. Though I m earning massive xp for a rez, but not enough to earn a cert with +70% xp.
See what the OP here is doing is complaining that rewards for healing are not as good as rewards for resurrecting. He would like healing rewards buffed to be brought in line with resurrecting rewards. Solution: Nerf Resurrection rewards to be brought in line with or less than healing. Happy now?
If you could just hold your heal and keep a guy alive while hiding behind him or obstacles that would be way to overpowered. It's just like vehicles or air vehicles , you get shot , you run away, land/park, and then go back up and continue fighting.
This sounds... extremely wrong. I'm pretty certain certs are only given for experience (every 250) and weapon medals. If someone can correct me I'd be very interested.
all i meant was that saying u should play for the team etc is fine here on the forums but out there on the battlefield the majority will do what gets them more EXP. and in this case it is faster, more secure and it will get u more EXP if u revive people instead of healing. i'm not saying i do it this way, i'm not saying u do it this way. but its done in this way. so the OP does have a point. maybe removing the distance restriction after u have locked a beam onto someone would help. so if he runs away u dont have to run after the guy
I think what you're trying to really ask is why be a dedicated healer all the time? Other than reviving there's not much we can do. That and push forward.
And THIS is why I stopped accepting revives and just respawn. Just FYI. I now wait to get injured and only accept revives from medics that heal me in firefights instead of just waiting for me to die. You heal me, even ONCE, you get revive points. Simple as that.
The problem I see is that in a big zerg there will always be a few dead people and a few injured people. Why should I heal 1 person very slowly to take them from 50% to 100% as opposed to reviving 2 people from 0% to 100% in the same amount of time? What is the better use of my time? I'd argue it's much better to have 3 other people alive than just 1 other person at full health. Getting more people upright and fighting again takes precedence over healing, especially since they come back with 100% health. That's the issue here as I see it. Obviously if no one is dead and 1 guy is hurt, I'm going to heal him, but it does seem backwards that it's a higher time investment (and bigger risk to me!) to heal rather than to revive.
I use my ability to heal and my med tool to ress in most cases. Very rarely do I go running around trying to actively heal anyone anymore.
Activate your AOE heal as you use your medical applicator on them and it speeds up significantly. Although I'd love to say XP shouldn't be an issue it does deter people from healing instead of reviving players, and that's the real problem.
I think there should be an additional unlock to enable the healing device to over heal people for extra 50-100% health which then slowly ticks back down to their max health. Medic (drug dealer) could also give out pills that make people run faster for 5mins.
Your point is logical, however it can come across as self-important as you seem more preoccupied with your benefits than your teams benefit. I'm assuming you're more less attempting to outline that you feel less incentive to heal when you can just wait for them to die to get your big pay off?
If you just wait for someone to die... they might not die! They might actually kill the guy who was shooting at them and then they'd be that guy who is running around with 10% health. Its not like you have to really choose between healing and reviving. If there's a lot of dead people and a lot of hurt people then drop a healing or revive grenade, activate your healing AOE and then go to town on anyone who got missed. If there's a hurt guy who is near cover then don't wait for him to die. Heal him and get the healing experience! He'll probably die anyway, and if you waited for him to die then you missed out on all the healing experience that you could've gotten. You get 1 cert point per every 250 experience. It has nothing to do with reviving or healing or any other specific action; its just the experience.
Because If I see a medic who is only rezzing and not ever healing wounded, I'm not accepting revives from them. Stick to squads, that way you can better trust that your medic will heal you.
Guys, the reality is that prioritizing rezzing over healing isn't just better for the medic's score, it's better for everyone on your team as well. If you are a medic with the rank 6 applicator and there is a 50% health teammate standing next to a friendly corpse, it's much better for everyone if you rez the corpse first. Why? TONS of reasons. Think about it in these terms. If you heal the injured player first, you'll now have a combined health of 2 people and the damage output of 2 people. But if you rez the corpse first, then you now have the combined health of 2.5 people and the damage output of 3 people. Just right there it's a clear win to prioritize rezzing over healing. But on top of that, it's much faster to rez! Everyone gets a bigger benefit and with less risk of failure since the medic is exposed and vulnerable for less time. So as a regular foot soldier, what would you rather have? A medic healing you from 50% to 100% health, or stay at 50% health and get an entire extra teammate back in the game right alongside you? Having more living teammates around you is effectively health for YOU. They divide the enemy's attention, absorb damage that would otherwise be targeted at you, and increase your squad's damage output. That is much better than getting a measly 50% health back. Now I don't know about the OP, but when I play medic, I'm obviously going to try my best to keep everyone alive. If I have a choice, I'm not going to just wait for you to die before helping you. That's absurd. I'm trying to heal everyone constantly, but the problem is that in a big fight there are always some friendly corpses that need rezzing, and hopefully you can understand that they do get priority over topping your health off since it helps me, you, and the entire team in a much more effective way. So saying that you're going to reject a rez because of this behavior is just absurd. You're intentionally hurting your own team to punish a medic who is just trying to be more effective for your team! If they are literally just waiting around idle for you to die that's one thing, but if they are constantly active and rezzing people... good! PS - Of course, there are some cases where it's temporarily better to heal, such as that clutch moment where you keep a Heavy Assault alive while he kills a tank that was slaughtering your squad, or you're pinned down behind shelter next to an injured teammate, etc. But the majority of the time, I think the above argument makes more sense.
You obviously have NO idea how certs work. You ALWAYS get them every 250 XP gained, no matter how you get them - killing, healing, reviving.
Healing is for topping off the health of the people that survive the firefight, your not suppose to heal during combat. you kill the enemy, revive those that died, and heal those that are wounded. you really can't out heal the damage of any weapon. If it comes down to it, If you have to choose between reviving and healing, choose revive because 1. its faster, and 2. it gives an extra gun to your side of the fight.
In the intense firefight using AOE heal is pretty much necessary. It gives them at least a bit of HP. Therefore you can revive the dead BEFORE more die.