Why should I bother healing when I can just revive them which is faster, they spawn with full HP (with max level med. app.), you get more experience, AND you get a cert.? Seriously, healing needs something more.
Oh, I don't know. How about you want to heal because you want to help your team win? Just a crazy thought.
My point is that healing isn't rewarded enough. Perhaps healing X amount of damage should give one cert? If people aren't below a certain amount of HP, you don't even get experience for healing them to full.
Having people upright and fighting as opposed to dead on the floor isn't reward enough? Often times I ignore revives, as the area I'm in is far too hostile to risk springing up with naff all health to be instantly gunned down again.
My post was rhetorical, sorry if you didn't notice that. See my post above yours for further explanation.
Why should anybody try to assist people? You get more xp just stealing kills or lone wolfing. Why should anybody tail gun a liberator? Bombing is where the xp is at. Why should I even play this game? I've got tons of TDM games out there. Playing medic just for the xp is playing it wrong. ALT+F4 will yield better results.
I play this game as if it was a team-oriented game. Why? Because I've played too many games that are just about grinding for whatever currency gets you the next tier of gear or whatever. Such games are boring because once you've grinded all you want to grind there is nothing to do and you get bored. By "nothing" I mean there is no more grinding to be ground or else you just get fed up with the endless grind that gets you the gear you need to grind the next grind and so on and so forth. It is far more fun to play as a team and not worry about how many certs (our currency) I get.
I failed to see any rhetoric, just someone saying "I'd rather stand around while my team mates die for some extra xp, rather than play as part of a team and help them out"
oh please guys... stop that samatarian bulll****... OF COURSE people will not heal someone because reviving gives more points. the OP has a point here... well i for my part am tending to revive people while activating the healing ability... first off because TWO 75% ALIVE soldiers are better than one soldier with 100% health and secondly... most of em will run away anyway as soon as they are revived (well with good reason^^)
Team game, but I can understand your position. Some folks are just too stupid to live anyways. Easier to let them die then get sniped again desperately looking for that sniper that shot them the first time. On the other hand, if you just wait around to rez, chances are you'll get rushed and die yourself, and look.. the other team got certs instead.
Healing isn't powerful enough to keep someone up against the fire of one infantryman and in a big game like this I don't see why they thought that would be game breaking, but it's probably one of the things keeping me from playing medic more. If I see a guy playing objectives who is a good shooter why can't I help him preserve his killstreak bonus or something besides kill the guy who killed him then revive him?
Maybe in the situation if you had healed him, something amazing would've happened like capping a point, whereas if you let him die and tried to revive him, the situation might turn and that wouldn't happen (hypothetically). Also, even with revive, it counts as a death for infantry. If you want to be a useless farm hording medic, by all means, go ahead. Just remember to use the level 1 applicator so you can waste more time farming those experience points.
Maybe in the situation if you had revived another one, something amazing would've happened like capping a point, whereas if you had healed the ****** standing in enemy fire , the situation might turn and that wouldn't happen (unarguable). not true. with a level 5 applicator i can save evem more time, since it revives faster ... : P
Combine level 5 applicator with your AoE heal and you can top up multiple people very, very fast. Something you don't seem to understand is that if someone has survived taking damage, they actually DO have an advantage over a recent revivee: their shield bar.
This part I don't understand. Are you saying you earn certs from reviving in some way independent of the experience gain? Do you/anyone else know something I don't?
sorry, I was a bit too mean in my response. I have a lvl 6 applicator, I was just stating that you get experience for the amount of time it takes you to perform a task, so a level 1 applicator gets more exp on one person than say a lvl 6 (doesn't include the speed of the lvl 6 in getting to more people). I was just trying to make a comment to show that I thought it was a stupid post and I just made myself look dumb.
I don't see what's "samaritan ********" about working with your allies/team. Usually good things happening to them means good things for you since your victory or defeat is intertwined. I won't try to let people die for a few reasons. One being a revive is all or nothing and you're tethered to them during it, thus more vulnerable. Other medics will patch them up and you get nothing. Another is it's better for the group momentum to keep them in better condition sooner. I don't play for exp. Lastly rl medical ethics influence me a little even if I wanted to min/max exp gain.