Why should anybody repair a MAX?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Pie Chasm

    Every time I repair a MAX I get killed. I might make a good 17+ exp per second, but it doesn't pay off for my K/D ratio when I do and that is why I play this game, to get a good K/D ratio.

    Actually, I don't. I play this game to have fun, although fun is subjective and a lot of people, conditioned by all of the awful FPS spawned with C's and B's in their names that are truly bad arcade shoot-em-ups, actually consider K/D to be the pinnacle of their experience.

    I think that is the reason why there are so few dedicated repair engineers. In order for people to accept the inevitable loss in K/D ratio, I think exp ought to be increased, or there ought to be a support role available that hides K/D, or "freezes" the stats kills and deaths while it is active.

    I don't mind being that guy, but being that guy all of the time means I don't get to do anything else. Not to mention that if you have some degree of proficiency it is generally more lucrative to not be a repair female dog, even if you are repairing constantly.

    So, please, buff exp gain on repairs, or shift the stats.. do something to make people want to repair again, because it seems they would rather just spam grenades from the UBGL and I can't blame them for it.
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  2. vsae

    I almost never repair anything, because you will most likely get killed in the process.
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  3. Sen7rygun

    Massive Points Bro!
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  4. MonnyMoony

    Your aim is to get a good k/d ratio - and you play a support role like a repair engineer?

    Why is getting a good k/d your aim. It's not really indicative of anything (i.e. skill) and doesn't result in any benefits within the game (e.g. extra certs). Anyone can farm to get a high k/d........but that doesn't mean they are being useful to their team.
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  5. Xasapis

    Well, repairing MAXes is a bit of an acquired skill, same as knowing when you can rezz people and how long you can stay in hot zone. In this occasion, you get to decide on the hows and ifs of repairs. You don't obviously need to sacrifice people who stand and take unnecessary damage and if your MAX partner is any good, he'll sit in a spot where you'll be safe and he'll be guarding at least one possible enemy direction.
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  6. Thovargh

    People who play for K/D are playing this game wrong and are most likely active forumside complainers.
    As a repair engy you have a much bigger impact on the overall battle than every k/D chasing lonewolfer could ever have.
    The much more frustrating part in playing a repair engy is that half the maxes bash off while you are repairing them and expect a full repair including ammo in less than a second
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  7. EagleGuardian

    Because we're not all lone-wolfing selfish jerks that focus strictly on the amount of certs we can earn within a certain amount of time. Sometimes in order for the team to succeed, it is necessary to sacrifice some aspects (e.g. k/d) for the greater good (keeping the team alive and capturing strategic points).

    Besides, if your squad has even a minor amount of communication going on, you'd know how easy it can be to simply ask someone else to take over your (support) role when you want to do something else.
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  8. Santondouah

    Just repair a MAX from your squad and you will get the XP buff you are asking for (~+30XP/tick). I play my engi a lot as a dedicated repair engineer but you do not need to repair 100% of the time so just take the UBGL, take benefit from the ammo pack you just laid down and spam it, you will get both a high XP input from repair+ammo and a really good KDR.
  9. HadesR

    Depends on the pro's and cons and practicality of the situation .. If a Max is derping playing spawn room peek-a-boo ( Biolabs ) then he will get repaired once he's safe back inside.
    But if we mass push out the spawn hoping for a break through, then I'll keep up, keep repairing and take any deaths that's needed.
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  10. Prudentia

    My Outfitleader is the highest scoring Vanu across all servers. When we do Ops he is either a MAX, mostly getting repped by our Outfit second highest scoring player, or he is repping someonebelses MAX, with the occasional Vehicle, Light or Heavy session.
    You Repair MAXes because you are a teamplayer and don't care about a silly number.
  11. Santondouah

    According to the KDRs in your signature your CoD-like gameplay does not seem to be that efficient.
    People like you is killing the game.
  12. CNR4806

    If you plan to farm K/D, playing infantry is wrong in the first place.

    Farming infantry in tanks is by far the best way to pad your K/D, if you really pay THAT much attention to that number.
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  13. Saool

    I'd have to agree with others, that perhaps another class might be more fun.

    Of course an enginner is there to do much more than repair MAX units (Repairing turrets / Tanks / Sundies / Ammo support / Anti personel/tank turrets), so you may still be finding the role a lot of fun. But keeping those MAXes on there feet goes a long way towards helping the team take or defend an objective. Equally having meds have the presence of mind to rez MAXes if they see them go down makes a big differance.

    But 'if' K/D is your thing (and I have issue with that. It's your time and the goal is to have fun), then playing Heavy Assault, Light Assault or jumping in a MAX suit yourself may be the way to go.
  14. Nephera

    I remember thinking NC had too many engineers and not enough medics while TR had the opposite problem the other day. (Connery)

    But i have no real evidence to support that.
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  15. Bonom Denej

    What the f- ? A guy playing a support class in PlanetSide 2 complains about his K/D ratio and asks why should he repair his teammates ? I find this wrong at so many levels.

    If you want a high K/D go and play MAX, CQC Infil or HA. Or simply don't play PS2.
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  16. vsae

    K/d nubmers have nothing to do with play style and mine isnt cod-like anyway.
    What you misinterpreted as kd rant was infact statement that should be read like this: Repairing vehicles and maxes will often get you killed due to horrible drivers that run you over or maxes that are explosive magnets and while tank driver or max gets reward for killing you get silly amount of repair XP.
    This game is all about teamplay, when infact it rewards teamplay very little.
  17. SnipersUnion

    IMO the best PS2 players have terrible KDs. The ones that start the charge. The ones you always see on point or at the SCU. The ones that repair the max.

    I feel sorry for those people that think KD is the way to play this game.
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  18. Santondouah

    What is the problem with dying if it results in the capture of a base ? This is what I mean by CoD/BF4 gameplay, games where you should not die. In PS2 the goal is not to live, but to cap the bases and push ennemy lines. Just go to stats websites. The very best players do not have a very high life expectancy (max. 5 minutes).

    Moreover I use Flak4 when I am dedicated to XAM repair and this gives a really good resistance to explosives that allows you staying in hot zones for a while. You just need to keep the 3m distance that your repair gun allows you to keep and attentively watch your health and run to cover at the right moment.

    And regarding the "silly amount of repair XP", my score per hour is much higher when I repair (25000/hour average in biolabs, 35000 peak without boost/membership) than when I lonewolf (average 17000 in biolabs). The only "boost" I get is the fact that I get the "squad MAX repair bonus" that increases by ticks from ~17 to ~27XP).
  19. vsae

    You must be getting really low KPH per weapon if you think 30000/hour is high spm at all.
    Planetside is no other than battlefield or cod except tahktikul environmentz. In every FPS be it MMO or regular one the whole point of the game is to shoot people.
    I'm sorry but unless there is some metagame present or viable reward for the base capture there is absolutely no point doing anything sucidal or with high risk unless you're bored.
    Bases are meaningless, its just an environment in which you're having cqc battles and everything inbetween bases is a boring zerg sitting at a few rocks trading fire or tank spam. There is no metagame and rewards for base capture are silly. In time the base capture is complete I can kill ******** of enemys thus getting significant amount of XP and be a credit to a team. Whatever you say, but you help your team alot by killin enemy team, excluding spawn wars.
  20. iRepair

    SOE seems to think that repairing is too overpowered, and has also nerfed repairing afaik.
    You're not going to see a buff, that's for sure. Maybe engineers should be able to be the only ones to revive Max units - THAT would make sense.
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