Why shotguns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cuban, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Cuban

    I thought the NC was all about low firerate and high stopping power. I though NC was going to have awesome Guass and railgun weapons but I've seen mostly shotguns.
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  2. Serialkillerwhale

    Because shotgun.

    Thats literally the only reason they'll give us.
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  3. Morti

    Would be cool with it if they gave us one set of low rpm ranged weps and gave VS/TR one set of shotguns.

    it's really pretty unfair to only allow one faction access to shotgun max arms. I'm sure the TR/VS would love to be able to choose between mid-range and close-range weaponry on their maxes too.
  4. Captain Kid

    because one hit kills under 10 meters is fun and balanced.
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  5. zombielores

    Ya assuming your within rock throwing range not wearing nanoweave and all pellets hit with a pump action.
    I pick a extreme CQC gun and you want me to be on even footing with your CQC-Long Range in an CQC environment then I want to be on even footing with you on mid and long range fights with my shotgun. I never hear people complaining about shotguns at long range, in fact a good amount of those helpless players charging towards you were using shotguns but you don't seem to mind that.
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  6. Whatupwidat


    Welcome to the NC.
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  7. Captain Kid

    I have no problem you being on equal footing at longer range with your shotgun.
    And since when is outdoor a cqc environment? I get instakilled by shotguns outdoors as well. (although I probably kill some to at longer range with ease) Being killed without being able to defend or fight back is NOT FUN.
    Same with invisible snipers. Or heavy shield, maxes, smg cloakers, mines, tanks shelling from 200 meters away, etc.
    WTF is wrong with a fair fight? Why does ******* every thing in this game depend on cheesing the enemy as much as possible.
    I run around as Engineer. I get my most kills with sticky grenades and mines. And yes that is also LAME.
  8. _itg

    Shotguns do have low fire rates and high stopping power.
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  9. Dracorean

    despite what people say, every faction does the shot gun thing but a little differently. Shotguns just fit to the hard hitting low fire rate thing is all.
  10. SocratesEverywhere

    Some players have negative opinions about shotguns because they feel they are skill-less weapons. That makes the NC a hard pill to swallow for some. I agree that there should be more diversity in the NC weaponry.
  11. FateJH

    All factions have shotguns. All factions get one free shotgun. All factions get special weapons that can be equipped with an underbarrel shogun.
    The NC just brought a little more shotgun to the fight that the other two.
  12. EGuardian1

    I would like to apologize to everyone I've killed with my Fortuna.

    Probably 80% of my kills (i think i'm a few away from Gold) have been with the under barrel shotgun.

    Try telling me it's skill less when I have a Carbine attached THAT I DON"T USE.

    :D FREEDOM *******!!!
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  13. Cuban

    Shotguns being the NC's "trait" seems like it was just thought of last second. The TR and VS both have unique traits that can apply to all of their weapons while the NC just seems to be bland rifles with a couple good shotguns. Even the canister on tanks and the shotgun ESF weapon is strange to me. Don't get me wrong I love shotguns hehe I am saving up for the Claw right now, but in my opinion railguns and weapons like that would fit much better. What do you guys think?
  14. Gambitual

    This guy gets it.

    Shotguns, including their forced appearance everywhere in the NC arsenal, are decently balanced here in PS2.

    I don't think you understand how militaristic and/or combined arms games work. Shotguns have to dominate in CQC. If they were moderately effective at all ranges they would just be another standard gun. Shotgun>SMG>Carbine>LMG/Assault Rifle>Scout/Battle Rifle>Sniper Rifle are your ranges. You don't take the Reaper DMR or Corvus into a Biolab and expect success regardless of what the enemy is using.

    Invisible snipers? Snipers are far away and always are popping in and out of cover. The cloak matters when the Infil gets into closer ranged situations. 100m out, that sniper can glow, but he'll nail you before you can do anything. Also, snipers are a part of all gun based warfare. Get used to it.

    The Heavy Assault's overshield is what makes it a Heavy Assault. I mean, you have a heavy, giant magazine gun and a rocket launcher, but they mean nothing in a one on one scenario. The shield is what makes the Heavy. Heavy attacks straight on. LA attacks from above. Infil attacks from behind. Engies attack from vehicles and turrets. Medics attack with lots of allies as meatshields.

    MAXes, mines, and tanks are, in general, big and explosive. They are force multipliers. They should be powerful. They add fun and excitement and allow battles to be more than infantry thrown at infantry. Also, IRL.

    SMG Infils are the Infiltrators that actually Infiltrate. You'd be surprised that some people think Infiltrator and Sniper should be separate classes.

    What is wrong with a fair fight? This game wasn't conceived with the idea of fairness. Neither was actual war. You use anything and everything in your arsenal to win. You pull a tank and blow the enemy to smithereens. But wait! They just Phoenix'd you from behind that rock. That isn't fair. Get on your Wraith Flash and get give them some Renegade. No one is cheesing. We just aren't using the same weapon under the same circumstances all day e'rry day.
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  15. Captain Kid

    I disagree.
    I've played Battlefield 1942, Battlfield Vietnam. Those were also combined arms games. But did not have (that many) cheese weapons. Not that much paper rock scissors crap.
    I also played Battlefield 2142 but that did have unlock weapons and explosions everywhere making the game unpredictable and less fun.

    I don't understand why you say invisible snipers are not a problem. In any other game you can scan the horizon for snipers. I use my battlerifle for that in this game. But it doesn't really work in this game against good snipers who actually use their cloak because they are only visible when they are firing their weapon. AKA when it is to late.

    I agree in theory force multipliers adding fun and excitement. But I don't think it is well executed in this game. I did not mind maxes in Planetside 1 for example. They were only a problem in close quarters and they were sluggish and slow so easy to avoid. Plus 2 clips of anti vehicle ammo meant a dead max. But in this game a max can take me out almost instantly at 20 meters. And they are also outside of bases. Plus only certain infantry weapons can take them out. (again with the paper rock scissors crap) That's not fun, that's annoying.
    Same with tanks shelling from far away.

    Why do you think this game has even less players then ******* Euro Truck simulator 2 for crying out loud?
  16. FieldMarshall

    Because shotguns worked better as a faction trait for NC 10+ years ago when they designed PS1.
    They managed to balance it so that shotguns as a faction trait didnt nessesarly mean "no range", especially when it came to vehicles with a tighter spread and lower damage dropoff.
    Even the NC MAX had 3 fire modes. 1 Standard CQB auto shotgun speed, 1 for medium range with tightened spread and lower ROF, and 1 for long range with even tighter spread but with a PA-like ROF.

    Then they made PS2 and for some reason forgot or didnt care about shotgun balance.
    They wont change that the NC is the "shotgun faction" because thats how its always been from the start. They just dont tell anyone when they create their PS2 character that NC is the shotgun faction, that's the problem.
    Thats why you get people who go "why do NC only have crappy shotguns", they need to change that.
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  17. Turiel =RL=

    NC weapons are designed to be erratic with huge recoil and build in imprecision. If you hit with these weapons, you will hit hard, but you hardly ever hit with them at all. The shotgun is the only way to counter this problem, it is the go-to-weapon when nothing else works, and besides that, the NC trademark in PS1 was also the shotgun (Jackhammer/Scatter).
  18. Serialkillerwhale

    Yes, grandfather clause.

    The problem is, those were GOOD shotguns, like the one from DOOM or Team Fortress, our current shotguns are **** ones like the ones from Call of Duty and Halo.

    Ironic how "Realistic" shooters have far less realistic shotty accuracy than games where running around people in circles to not get hit, outrunning your own projectiles, rocket jumping, etc are legit strategies.
  19. jiggu

    Pretty much this. It's the easy way out for SOE. I don't think giving the NC shotguns is a bad idea, but they have a bit too many now, could use some other things that correspond with their faction flavor other than shotguns.
  20. Prudentia

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