Why Play an NC Engineer

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Targanwolf, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Targanwolf

    I have a 62 Vanu engineer main and Infil secondary
    I have a 61 TR engineer main and Infil(stalker) secondary.

    Why should I make an NC engineer and Infil (secondary)?
  2. Cirena

    Because the NC have a larger selection of really good carbines? :cool: Not a lot of difference otherwise.
  3. Targanwolf

    Would you call the NC Bouncing Betty inferior ? I hear it does not go off instantly ?
  4. FailureOfEngineering

    It doesn't go off instantly but it detonates in a 360 degree angle instead of our directional Claymores. Betties are better for running into crowds on suicide missions but Claymores are better man-traps.

    The NC do have some sweet carbines though. Mercenary, ACX11 and AF4A Bandit are some favorites of mine. You should give it a shot.
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  5. Eternaloptimist

    I think there is little to differentiate the faction engineers (I main engie on all three). If you like the class then go for it! AP mines are a bit different between them but beyond that, you can get some really good carbines on NC and most of the other stuff is the same across factions (mana turrets, sticky 'nades, BR, AT mines etc.). And NC probably have the best ES SMG in the game if that is your thing.
  6. Mefi

    NC Bouncing Betty is a reskined VS Prox Mine, they have exactly same stats, damage, both have a delay before they explode.
    The only difference is that Proxy Mine can be thrown few meters away, but that's rarely important.
  7. Dualice

    Agreed, dem Blues got some damn nice carbines. Assault rifles too, but that's a different class.
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  8. GlobeMaster

    To repair the Mighty Vanguard! :p
  9. Corezer

    the differences in engineers aren't too too great, but what's important is the differences in vehicles.

    NC has better ground game, especially up close (less due to shotguns and more due to the way anchor works.) You might take a liking to the reaver, 167 dmg carbines, etc.
  10. M777Howitzer

    Yea there isn't much difference to engineers themselves, Only main difference is NC weapons and and color and thats about it. All of the AI mines go boom if someone walks by it so I really don't see a difference in any of them but there will always be the need to repair something . Not sure why you have class specific characters on factions. Just enjoy and experience everything about them, meaning the weapons, classes, vehicles, and aircrafts. They are all awesome to try out and learn about because they are all very different from the other factions.

    If you must have a primary NC class, I suggest playing MAX a lot and trying out the NC sniper rifles, especially the railjack which is unbelievably awesome at mega long ranges
  11. Problem Officer

    [PSA] That's what makes Claymore do the most damage.
    The others don't trigger quickly enough to land a hit in lower radius before the target move away AND trigger in a 360 degree angle,
    meaning they often trigger on a shallow trajectory through the edge of the damage zone or even when exposure time is minimal.
    NC and VS mines I've tripped countless times with 0 damage, Claymore if I survive I'm in a MAX.
    Old SOE forgot to make Betty actually hop upward during its delay and give Prox anything special at all.
  12. Eternaloptimist

    I see from PTS notes that they talking about increasing Betty and Prox damage from 1000 to 1050.

    Personally I have no trouble using either in ambush - I just place them further back from a doorway (or other thaing that blocks line of sight) than I would with the instant bang claymore. People very rarely and possibly never run round a corner and are able to react quickly enough when they see they are running towards a betty or a prox mine two or three yards in front of them. It gives the trigger time enough notice to go bang as they draw level with it.
  13. Moz


    Best carbine in the game.