[Suggestion] Why NOT increase ROF of semi-auto pistols?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FIN Faravid, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. FIN Faravid

    They are still semi automatic, and thus worse than low ROF carbine/AR/LMG + they have shorter range, but it would be much nicer to use them, and it would make more sense switching to sidearm instead of trying to reload your primary.
    It would still remain inferior sidearm, so i don`t see reason not to buff their ROF. Put it on Test server and see what happens.

    Only do it for the Vanus since all our pistols are semi-auto. For the NC and TR F-off you all already got pocket smgs :D.
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  3. Maelthra

    Because it would break your finger!
  4. SuperMedicated

    because people would glue vibrators to their mouses and instakill everybody
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  5. FIN Faravid

    Inquisitor and Emperor are both semi auto.
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    Isn't there already a pistol that will fire 10 rounds per second or something ridiculous if you can click that fast?
  7. Corporate Thug

    Pistols are fine. They do great damage and can kill pretty quickly. I switch to my secondary all the time and get kills, even on targets with full HP and firing back at me. I even go as far as pulling out my pistol as a primary when bored or fighting really new groups of players.
  8. M2_Bradley

    There was that Beamer Storm on PTS...It could fire as fast as you clicked as far as I know...
  9. z1967

    That would be the Inquisitor and the only person who I know that can click that fast is my pianist friend. Can't quite hit the ~9 clicks per second but gets really close.
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  10. SeanFree

    It would also encourage macro's to spam the shiz out of it.
  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    You did not read one word I said. I said ALL of vanu pistols are semi-auto. Nothing about TR. Just use the repeater its already the best pistol in the game.
  12. Leftconsin

    /hug Repeater
  13. iller


    It's the "good guy with a gun" fallacy. If you remove the rapid fire limits of these guns which are currently balanced around the average person's coordination, then ONLY CHEATERS will capitalize on the full capacity of the new firing rate.

    SOE just needs to do something about Automatics & Shotguns being too easy to get headshots with. They already sort of reduced headbox sizes in a nod to this, but that also penalized Semi/Pistols too. I'd much rather just see the Headshot multiplier reduced when Autos & Shotguns are used in close range. Measure the distance between the opponents first and then scale that headshot Bonus damage to really reward patience, precision, and target leading. If it's under 30ft, then only Pistols & Semi's should be getting a bonus.
  14. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Think about VS, they don't have semi-auto pistols
  15. Epic High Five

    The Mag Shot doesn't fire exceptionally fast and it's the best pistol in the game so maybe there's more to it than this
  16. SeanFree

    Magshot is my second favorite pistol in the game right behind the repeater. Both are great little sidearms. I wish the VS would just get there burst fire so we didn't have to hear their constant ******** about it.
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  17. TopVanuTroll

    Yes. Let's increase Commissioner RoF. Instagibbing everyone
  18. GaBeRock

    Cheaters and people whobind fire to scroll wheel. At some point, I should get on my vs alt, grab a beamer, and just murderfy people with it like that.
  19. GaBeRock

    Stick 2x burst on inquisitor/cerebus and everyone is happy. TR maintains its status as more-dakka faction, vs gets cerebus as an actuslly decent gun.
  20. Klypto

    The Rebel is the best pistol in the game.