Why no TR Vortek Equivelant?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GameSmacker, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni

    Go roll up a VS alt and dominate with it then. I'll wait on your results.

    Reaver AH got the nerf hammer last patch, it's dmg dropoff is one of the worst in the game (about on par with infantry shotguns which should tell you what a joke it is)

    You're obviously biased though, so I'm going to just stop responding to you and let you continue to live in your delusions since you won't listen to EVERY OTHER PILOT most of whom fly all 3.

    Mossie burst DPS is lower but sustained DPS is just as good and FAR more forgiving of missed bullets than the Vortek.

    Aren't all dogfights determined by who has Coyotes now anyways? Why is this even an issue?
  2. Vixxing

    He just likes to go "Scythes are OP and nerf Vortek" cause he gets his *** kicked by Scythe pilots, but when he tries to fly one he fails miserably... (so he got no clue why they are OP, but i can reveal it here!) Cause hes not piloting them! ;)
  3. JesNC



  4. Ronin Oni

    No, Scythes are just flat out OP like a pancake and aren't a part of this discussion.

    Reavers Vortek is also better then the Mossie Rotary... so the Mossie rotary should be changed to the Vortek stats and we shouldn't look at ANY OTHER statistics about the aircraft in question.

    C'mon man, get with the program.
  5. JesNC

    Ah, ok then.... sorry 'bout the hiccup.

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  6. GameSmacker

    Have yet to lose a 1v1 ESF in a scythe. Ridiculously easy compared to both other ESF's. Scythe is OP. This is not relevant to the topic. ******** vanu can relax and focus on the PPA topics or something.

    EDIT: In case it was missed, topic is about buffing m18rotary to be at least nearly as decent as the vortek.
  7. Vixxing

    Time you do it then... ill take u on in a mossi vs scythe duel then? (u get the scythe dont worry)
  8. Ronin Oni

    Except MY stuff.

    MY stuff is broken and needs to be buffed.

    Beamer for example does NO vehicle damage. NONE!!!

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  9. Lamat

    How about a Banshee equivalent?
  10. Revanmug

    I wish I had a Banshee...

    All those tears I could feed on... And never will...
  11. GameSmacker

    Ok I'll meet you behind the playground in the sandlot after school. Silly nerd, between top tier pilots everything else being equal a scythe will win a hover duel over both a reaver and a mossie. It has happened in every tournament those ace nerds have ever set up.

    Reavers do have crap AI guns, nobody is arguing that. The vortek however is blatantly better than the m18rotary. The m18rotary deserves a buff, either an increase in mag size or decrease in damage drop off at distance.
  12. TheBand1t

    Actually the last airnerd tournament ended with rguitar winning in a reaver hombre

    ESFing in a closed environment and live server are not remotely the same however

    The M18 doesn't 'deserve' anything. Much like how the Reaver doesn't 'deserve' a hitbox reduction.
  13. SushiCW

    You know, it would be nice if we could make balance determinations based on empirical evidence and statistics rather than "My anecdote is better than YOUR anecdote!" arguments. Do Reaver Vortek pilots significantly outperform Mosquito Rotary pilots among players with about the same amount of time in each? Somehow I doubt the difference is that big.

    Besides, ESFs are in a fairly good place overall. There are bigger fish for SOE to fry, like fixing resources so more people can fly consistently without being the top 1% on their server.
  14. Cyrek

    To my experience I'm found myself flying beside a lot of casual mossie pilots, this is like 3/4s of the time who are to a sad end bursted down by PREY pilots from emerald with the vortek, this thing is an insane casual farming machine for this kind of strategy.

    This is the standard PREY fit, you can't outrun a reaver with fuel tanks, when they need the sky cleared even on grids that aren't theres, they can just clear it withing seconds guns blazing in vorteks, it is too good, I don't want to give them too much credit but this is a reality, they are ex-Waterson faction bandwagoners who chased after the best ESF and its been researched to death outside these forums.
  15. [NNG]WillTerry

    Thats funny cause when I am in a mossie or a scythe the number one target I want to fight is a reaver. They are so easy to kill because of how large they are.
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  16. GameSmacker

    This x 1000. Take those same PREY nerds and put them on mossies with rotaries and I expect they still dominate, but they certainly would not be able to instagib less expierienced pilots to the same degree. Some pilots would even be able to escape (god forbid) and continue learning to fly.

    Also to those who think the scythe is not OP (or think the mossie is not the worst of the 3 esfs) please:

    See @ ~3minutes where both rguitar and mattiace aknowledge the mossie's weakness in a2a combat.
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  17. IamnotAmazing

    all esfs confirmed op
  18. minhalexus

    Yup, the Mossie is technically the worst at 1v1 hover-fighting, since it has very weak brakes and the highest speed.

    But 1v1 hoverfights are not the only thing that account in live-servers.
    Also having the best hitbox has it's advantages in live servers.

    All in all, ESFs are fairly balanced. The one change I would make is exchange the Reaver's better AB for better armour. The better AB is a joke unless you have fuel tanks. (something I don't always use)
  19. swisscowboy

    Yup, the Mossie is technically the worst at 1v1 hover-fighting. YES

    All in all, ESFs are fairly balanced= No

    I want have a fair chance in a 1vs. 1 fight.
  20. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Keep in mind, that Reaver has huge hitbox