Why no LA Precision weapons?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Petti The Yeti, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Petti The Yeti

    From what I can tell (at least on VS), LA's closest thing to a precision weapon is either a carbine set to semi auto, or a shotgun with slugs, neither of which are actually usable for precision shooting (carbine is too weak, shotgun has too slow velocity).

    Why don't we have something like the scout rifles from Inf? Not the full on sniper rifles, mind you, just the semi auto/auto scouts like the Nyx, Artemis, or NS30, and equivalents to TR/NC.

    Have SOE already come out and said it won't happen for balance purposes, or have they just not thought to do it, or what? As a precision shooting player coming from Inf, I would love to know...

    EDIT: Also, what about the battle rifles (Eidolon and equivalents)? Those might make more sense for the LA than the scout rifles, while still allowing a precision weapon into the LA arsenal.
  2. gibstorm

    They don't want us flying up into every corner of the map and sniping all game long
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  3. Iridar51

    I have no idea why we don't have anything for that. SOE has yet to make a statement on this topic.

    General forum consensus seems to be that anything with range greater than a carbine, including ARs, would make LA horribly overpowered, and every LA in the world will just sit 100m from the ground, shooting at helpless people below, failing to realize that scout rifles are pretty bad weapons, and outdoor combat is irrelevant in 9 cases out of 10 anyway.

    Truth is, people hate LAs, and they don't want to give us anything that would make us stronger, and SOE just plainly has no idea what they want LA - or their game - to be.
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  4. Akashar

    I'd like LA to get access to scout rifles, it totally makes sense if you look at it: Both are scouts in their way... Plus I think scout rifles are wasted on infiltrators, as they either play their noobish smg or sniper rifles. It would be a good addition to the game IMO.
  5. RoofLurker

    Long-range carbines are plenty accurate, while still allowing a person getting fired at from a treetop 80m away some time to respond. Light Assaults with scout rifles would be a nightmare and an indirect nerf to infiltrators.
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  6. Rovertoo

    I think 'precision' weapons should stay with Infiltrators, that said I think scout rifles would be fine, especially since most other classes an use them. The way I see it, the LA should get weapons that can be used better with flanking. A grenade launcher or rocket rifle thing. Classes as I see them are:

    Infiltrator: Precision
    Light Assault: Flanking
    Combat Medic: Sustain
    Engineer: Fortifications
    Heavy Assault: Brute force

    Every class should be as capable as any other at killing Infantry, Air, and Vehicles alike, but do it with their own style. In that respect LA and Infiltrator need some love.
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  7. Decian

    Infils start this huge crusade against Light Assaults whenever LA gets ANY sort of look at a revamp or buff. Look through the LA forum, there is more infils ******** than their is LAs asking for a role other than dropping C4.
  8. Petti The Yeti

    This reply is close to what I was thinking when asking if SOE didn't give LA scout rifles for balance purposes. But really, the scout rifles aren't strong enough to be 100+m out and still reliably making kills, as they all need at least 2 hit headshots, and 3-4 hit body shots at that range.

    I like using scout rifles within 50m on my Inf because the TTK on them is comparable to carbines and SMG's at that range, without wasting a full magazine trying to put someone down. Any closer, say 25m, and SMG's start to outclass it, but on my scout rifle Inf, at that range, I'm switching to pistols anyways.

    I don't know... I'm sure the potential for bullsh-- LA sniping is there if scout rifles are given to us, but realistically, I doubt many people would be using them like that.
  9. _itg

    I think the easy solution would be to make battle rifles available to all classes. This would also solve the problem with the scout rifle directive forcing you to play infiltrator to earn a non-infiltrator weapon.
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  10. Rovertoo

    Which is sad. As a Light Assault, I feel that the Infiltrator is like our brother-in-arms.
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  11. Petti The Yeti

    Oh yeah, I forgot about those battle rifles. Hell, even those would be a nice addition if we can't get scout rifles. Would be nice to see another version added, though. 1 per faction isn't enough to make them interesting, IMO
  12. _itg

    Maybe you could point out an example? Most of the negative reactions I've seen from infiltrators come from constant suggestions to move recon tools from infiltrator to LA, and I think that's understandable. As a light assault, you'd probably complain if jetpacks were moved to infiltrator.
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  13. LibertyRevolution

    Light Assaults should have access to Assault Riffles and Battle Riffles.
    The support classes Medic/Engineers are the ones that should be limited to carbines..

    I never understood why Eng get Battle Riffles, and Medics get AR, but light ASSAULT is stuck with carbines..
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  14. eldarfalcongravtank

    the way i see it, they dont allow ANY other class except infiltrator to have access to effective longrange weapons. lets see:
    - semi-auto weapons are crap
    - burstfire carbines/assault rifles are worthless
    - battlerifles are the worst weapon type in this game
    - "longrange" carbines/assault rifles are solid but are heavily out-dps'd by other choices within most ranges

    the only exceptions are the infiltrator's weapons which are great for longrange combat. so there you have it
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  15. LibertyRevolution

    I would rather be able to use a warden than be stuck plinking at guys with an ACX-11 with a 6x slapped on it..
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  16. SpruceMoose

    I'd be fine with LA getting the auto scout rifles
    giving them battle rifles and the semi-auto scout is where things get a bit hairy
    and in all honesty IF LA got access to all of these weapons it'd just give me more guys to counter snipe
    none of those guns compare to the range a BAR can pull off

    why don't medics have access to the battle rifle? when the engineer and heavy does
    why don't infiltrators have access to the battle rifle? when the engineer and heavy does
  17. Lord_Avatar

    They do.

    Because the semi-auto Scout Rifles (which also fall into the medium range cathegory) are superior.
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  18. Lord_Avatar

    Apparently you are crap with them.

    Burstfire weapons are incredibly accurate on the move and achieving maximum ROF isn't all that difficult with them. Also, my SABR-13 would like a word with you...

    Those could use a *small* buff, I agree.

    That's because they are mostly tailored to longer ranges, as you alredy pointed out...
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  19. LibertyRevolution

    I would love to run around a with vandal on my light assault... but yes, 2 LA in a tree with vandals, that would be a nightmare..
  20. Alarox

    Get your long-range carbine then equip a 2x optic, forward grip, and HVA. Enjoy.
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