I used my Paint skills to demonstrate why new NC Falcons suck. I don't know is this a new bug or intended feature™ but its really annoying, weapons don't seem to converge properly past 100 meters.
Oh no, you might have to fire them one at a time at a slight angle to do the best damage with the best velocity in AV MAX. God forbid.
You only just noticed this? I've been using falcons since beta, and I can tell you that they have always functioned like this. Back when they were grenades I used to try and hit sundies and tanks 300m out and the grenades would fall to either side. If they've adjusted the convergence point even closer, then that really sucks. At least it might make killing infantry easier. In fact as an FYI, ALL max weapons behave this way. Even Mercies and Scattercannons. Their convergence points are much closer though.
new falcons also do less dps, and obscure your sight more when you fire them, and have much more obvious projectiles. gravity was reduced and velocity was increased, but thier previous values were sufficiant for their use. I would say Falcons got nerfed. New comets also do less dps, but the velocity gain was more than worth it. The double fire system is more or less a neutral move, though the slight kick can be a bit anoying. Realy needs the ammo pool adusted up though to acount for fireing 2 weaker shots. But overall I would call it a buff. New pounders gained dps (from 300 to 325) and gained velocity, but also gain alot of drop, and require longer exposure time. I am comming around to em.
your assessment of old falcons is incorrect, they have always had the same broken *** convergence issues that every other AV MAX weapon has. the only difference is now you can see it better since it has a bright *** flame graphic behind it. that's one of the reasons i'm so excited for the sparrow, even if it puts out less overall DPS it goes exactly where I point without derping it up just so that some clueless stationary infantry don't get instakilled by them. it's a problem with all AV weapons except the new ESRLs and the Annihilator(which is broken for entirely different reasons). basically they can kill infantry so they cannot be balanced around being used on armor, they have to be balanced around infantry being able to react to and avoid them. Even C4 is affected by it, it's why it takes you 30 minutes to comtemplate your actions inbetween throwing brick #2 and pulling out the detonator, and another 15 minutes must be spent thinking about the meaning of life before you are able to press the button.