Why make the Gauss Burst SO bad?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Ghoest, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Ghoest

    I get that its not supposed to be a super gun - but 2 shot burst are pretty much the worst thing a gun could possible do.

    You end up getting the first shot multiplier effecting every other shot.

    The gun would actually be usable if it did 4 shot bursts.
    I assume to purpose of the gun is to help people who lack trigger control by forcing them to use bursts. 6 shot bursts would be the most useful but 4 would at least not be horrible.
  2. Corezer


    oh well, it is cheap at 100 certs, but it could be 10 certs and I wouldnt buy it.

    well... maybe for 1, for the medals.
  3. Gav7x

    Probably because NC recoil is best at sustained fire, high first shot multipliers
  4. MrIDoK

    The burst-fire versions of the default guns are pretty much worthless, but for someone they can be used to alleviate their trigger-happiness with full-auto rifles for only 100 certs. That's pretty much the reason why irl the US Army has M4s with a 3-round burst instead of full-auto, it prevents wasting ammo and promotes good aim.

    Also i noticed that the Gauss Rifle Burst is the same as the TR SABR-13. With the only exception of the 6x optic, HVA, advanced foregrip and compensator. For 900 certs less than it. o_O

    @gav7x: that's the TR :p you get more recoil, but a lower first shot multiplier. That's why we are better off hosing bullets and using long bursts and you using short bursts.
  5. Ghoest

    Not really. What you describe is the way it should be.
    But since the burst is only 2 shots you end up getting the the first shot multiplier every other bullet - making harder to aim. Thats why it should be a burst of 4 at least.
  6. Ghoest

    What they should probably do is reduce the first shot multiplier to 0.
    The gun would still be weakest but it woulnt be horrible anymore.
  7. Corezer

    I take this to mean you want the first shot to have 0 recoil, and the second shot obviously has only a 1x recoil multiplier since it isnt the first shot.... no, that's ridiculous.

    think about that....no
  8. CraftKing

    dont make the weapons in NC an easy mode. i dont want noobies from other factions coming to us.

    by burst shots, ur trying to make long range shots? i can do them even without burst mode. they're so annoying. just control your fingers and hand.

    also, if we make the first bullet 0 recoil. that would make us similar to VS or TR with no recoil in LQC, but less bullet per second. you get what i mean?

    i think the whole idea for NC is CQC to MQC.. of course there are some exceptions like sniper and other specialized weapon for long range combat. but in general, NC = CQC.

    if players don't have a trigger control and forced to use the burst mode. then i advice you to make the first bullet hit (should be precise or atleast hit) then let the second one go to waste (of course much preferably, make it hit). then make the next shots the same. if you would argue that you don't have trigger control etc still, then i suggest dont even dream about taking targets at long range distances. go to VS, they dont have bullet drop, less recoil etc and they need more people to increase pop and to stop their whining. lol. ~ dont be offended, it's a serious advice. you cant blame anyone if you dont have trigger control, atleast that faction will cater your needs.
  9. nubery

    Even the guass rifle S is worthlessly bad. TR's S carbine is still decent, and the same for VS. NC's burst and S carbine is just awful.

    ****** guns =/= more skill. It's just more of a headache.
  10. VanuSovereignty

    The orion and carv both have a higher first shot multiplier than the gauss saw...
    Edit: Oh wow I thought we were talking about LMGs. I should really check what forum section I'm in next time.
  11. Ghoest

    engage your brain

    1 The gun fires in bursts of 2 shots.

    2 Every shot produces recoil.

    3 The recoil from the first shot is multiplied by a static number.
  12. Corezer

    engage your brain
    40x0(as you suggest)=0
    shot 2 recoil (40) x1=40

    that is what your post suggested, sorry if you have trouble with english.
  13. CraftKing

    you mean math. hehe.
    he probably mean..
    1st shot = 1 point recoil
    2nd shot = 1 x (40) ~ just copied your figure.

    but to the OP. to get what you're saying. for the 2nd shot to get the most recoil, we need to make the RoF of the burst a lot faster than we have now. that makes the "logic" of the gun illogical. what i mean to say, if we think about it logically. if like you said every shots produces recoil. to not feel the recoil of the first shot and only after the 2nd one is fired, a higher RoF is needed. you get what i mean?

    ill give an example figure (dummy one) to explain my point better.

    let's say 20 point recoil is way out of target and needs to re-aim.

    normally we have... (note: dummy figures)
    1st - 20 point
    2nd - 20 x 1
    5 milliseconds for the animation of the recoil to take place after a bullet is fired (then the follow up fire)

    then for us to get the result that you're looking for we need to close the gap, reduce that 5 mil-seconds in between shots but maintain the 5 mil-seconds for recoil delay.
    now let's make 3 milliseconds between the 1st and 2nd shots but still maintain the 5 mil-second recoil delay, in my logic, you will feel the most recoil after the 2nd is fired..
  14. Autarkis

    Burst mode is terrible on all guns. It's not just an NC problem.
  15. Ghoest

    Ok I see that I wasnt thinking and said 0 instead of one - but honestly I dont think it was hard to see what I was intending.
  16. haniblecter

    I love it for medium range. Its nucking futs landing multiple headshots with the thing. I've come to like it in many situations (though extreme range and closeness is far from ideal)
  17. HeadshotVictim

    you have to use the Gauss Compact Burst for that?
    You can do that with every other gun as well... just shoot two rounds, stop repeat...

    Yes, the Compact Burst IS that ******...

    The TR Medics have a Burst-Version which is kinda good, but NC shouldn't use it... I got it because it is cheap... and that's the extent of it.
    I want to make Gold with it, but I have some other projects to finish first. (Aurax on Sweeper and AC-X11 for example.)
    So before I will try the Gauss Compact Burst again, it will take some time...
  18. Cirevam

    What's the point of a gun that's locked into a two-shot burst-fire mode when the full-auto version has a semi-auto mode and the S-variant has a three-shot burst mode?
  19. HeadshotVictim

    well... I made Bronze Medal on it...
    it is okayish I think.
    It is far away from being a good weapon, but for 100 Certs you get a weapon that plays more or less like a Carbine-Version of the Sweeper... you can get something like full-auto fire with hitting the mouse button like crazy.
    2x Reflex Sight (which is only used for ranges bigger than 25m)... and perhaps a Laser Sight, but I don't know about this yet (will it help?)
    it is okay, as said... but not really nice...
    I am always pleased to kill someone with it, hoping that he feels as humiliated as he should be for being killed with a weapon like this :D
  20. Bluecricket

    All the "burst" variants of weapons need something else to set them apart from their default versions. 3-round burst modes aren't exactly an advantage. Perhaps with the introduction of new attachments in the future, "burst" variants will receive a little extra attention to set them apart from their default versions.

    I should add, however, that the -S/-SF/Equinox are all very good in their own right. While they are statistically inferior to the default options by a small amount, the attachments they can equip make a big difference. An LA kitted with a Carbine that has Smoke/HVA/NV Scope/Whatever Barrel attachment along with Flashbangs is a monster.