Why light assault is a better infiltrator than an infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by drNovikov, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. McDonaldsMaster

    Yes it was during beta. What part about that vid is BS and can you define BS? Does that mean "the video is fake"? Do you remember where in the vid that I "killed a Max in 3 shots"? Becuase I don't remember doing that. .And walking uncloaked in front of someone = taking advantage of them leaving their guards down. (Who would expect a lone soldier to be there? And when your guard is down, that's the best time to cert up. Certing requires your entire screen to be covered with a menu of upgrades.)

    I'm a "high risk high reward" kinda guy.
  2. giltwist

    No, that's why I asked about beta. Not that it was fake, just that I didn't think it represented the current weapon balance. At 1:45 you OHK an infiltrator with a knife, for example. Also, my bad on the MAX thing, I went back to look. Around the 2:50-2:55 mark you kill someone (i think a heavy?) and a max walks right past as the kill alert goes up, that's why I thought you killed the MAX.
  3. McDonaldsMaster

    Ah, the max thing, fair enough.

    Hahah, even so, if one knife slash wasn't good enough, I'd just shoot him with my pistol. Oh yeah. Watch the ending, it takes 2 knife slashes to kill a guy. For the ones that I killed in one slash, they might have been previously injured.

    I have done similar crazy things like that even after beta is over. (You can see them on my youtube channel) Anything else?
  4. Arcanum

    AFAIK you can't change swap slug ammo during combat, you have to go to a terminal and remove it. From what I saw in the video it's not that bad for CQC though.
  5. Arcanum

    Yes, it obviously was. Back then cloakers didn't render on low, this was changed several times. Though even today with half the playerbase using NV you can sometimes still go around walking uncloaked as if you were playing Crysis.

    Fun fact: the video was recorded back when Esamir was a new thing. For a couple days it was completely NC dominated on the US servers due to a population lock issue. After they fixed it people on the other factions just gave up on Esamir, necessitating dev intervention. After several territory resets things normalized.

    I got to try that more often.
  6. Reithan

    I really wish I knew where this guy was doing this. I snuck into a base today, did this exact thing. Hacked a vehicle turret that was in use, killed the guy in it, hopped in , got like...2 kills before I was hacked out again. Killed that guy, hacked back in...guy comes back after like 3 more kills, hacks me out again - I kill him again and his buddy nearly gets me before I get back in. This time, no kill and the next time he hacks me out he has a proxi mine sitting on the exit...:(

    So, total of like 4-5 vehicle kills, the 1 engi, and the infi 2x....how do you find a base stupid enough to let you just sit in there and rack up 65 vehicle kills??
  7. McDonaldsMaster

    Hahaha, mate. I have done this BILLIONS of times. I never destroyed 65 vehicles in a row. It's called editing! That video is a collection of my infiltrating adventures! I have had to jump out or I end up dying (I jumped out a few times in the vid!). If I didn't edit these 100+ vehicle kills...the video would be.....what....5-30 minutes? That's too long, man.
  8. Wobberjockey

    as awesome as that video is, the scope crosshair reveals that the video dates from beta (and the date confirms it) as well as the SAMS term being on the back bumper of the sundy

    it's about as constructive to the discussion as all those magrider vids showing a mag climbing scarred mesa skydock
  9. Reithan

    Ah, I thought you meant this was just one life, one string of kills or something. I didn't realize it was just a montage. I knew it was edited, though. :p
  10. McDonaldsMaster

    HAHAHA! WOW! One string of life? HAHAHAH!!!!! My highest Kill Streak is 30!
  11. McDonaldsMaster

    Yes, it is absolutely in beta. What is that supposed to mean?
  12. Wobberjockey

    people are STILL posting that beta video as proof the mag needs to be nerfed, totally ignoring it hasn't been able to do that in months.

    the last thing we need is a group of incompitent players thinking that the INF is some sort of super combat god, because we already have enough people calling for the inf's head in nerfs
  13. illgot

    yeah I play with my bose headphones because I can tell where people are based on noise. My speakers are horrible though, cheap 18 dollar things I kept from an old computer.
  14. Mata

    Haha! nice, great video.