Why light assault is a better infiltrator than an infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by drNovikov, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. giltwist

    Bad news gentlement, LA are also better snipers than we are:

    They can get to sniping nests we never could, kill in 3 shots like we do and can easily swap over to CQC just by turning off slug ammo.
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  2. GSZenith

    Wow...brb getting new sho- sniper rifle on my LA, srsly fudge...what the fudge, fudge fudge fudge, really...but it is ok inf can hack empty bases!....fudge bed now, cya tomrrow.
  3. Jests

    How does that make him a better sniper? Cause he can get into a tree? L2 position and you can get streaks like this too o_O
  4. Jests

    [quote="Plague Rat, post: 1055002, member: 119437"

    Well firstly I think we need to stop using jetpacks as our measuring stick for what we feel we should have. When even the devs admit their game has balancing issues and have admitted there are upcoming tweeks to classes, and I recall jetpacks mentioned in particular right around the time they were talking about the liberator hotfix, so that shouldn't be the level of utility everyone demands, or even uses to emphasize a sense of disparity. (maybe they'll make them louder) The irony of this situation is that it’s the infiltrator complaint that all someone has to do is pay attention to spot us when the counter to the light assault is exactly the same. Quiet jetpack or not, all you really have to do to spot a light assault is look up. As Zombo pointed out 90% comes from the horizontal plane, but eventually that 10% is going to force players to into the habit of doing this, because otherwise it's really our own faults isn't it?

    Also, I kind of find it funny that it’s fine to blame inattentive players for getting what’s coming to them, but at the same time it can’t possibly be the infiltrator’s fault when they get spotted through their cloak. Most times folks don’t even seem to consider what they might have done wrong and how they can do it better next time. Nothing is ever that one-sided, so the fact most infiltrators take that attitude and that any successes are just dumb luck just bothers the hell out of me. I hate defeatism.


    Well said.
  5. Brendan

    Well said.[/quote]

    Really ??? anyway the death of infiltrator killed an important part of the game so enjoy it!

    Let me warn you that kind of reaction is how you kill a class based game; in those kind of game each class have a role wich even limited is important, when you remove it you create a hole wich cause mass unbalance .

    Atm infiltrator are dead only a few of us play it, when shotty got removed they lost they purpose.

    You don't know but you are all affected by the slow agony of this class.
  6. Plague Rat

    See video's like that I don't really find impressive. Yes, he can get to a better location, but the rest.... no... very no... See this is pretty much max effective range for a slug shotgun and the guy is getting very lucky with his targets. He kills 7 people in this video, 2 of which had less than 25% hitpoints before he starts shooting, and another 3 didn't move at all from his first shot to his last, and on the 2 that actually moved they ended up blowing 9 rounds to kill the first and 5 to kill the other.

    Keep in mind this is a VS without bullet drop, there's a reason the bulk of slug gun vids come from VS players. What you're seeing here is shooting at about 93m if I'm reading the waypoint correctly, in which he only hits stationary targets, in the middle of the video he's shooting closer hill crest, and his final kill is likely only about 50m away. Any other army would have significant drop at that point to be contended with at these various distances. Typical slugs only have a velocity of 300, and 275 for VS, (which is why the player in the video has so much trouble with the movers) to the 500 for our scout rifles, and higher for our true snipers rifles. As you can see from the video that nearly half of their kills don't even begin to move when shot. And with the misses on those that did evade, with only a total bullet pool of 48 they can't keep that up for long in any practical situation. The video even ended because their ran out.

    What's really sad about this is that all those player's he shooting at, they can all see where the shots are coming from. The slug tracer is very apparent due to the laser graphic and the low shot speed, and no one even shoots in his general direction. I'd say it was skill if they placed themselves with the sun at their back to obscure themselves but I can see from the shadows that's not the case. This video is, if anything a best case scenario.

    Things to consider about slug shotguns:
    Low velocity
    Equipping slugs lowers the weapons RoF
    Shotguns only have acccess to 4x scopes.
    Lower headshot multiplier.

    But if you can make this work, it can be a fairly fun way to go, even on non-LA classes, this was the first weapon style I actually got good with in this game. But once I went infiltrator I never went back. For me it still falls short in comparison to even the scout rifle as far as placing accurate high damage shots in quick succession.
  7. giltwist

    Well, out in the open like this, yes, Infils get longer range. However inside a base, 100m is often as long a line of sight as you can get. This strikes me as the perfect turret tower sniping range. The only people he won't be able to reach are the ones who drop-pod to the central spire.

    The vast majority of my headshots are people holding still too. Only maybe 1 in 10 is on-the-move. And what he loses at the longest range, me more than makes up for in unexpected angles, maneuverability and CQC capability.

    Well that may be the crux of our differences. I've never really liked the scout rifles. I've tried the Nyx with several scopes, I almost always end up just using knife/pistol. As a result, my short range primary tends to be the Ghost with a x2 reflex. It's just not worth scoping in on a scout rifle when you are almost always flinching before you get the first shot off.
  8. Plague Rat

    Well firstly, you REALLY don't want to use the slugs INSIDE a base unless it's the tech plant because I can only descibe the interior of the main building as cavernous. On infiltrator terms this is about like grabbing the Phantom and going at it that way, only with a significantly higher recoil and you still have to lead even at close-mid because of the shot speed. By equipping slugs you basically neuter your close range capabilities, and your pistol is your new best friend, much like the infiltrator. Hip firing is about the same as playing russian roulette since you're firing a single projectile instead of a spread (that particular CoF doesn't narrow any) and when ADSing the recoil is enough to push your reticle completely off your target, and you're still subjected to the same flinching that we as infiltators know all too well. Bascially if it's closer than 15m you're often better off with your pistol.

    The stationary target thing is more than just the first shot. The difference being that if your target is stationary, and you shoot it with a bolt action, it's dead and you likely did it from the same range or farther. If you were packing a semi-auto sniper or scout and the target doesn't at least try to move after the first hit, then you know as well as I do that you either caught someone that's either typing in chat, AFK, looking at their map, or so fixated at what they're aiming at to notice or care (I.E. baddie) It's luck, an abberation, hardly par for the course. So when i see those in videos I have to immediately write them off as gimmies. This is especially true in this video. It'd probably be my approximation that this person has probably only been using slugs for a week, maybe two and hasn't really gotten used to the quirks of it yet becuase they're firing far too quickly at moving targets for the shotgun's CoF growth. Pretty much if you don't take a pause and let it tighten back up after 3-4 shots your slugs are drifiting pretty harshly from your crosshair.

    Also about your Nyx, that's a common problem. The main draw of having that is for an IR scope, the lack of sway, and the slow CoF growth. I never see anyone good with it in close range without a laser sight, even I still can't pull that crap off with my Shadow. But it's still more accurate than slugs at that range. I've personally found myself most comfortable with the impetus if I'm going indoors. Like I mentioned in my previous post I 'grew up' in this game on the slug shotgun and the impetus (it would be phantom for you I believe) has all the perks with none of the shotgun downsides, and scope sway at those ranges is barely an issue, and is pretty much what drew me to the infiltrator because it pretty much took my slug gun which I had been using almost exclusively, and made it that much more usable.
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  9. illgot

    The cloak on the infiltrator is great for sniping, just enough to be useful from a long distance.

    They need a better cloak to break into a base. Something that makes the infiltrator more invisible when crouched and not moving.

    I think the SMG will help infiltrators a lot. One thing we lacked was a close range weapon and the SMG will fill that role as long as it has a silencer option.

    As for our current tools, would be nice to change the dart into something that you can tag a vehicle/player with and it moves with them.

    The current short duration is underwhelming at best.
  10. McDonaldsMaster

    The Infiltrator is the best infiltrator. If a person believes otherwise, there's a possibility they have not mastered the Infiltrator. I believe it is critical to know when to stealth or unstealth and where to stealth and unstealth. Infiltrators should be resourceful and aware of their surroundings.

    Here's a vid I uploaded as an Infiltrator infiltrating.

    Let's see your Light Assault do that!
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  11. Deschain

    Atm infiltrator are dead only a few of us play it, when shotty got removed they lost they purpose.[/quote]

    Class needs a revamp from the bottom to the top for sure.
  12. Ghostloadout

    The days when cloak was good and people could not see ANYTHING. I wish we could go back to these days.
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  13. Mata

    Cloaking is loud, much easier to hear than footsteps, and you can even tell if its a vs, nc or tr cloaking by the sound of it. The best time to use your cloak is when you're spotted (or know you will be spotted very soon) and want to get away, when you're too far for anyone to hear, or when there is another noise to mask your cloak. This only applies when your at a small fight, in the big fights, either nobody is going to hear it, or they won't care because they have other targets to shoot at right in front of them. Infiltrators are good at taking out infantry, and that's it. About 1/3 of my total kills are with this class, and I use the cloak much more than any other class' usable ability.

    I think this is a class that you have to spend hours playing before you can see the value they, definitely not for people who want immediate gratification. Sometimes you'll spend 10 minutes getting to a good location and die without any kills, other times you'll get 30 kills within 10 minutes, it just depends.
  14. Yosarian

  15. Yosarian

    awesome vid highfive man :)
  16. giltwist


    I definitely have to call BS on that video a few times. You walked UNCLOAKED in front of someone who doesn't notice multiple times, one shot someone with the knife and appear to have killed a MAX with like 3 shots? Be honest, this was during beta?
  17. Jests

    I cross paths with McDonaldsMaster occasionally. He's a skilled infiltrator and just knows what he's doing... that's all.

    I don't know if this was or wasn't during beta, but I do know that what you're seeing here still happens for me all the time.

    Anyway, just a side note:

    The video you posted giltwist... you can get into that tree without a jetpack.

    It just clicked now that you're Vanu in this vid. What made you switch TR? o_O
  18. Ghostloadout

    It was during beta, as you can see the Auraxium Count, which was only in beta, same goes for other resources.
  19. McDonaldsMaster

    Go to 4:17 . I think in Beta, they were easier to see. They had a shiny glow.
  20. McDonaldsMaster

    Well said about it is a class that takes time to experience it's true potential.

    And I've uploaded a video in regards to your "only taking out infantry" comment.
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