Why Is Waterson's Weekly WDS Score Reversed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    NC has been ahead the entire time, followed by TR, then VS. On the weekly score it says VS is #1, and NC is #3 with TR still in the middle

    What's the point of doing ANY of this WDS nonsense, if you are just going to let VS win no matter what? They preformed the worst, the entire time, and you still made them win... That just doesn't make any sense at all

    Please fix it
  2. Maelthra

    Vanu use their superior technology to subjugate the WDS point tracking system.
  3. Hatesphere

    I cant say i would shed any tears for NC on waterson with there population at the moment....
  4. Aegie

    Broken is broken, pop or not.
  5. AFK1

    Vanu has every advantage you could ever possibly want in this game, if any faction deserves a forced loss, it's them. Instead, they are given a win, despite the fact that they did not win
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  6. CEGrif

    dont worry SoE will fix the WDS system so VS wins again
  7. Hatesphere

    except they were not given a win. please point out were a win was given? a glitch on a score board does not count.
  8. Hatesphere

    yeah, because it should so be about who has the most population!
  9. CEGrif

    on Connery it switches between NC and VS
  10. Hatesphere

    my point isnt really based on any faction. it based on the fact that WDS pretty much favors the faction wit the most population, it always has. NC has the highest population on average right now, and they are on the top of the board, last WDS it was TR.
  11. Konstantinn

    They redid the whole system because VS won on all servers except 2, those 2 were taken by NC. 0 for TR on any server. Oh yeah they also deleted most of the posts that pointed that out.
  12. AFK1

    How do you know it's a "glitch", and not SOE just giving the VS a win?

    A visual scoreboard error could be fixed in literally half a second. But it's still there...
  13. teks

    Remember that its a beta project still. theres no reason to be so personally offended every time you didn't win. Its not a surprise to point out that its not fair, because thats exactly why its considered beta.

    It wouldn't be any different if TR of NC won. They are still working on the scoring system.
  14. teks

    Because thats stupid.
    Sorry, not trying to attack you on a personal level, but its stupid to believe that a game company has a personal interest in handing out wins to a particular side. This argument isn't something you can make by saying "Well their isn't any evidence that they didn't" Because its so extreme you would have to prove that its plausible in the first place.
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  15. EmmettLBrown

    Crazy idea time:
    VS are getting the advantage because SOE thinks they're the least played faction. This influences people to create VS characters to gain rewards.

    Ok, you can take off your tinfoil hats now.
  16. Halcyon

    Who actually cares about WDS right now?
    It's not even a real season, and the scoring mechanics are completely fubar.

    They say they learned from the first WDS but I see no evidence of that so far.
  17. EmmettLBrown

    Unfortunately the large outfits care, and those guys direct the big fights (or lack of them).
  18. AFK1

    I care because "winning" "alerts" or "WDS" is the only possible reason anyone could have to play NC or TR are in this game. VS weapons are easier to use, and more effective at every range, best camo, best tank, best ESF, by FAR the best max, etc., everyday when I log into Planetside, the only way I can justify even playing NC is that NC "wins" these arbitrary events - this means that generally the skill pool must be higher on NC, thus it's enjoyable to play with the highest concentration of skilled players (NC)

    But if SOE takes even that away, then there's no reason to every play NC or TR. I've spent too much time grinding everything on the NC, to start over, so it's pretty much game over at this point