Why is there no customization feaures for free players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wetto, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Scorpion97

    But the analyst helmet,some decals and the auraxium armors are free and without cash

    Just work hard on your favorite classes and you won't need to buy a cosmetic :p
  2. sjtw_w_stot

    You have to pay with real cash for Experience and Resource boosts. That makes this game Pay-to-win. No debate.
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  3. GhostAvatar

    Ahhh, first world problems of the entitled generation.
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  4. FateJH

    *debate ensues*
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  5. GhostAvatar

    Nope, he is right. There is no debate when someone is that utterly and completely wrong in their statement.
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  6. WorldOfForms

    Arguments don't work like that. You don't make an unsubstantiated statement, provide no reasoning, and then somehow magically win by saying "No debate."

    When you make an argument, the burden of proof is on you.
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  7. WorldOfForms

    As for the whole "give us something free and you might entice us to spend money."

    No you won't. Endless statistics on F2P games have proven over and over that from 95% to 98% of all players will never, EVER spend a dime on a game.

    So don't try to claim getting something more for free will open up your wallets. You will ride that free gravy train until you get bored of the game, then move onto the next and never spend a dime on that one either. And probably complain on that game's forums that you don't get enough free stuff.
  8. FocusLight

    Telling you that you are wrong when you are being wrong is not rude, explaining to you the issue with the original post is not abuse.

    This is an extremely simple concept to understand.

    In Planetside 2, everything outside of most cosmetical items can be gained for free, meaning you pay nothing for it at all.

    You down-load, make an account, start the game, log in, make a character, play and progress completely for free, with nothing stopping you from going from BR 1 to BR 100 and unlocking anything you like from the get-go for no IRL money whatsoever.

    Subscriptions, cosmetics, boosts and so on are what costs money, as well as the OPTION of paying for any weapon and attachment you like with IRL money. What you can't pay for for IRL money however are character-upgrades, like higher levels of armor, items for your vehicle utility slots, more powerful medical tools o repair tools, access to C4 or mines, better cooling-rates for Engineer turrets and so on. All those little things that improve your performance in all these areas is something you HAVE to get certs for, meaning that no-one can buy their way to any power even if they spend money to get tens of thousands of DB-cash.

    And into this extremely fair model that offers every single relevant item up for free comes the OP, complaining that BDG is GREEDY for not offering him cosmetics for certs - completely missing that there are indeed some cosmetics available for certs and some work - for instance directive camos, that you can't buy with anything at all anyway - so that even defeats the OP's original premise that no cosmetics are available to him without paying for it.

    People also point out that as much as the devs have bills to pay and the need for money like everyone else does, this is STILL the model they are using, and at the end of the day they provide 100% of all the game's content that has any mechanical meaning to the game-play itself for no cost. ZERO money needed, zip, nada, nothing.

    That is extremely GENEROUS, IMHO, but somehow in your mind saying this, often in a direct and crude manner because the constant whining about it and the feeble attempts to seriously argue that DBG are a greedy company for this F2P model, is abuse.

    No, it's not - counter-arguments are not abuse, not even when the debate get heated, that's just a heated debate.

    Finally, directive are not something that "not everyone might be able to achieve" - this is out-right false, no two-ways about it. Directives are like Battle ranks - they are inevitable.

    You start with one weapon or one role, or both, say you play Medic with your starter Assault Rifle. Inevitably you hit 1160 kills with that rifle and have healed enough allies, revived enough allies. Congrats that's one aurax weapon and two fo the Medic directives done. So you spend some of the certs you got buying another AR and keep on healing, reviving and so on with that, perhaps even replace your AOE heal with the shield regen field, then you aurax another AR and get another directive done, getting you closer to your Aurax AR and auraxium armor - as long as you keep doing this and swapping weapons once in a while it's inevitable that you will hit your goal all with simple game-play.

    The only reason anyone do not achieve these is that they stop playing the game, so long as they keep having fun playing the game the Aurax goals will happen in due time.

    Finally, I have little patience for your particular brand of whining so you will be doing me and everyone else a good favor if you would explain how counter-arguing is rude or abusive, because in my part of the world those two words have limited and very specific meanings.
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  9. FocusLight

    You do not dictate when a debate is on or not, especially not when you post such a weak and worthless argument.

    Paying for a boost to your EXP gain or resource gain is not pay2win - pay to win is when you pay for something that can otherwise not be gained by not paying, and that item that can only be paid for with IRL money grants power.

    Resources and experience come trickling in at a constant rate simply from playing the game, all the boost will do is grant you more resources per tick or more exp per tick, for instance it will boost your 7 exp per second of repairing things to 10 or more. Geeh, that helps, but you still have to DO ALL THE THINGS THAT GRANT YOU EXPERIENCE and ultimately, do you know what experience does for you?

    Brings up your Battle Rank. BR does not unlock anything besides titles, nothing else relies on it, no weapons or vehicles are locked behind a BR requirement, this is not CoD. It is purely a measure of how long you have played, so this part is cosmetic only.

    Secondly, it grants you certs. Every 250 experience is one cert. Certs are your currency. Congrats, you have now created an incentive for buying an accelerator for your cert gain to players who might think that earning certs goes a little to slow. And indeed, some players do and earn certs faster, then when it runs out they stop buying new ones because there comes a point where you have unlocked all the meaningful items you wanted and start to ask yourself "what will I spend my certs on now?"

    Ask many older players in PS2, see how many sit on thousands of certs with no real incentive to spend them on anything.

    Resources are required to pull vehicles, aircraft or MAX suits, it's also used for your consumables like grenades and medkits. Congrats, you get to have more of that on average than the rest, assuming you manage ot burn through them all faster.

    The irony is, the only people who benefit from a resource boost are those that burn their resources faster than they regain them. If you find yourself constantly out of resources, you need to re-think how much grenade spamming you do, how often you lose your vehicles or how often you crash your ESF's, because anyone who improve their driving/flying or think more critically about when and where to use their grenades will not run out as often.

    And at the end of the day, your EXP and resource incomes are still there, boost or no boost. Buying a boost is not buying something you could not otherwise get. You are paying for a faster income than others. That is all.
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  10. Crator

    Nope, you don't HAVE to do that at all...
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  11. Sternguard

    If going by the logic "here's a taste, are you enticed for more?" then Devs already provide that as pointed out in this thread.

    How so? Experience comes from playing the game and resources are refilled over time quite quickly, with no territory control difference from what I can tell. Can view these and other things by holding the Options button/whatever other hotkey is assigned.

    EXP gets certs which gets players to be more versatile in horizontal progression. Default equipment can hold their own to varying extent. Certs generate at a reasonable pace by naturally playing the game. Obviously the top ranked repair tool will be the best but focus on it and it will be yours. True effectiveness comes from player skill, numbers and strategy. Can't use that maxed out repair tool if you're dead after all. Same goes for guns with skill in use added. Time, effort, and focus will get things unlocked.
    Teammates will indirectly unlock things for use as well as providing previews. Such as Player A gets Dalton on Liberator while Player B gets the Zephyr on theirs they each can get different utilities and such too. Or simply having something you & others around you lack, for instance when deciding who sits where and doing what in a Valkyrie crew.

    Resources aren't an issue though I can only use myself as an example. I've never had issues with available resources because they refill on their own quite quickly. I pull a vehicle and by the time it's destroyed I can afford another one right away or soon after. Throw in teamwork and repairs to extend the life & effectiveness of the vehicles. If any wait occurs I play as the basic classes which are free to spawn as, Hvy assault being one that can challenge all targets. Basic classes do have consumables but these are cheap and again resources refill quite quickly. Plus teammates can cover for anyone that can't afford a consumable ie run with a medic if no medkits (and keep that medic alive). Or communicate that Engineer mines should go down somewhere and help whoever takes it up do so.

    [Jolly cooperation Intensifies]
  12. ModsFreeAreForTV

    It's called Capitalism, maybe they should start teaching you kids what a consumer market is?
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  13. Pelojian

    they likely already know. if they didn't have the anonymity of the internet they wouldn't be whining for more free stuff that is currently exclusive to those that pay.

    when is the last time you heard of a kid with no money whining about a store that offers free samples of something merely because they have to pay for the rest of the merchandise like everyone else?
  14. Rentago

    this game needs to give ranked based cosmetics every 25 ranks.

    so people can distinguish a scrub from a rank 100 and so on.

    like in planetside 1, your armor would change color patterns with battle rank, and gain accessories with command rank like a backpack.

    nothing huge, but to define your progress.
  15. stalkish

    Were you being sarcastic?

    You said pay to WIN.
    What guarantees some1 the win just by buying xp boosts?

    Say i buy a membership, i get 50% xp and resource boost. I spawn in as engi, run towards A point at the crossroads to defend. On my way there, you a free player who has no sub and no boost, kills me. Ive earned 0 xp and therefore have earned 0 boosted xp aswel. So you, as a free player, have just nullified my paid for benefit.
    I have no extra health, no extra armour, no extra shields, no additional damage from my weapon, no additional movement speed, no ADS speed boost, no ROF buff, no COF reduction. There is literally not a single advantage to some1 buying a boost, other than when they do manage to kill some1, they get more xp for it.
    In this game he who has the most XP does not win, its not a completion race, there isnt even any benefit to becoming BR100.

    Buying a boost really only does 2 things, reduces the time it takes to earn XP (and therefore certs), and supports the game. I kinda wish more players would pay to do the latter, maybe the game would have achieved its potential....
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  16. Antillie

    If you can't afford $15 a month for a subscription or some DBC now and then then you need to get a better job. $15 is not a significant amount of money. That's the real problem with free to play games, they attract higby freeloaders who expect to get everything for nothing.
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  17. FocusLight

    No. No they sure as hell don't. If the devs did that, what point would there be to SELLING cosmetics?

    It's not the battle-rank that distinguishes a scrub from a 'pro' it's the attitude. And to be honest, I *LIKE* the fact that I can see who has bothered to pay the devs for the cosmetics they use, and who has not. I've seen plenty of BR 100 players who has not paid a single dollar or whatever for anything. If you don't pay for anything, you look like absolutely everyone else. Who don't pay.

    You want a cosmetic and look a little different? Pay for it. And until you do, stop complaining that people won't give you free hand-outs, it's disgusting and pathetic, not to mention annoying to have to deal with.
  18. johnway

    Whenever i get the urge feeling for deserving free cosmetics there are several things i think/do when it happens.

    1. Go to vr training and dress up. than remember that i can't see most of the stuff in game unless in third person or in the hud.

    2. I remember compared to other games, the aesthetics could be much, much worse. F2p could start the game wearing a plain colored t shirt (with the faction logo), no helmet and jeans (like in APB). Want to look better? fork out extra cash. At the very least we look alright and the composite armor doesn't add that much to a character. Hell, when you look at it you realize how little you're getting (except for the Ha theres plenty of stuff there to look awesome).

    3.There are a couple of free options. i'm slightly disappointed that the basic training unlock can only be used for the LA only. A class that i rarely use these days. there was the cells cameo but when it was free back in the day you soon realized how tasteless it was when everyone else started to wear it. I do have it on my weapons though.
  19. Rentago

    then just remove the level/ranks from the game entirely as they serve no purpose otherwise.

    Planetside 1 not only gave out slight cosmetic variation every so many ranks to distinguish players, but it tied access to vehicles, weapons, and armor to what your BR and CR was.

    Nothing is tied to battle rank this time, its simply a level system with no purpose and since you are so adamant to having MORE content in a game that is lacking it we may as well remove the rank system since you can't distinguish a rank 1000 from a rank 1 regardless if they pay money or not since bought cosmetics aren't tied to rank, leadership, etc.

    I want to see who are the veterans and who aren't, this may be a game, but this is about 3 factions clashing eachother and for some reason the only feeling I get is a bunch of clowns running around without any leadership or military infrastructure other than the players who play absolutely for free actually look like they belong to a faction.
  20. uhlan

    Some of you folks will argue and find indignation in, well, anything...

    I guess that's the forum's faction trait.

    How important is it really to have cosmetics in the first place? You can only see them if you stare at your stats incessantly, or by other players.

    Meanwhile, you get the game for free and can earn virtually (yes, I said it...) every weapon system in the game just by playing relatively consistently!

    You have access to every map for free as a bit of icing.

    If they ever decided to hand any cosmetics out, they should make them strictly earnable and not purchasable at a later date.

    Some important ones were the Loyalist badges and camo handed out a few years ago. Earned by folks that were in the Beta. Those should remain unique.

    I think it's important to reward those who have been here since the beginning and it sends a message to the community that they acknowledge them and find them a valuable asset.

    Charging for the other stuff makes the company money and they have every right to do it.

    So keep buying the cosmetics and do so as much as you can because if things like that don't sell they'll keep pushing the boundaries and find something else that will really get your panties in a wad...

    Oh look! you have to pay extra for other continents! or... paying extra for access to MAX suits!

    It can happen as easily as I write this so count your blessings and don't begrudge the company the few bucks (in the grand scheme of things) it makes on the side.