Why is the TR throwing the Alert? (Emerald)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xboxerdude, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. xboxerdude

    Seriously why are you guys attacking our warpgate? when you could hit vs and win the alert?
  2. MorganM

    Hit the VS and win?

    Good one man! Best laugh I've had today; thanks.
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  3. Kaarl

    Who cares about winning alerts? It's more fun to play the game than it is to try to coordinate a bunch of outfits. Get a small squad and redeploy from fight to fight, not really worrying about strategic importance as much as if the fight will be fun. (Basically go fight the NC instead of the 120+ pew pew laser zerg)
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  4. Tommyp2006

    Because it's 11:30 am and no one really cares
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  5. AngryPlayer

    VS? What's that?
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  6. xboxerdude

    I see your just cowards, with bs excuses
  7. Axehilt

    Winning alerts is playing the game.

    TR/NC feeling like VS zerg more than other factions and avoiding them is why VS zergs are unbeatable. If they stopped wasting troops on the other underdog, they'd have plenty of players to fight the VS (and the other underdog would also have to budget fewer players against them, which means even more players fighting the VS.)

    "Attack the leader; don't attack the other losing player" is literally FFA strategy that a 6 year old could understand. Stop playing poorly and you'll stop thinking VS are unbeatable.
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  8. xboxerdude

    I agree with axehilt for once what is going on in this world
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  9. Kaarl

    I never said they were unbeatable, most of the VS are actually not that sharp in the fps skill department. Some are, but the ones that aren't make up for their lack of skill in numbers and discipline. That's fine, they are playing the game they want to. I just prefer not to try to beat the 96+ zerg. A 24v24 fight is much more enjoyable for ME. No organizing a bunch of people, no dealing with other outfit egos and bs, just take my 4 guys and have fun.
  10. Rift23

    Because AOD wants to "punish the VS for zerging by making it boring for them to win". Not making that up, one of their officers said that last time I was in one of their platoons and they did that.
  11. Axehilt

    Another thing 6 year olds understand: rock/paper/scissors. When someone plays rock, and they tell you ahead of time they're playing rock, and house rules require them to keep playing rock until they lose, don't keep playing scissors. Play paper instead. (PPA is rock; infantry is scissors; AV vehicles are paper.)

    As for the Magrider in general, everyone has air and air beats most tanks (because very few travel with enough AA to actually beat you before you can beat them.) AV MBTs all beat the Mag too of course, but you're basically on even footing which means it's their skill vs. yours unless you can leverage one of your tank's strengths over them (Prowlers annihilate Mags at range, and Vanguards can win-shield them up close.)
  12. OminousZ

    Because they scared
    Can't touch this...dum dum dum, dum...dum dum, dum dum, can't touch this...lol
  13. ronjahn

    With the responses I've seen in this thread it's no wonder that Emerald VS have an unmeasurable large Ego at this point. A large portion of the payer base has admitted defeat before even trying to make it to the battlefield.

    I'd be over there spamming "Git gud m8" and "GINYU FORCE RULES" all day as well if I knew most players were scared to go against me.

    I've never had the feeling that VS are unfun to fight. They get rekt and die just as easily as their TR sweetie pies.
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  14. Axehilt

    This can't be said enough.
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  15. Fellgnome

    No one. cares. about the grand meta on live. The vast majority at least, just want to have fun. PPA is anti-fun, therefor people avoid playing against VS.

    This isn't a rock/paper/scissors thing.
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  16. ChampagneDragon

    Which outfit is it? GOKU has TR alts, and they've been "helping" the VS more than fighting them.
  17. OminousZ

    You are correct with this post. But maybe OP has not tried the VS and would see that the grass is not greener on this side. Actually, fighting the NC is fun, because all too many times i just see them doing dumb stuff. Like yesterday, i was sitting in my lighting on Esamir at one of the AMP stations defending and the NC were trying to push, but they just kept charging and charging on foot while I was just destroying them. And they still kept coming...i was like...now i know why I don't play NC anymore. I was laughing my *** off because i just couldn't believe how clueless they were. I wondered who gave the order to push like that...finally after 44 kills, one of them grabbed a Vanguard and took me out. But it took all those players to die to figure out what the hell i was doing.
  18. ZomboWTF

    It works, in my outfit when we just cap **** for hours, we lose interest, everyone wants a good fight, no one wants to just stand around half an hour for a few cert points

    that said, being farmed to death and capping empty bases is both awfull, which is why some fronts are just 90/10 sometimes, but thats not only this way with VS or TR, NC can do so too, but i guess the grass is just greener on the other side
  19. LodeTria

    If you pull paper, his bigger brother scissors comes along and smacks it out of your hand before you can do any meaningful damage, then your back to scissors till your nanites recharge.
  20. Archiadus

    It's obviously part of a grand scheme to mess with the alert victory stats in order to throw off the forumsiders that swear by charts. :p
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