Why is the Spiker sidegrade to Desperado?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. patrykK1028

    Lets compare them: (Desperado on left, Spiker on right)
    RoF: 500 vs 480
    Max dmg: 167 8m vs 167 10m (OK spiker is better here.. but 2 meters? xd)
    Min dmg: 100 ;50m vs 84 ;60m(Spiker needs 2 more BTK - its like 143 dmg vs 112 dmg)
    Rest of the stats are almost the same (but Im not sure if Spikers recoil, CoF etc. werent changed in this patch), so:
    Spiker has lower RoF and way lower min dmg for... nothing
    And before you say "It has a charge up!!!": charge is in the second fire mode, which feels like Beamer with delay.
  2. Ronin Oni

    Shush, if people realize it's so close to as good as another factions pistol they'll nerf it.
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  3. z1967

    If it was as good as the desperado but also had a charge up mode it would be OP, even if the charge up mode was bad. It would have to lose the charge mode in order to be the desperado clone everyone wants it to be.
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  4. patrykK1028

    Gimme dat. Screw the charge
  5. Nhilys

    Better CoF with laser sight.
  6. patrykK1028

    dat advantage
  7. Ronin Oni

    You shouldn't really be using pistols beyond 10m anyways. If target > 10m, crouch behind cover and reload FFS, they won't reach you before you can reload. So min damage is largely irrelevant IMO.

    RoF is a difference, but, eh, it's close enough, it's still better than any other VS option.

    And the charge up, on a fire more selector to not interfere with burst mode operation, is a great addition to add extra utility to a sidearm that doesn't get much use.

    IMO it looks great on paper.
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  8. Nhilys

    All the differences are equally insignificant, we get the charge. That's pretty much the definition of sidegrade.
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  9. _itg

    Figures that VS players would still be complaining after they FINALLY get the pistol they've been begging for all this time. You can't give it a charge mode and identical stats to the Desperado, because then it would be a straight upgrade, and that's clearly unfair. The limiting factor on the Desperado is the mag size, not the RoF, anyways. Plus, last I checked, the spiker is more accurate than the Desperado. Don't know if that changed in the live version, though.
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  10. patrykK1028

    Insignificant? So, we can nerf all your weapons to have 2 more BTK?
  11. Nhilys

    It's a pistol, if you're trying to get kills with it past 50m you're doing it wrong in the first place.
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  12. Xasapis

    Charge up mode is garbage. The pistol however with the normal mode is at least functional at its intended role.

    They can safely remove the garbage ... er, sorry ... charge up mode I mean and noone will care.

    A mode that is useless is as if it doesn't exist. No sane person would bother with it.

    The normal mode is decent enough to warrant it's usage as a proper side arm. I don't care if it's a sidegrade or downgrade or whatever. At least now it is useful.
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  13. Imperial Sect

    The best part about the charge up is it doesn't even work right. At 167 dmg the charge up mode is supposed to fire a shot the equivalent of 4 shots and yet it doesn't even kill someone when you headshot them point blank. Commissioner is still the superior sidearm.
  14. DatVanuMan

    That last sentence is EXACTLY why it isn't a side grade. The Spiker is its OWN pistol, and I'm proud of the devs for finally giving us a good side arm worthy of recognition. I can't wait to buy it tomorrow!
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  15. DatVanuMan

    1.5x headshot bonus. Imagine this:
    If it were a 2x headshot bonus, it would headshot everything. Why? Because it deals 500 damage for a charged shot. I would like them to AT LEAST increase the headshot bonus to 1.8; that way, a charged shot deals exactly 900 damage, just like the Commissioner.
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  16. SenEvason

    I'm confused. Aren't weapons supposed to be sidegrades to each other?
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  17. z1967

    If they do remove it, then I see no reason to not buff the Spiker to be a clone of the desperado. However, this can't happen till the weapon changes a bit in the form of removing some features of it.
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  18. Xasapis

    I agree, they should remove charge up. It does nothing but offer poor excuses for not improving the actual weapon.
  19. WarmasterRaptor

    Commi doesn't one shot anybody except infiltrators... or already damaged enemies.
  20. WarmasterRaptor

    Yes they are. And all that complaining only made me remember about a quote of a dev.