Why is spawncamping a legit issue?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wroth, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Wroth

    Honestly guys, it baffles me. You have a GIANT open world game with tons of ways to approach every scenario, and you f*ck it up so bad you have spawn camping? That is skilled development - or lack thereof. I got burnt out on this game a few months ago, picked it up again tonight and tried to have some fun. I played on all three characters (on different servers each) and every f*cking base there is either my team, or their team, spawncamping.

    Good job SOE/DBG, you done f*cked it up.
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  2. Bindlestiff

    Please feel free to add to the previous debates as to how to resolve this.
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  3. Gundem

    Bad base design is bad.
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  4. TheFlamingLemon

    Spawn camping when you're defending a base isn't so much of an issue; teleporters just need to be added for all bases. The biggest issue, in my opinion, is spawncamping sunderers. I think sunderers should deploy into miniature spawn rooms with their own shields so people can run inside. When the sunderer is destroyed, those inside the shield should be protected but would be vulnerable afterwards. Whether or not players can shoot out of the deployed sunderer as they could a spawn room I don't really care.
  5. Donaldson Jones

    You should just dissolve when you die and return as a lightning bolt that kills anyone nearby but doesn't give you a kill and is counted as a suicide for the dying player(s). The bolts should occur in a radius around sunderers but nowhere specific (at least until some enemies start camping people).

    This means as soon as you get spawned you should probably move because spawning is dangerous.

    You can spawn camp but eventually you are going to get hit because after about a 30 seconds any enemy in the area should become a spawn storm target.
  6. Klypto

    It's just bad pain fields and spawn cover.

  7. Scr1nRusher

    Shady account is shady
  8. Jake the Dog

    I love the part where he says that theres a thousand ways to approach different scenarios and then complains about spawn camping...

    My tip to OP: Leave that base, go to the next, prepare and carefully think yourself out of your predicament.
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  9. Dennisz125

    Or can't because of spawn system
  10. Tommyp2006

    Getting spawn camped is a combination of both caused by design flaws in bases, as well as lazy defenders.
  11. Taemien

    Bases aren't designed badly for Infantry fights. They really aren't. If they were 'balanced' in favor of the defender that means a 48 vs 48 fight would never work in favor of the attacker.

    Is that what we want? Stalemates until one side outnumbers the other? Think about that. Stalemate is a good indicator of balance if both sides have equal numbers.

    In any game of strategy, being aggressive means having the initiative. Having the initiave means you get to choose WHEN and WHERE to attack. Defenders don't get to do this. The only thing they can do is stall. Stall until reinforcements arrive. It works like that in Chess, Checkers, Real Life Combat, Real Time Strategy, Turn Based Strategy, and even puzzle games like Tetris. Being cautious never broke any records, won tournaments, or triumphed over the axis powers

    When you defend, you try your best to buy time. If reinforcements are late, or don't show. Its time to redeploy. In fact I'd say you should redeploy the moment getting out of the spawn is getting hard or no progress is made getting the control point. Pull back, regroup, and counter attack. Take the initiative. Force the attackers to defend a hostile base.

    When you pull back like that, you know what happens? The pop in the area drops for your faction. Allowing zerglings to spawn in and hold their attention. Then you drop in with vehicles or gal drop and wreck them. Without a spawn point nearby their attack falters.

    Before the base flips, have an advanced party at their next base ready to flip. Preventing them from attacking further and even pinning them between two forces. Bam you're the attacker now.

    Problem with this, is two fold:

    1. Too many unsquadded zerglings and lonewolves.
    2. Too many squads, platoons, and outfits that aren't working as one unit.

    The faction that eliminates or mitigates those two issues take the continent. That's really how you win Planetside 2. You deal with those two issues.
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  12. Goretzu

    Base design is ok mostly now, generally I'd add a few more teleporters so even a small base has 1 spawn room, then 2 teleporters to 2 seperate places in the base (they could chain them spawn > TProom1 > TProom2 if space is an issue).

    Other than that it is because anything that is suggested to "stop" spawn-camping would end up worse for the game, the players and gameplay, than the current situation.
  13. Moridin6

    im ok with it, half the time vanu are too stupid to shoot at the enemy standing in plain sight on the other side, so, we deserve to get spawn-camped. we let it happen and dont even take advantage of it
  14. Moridin6

    i beg vanu to do this constantly while theyre all chilling in the spawn room waving at the enemy..
    fall back, drop mines,pull sundys tanks and a skyguard or two.
    but no one ever does
  15. FieldMarshall

    What i like the most about the problem of spawns in general is that they had a near-perfect system in PS1.
    And instead of looking at the new spawning system in PS2 and going "Maybe we screwed up, this is horrible" and going back to the original spawn idea in PS1,
    they instead try to tweak, fix and spend money/resources on something that can never work. Digging themselves deeper into the problem.
    The whole idea of a tiny box out in the open that only defenders can shoot out of is flawed at the core.
    Im surprised nobody at the PS2 idea table went "wtf is wrong with you" when the idea was brought up.

    Revamping the spawn system would take time and money. They dont have either, so i guess there is that.
    It would also mean that they would have to admit that they screwed up and wasted 3 years worth of money and dev time.
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  16. Pikachu

    How can spawn camping be avoided when defenders have lost the battle and the victory condition is based on a timer? Spawn camping is the result when attackers are superior to defenders and they push through their defenses.

    Defenders complaining about being spawn camped is like attackers complaining that their sunderers are being destroyed. Would you complain if spawn rooms were destructible like sunderers?
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  17. Jake the Dog

    Thats why you make friends ingame that are smart. Two buddies and me can stop/deter a zerg with two tanks and a skyguard.
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  18. customer548

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  19. Klypto

    What are you talking about?
  20. DeadlyPeanutt

    if defenders are outnumbered by 30-40%, they get spawn camped. If attackers outnumber defenders by 30-40% they spawn camp, because there's little else to do.

    changing the shields so that defenders can't shoot through them would stop some of this

    however the real problem is the bad balance issues in the game. stop letting people spawn at a base hex if their population is +10% and you'd stop most of the spawn camping.