Why is Medic a one man army?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Veridio, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Veridio

    I love playing the medic to support allies and keep the fight going in my favor, but why do medics get a gun with low recoil and an ability to switch to single shot mode to snipe with?

    I use the default gun with a 1x scope that used the red dot with red reticle on the side, and I can hit targets as far as a sniper rifle with upgraded scope can shoot. Switching to single fire makes it too easy to kill unless the enemy is a heavy using the special.

    Some bonuses that make the Medic a one man army:
    • Revives quickly with upgraded medigun certs
    • Low recoil, high damage gun for quick kills close to long range
    • Heals self with special so no need to find a base
    • Ammo isn't a concern with single fire with good aim

    Upgrades to the medigun also turns this one man army into a 4-6 man army as long as the medic lives.

    Is this fair to others not playing as medic?
    • Up x 1
  2. Balm

    Why is Heavy a one man army?

    I love playing the Heavy to kill vehicles and keep the fight going in my favor, but why do Heavies get a gun with a huge magazine and an ability to mow down groups of infantry?

    I use the default gun with a 1x scope that used the red dot with forgrip underneath, and I can hit targets as far as a sniper rifle with upgraded scope can shoot. Spraying auto-fire makes it too easy to kill unless the enemy is a heavy using the special.

    Some bonuses that make the Heavy a one man army:
    • Kill vehicles with variety of launchers
    • High capacity, high damage LMG for quick kills close to long range
    • Heals self with medkits so no need to find a base
    • Ammo isn't a concern, because you have so much

    Upgrades to the shield also turns this one man army into a 4-6 man army as long as the heavy lives.

    Is this fair to others not playing as heavy?
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  3. Balm

    Why is engineer a one man army?

    I love playing the engineer to support allies and keep the fight going in my favor, but why do engineers get a gun with low recoil and extremely high rate of fire?

    I use the default gun with a 1x scope that used the red dot with red reticle on the side, and I can hit targets as far as a sniper rifle with upgraded scope can shoot. Burst fire makes it too easy to kill unless the enemy is a heavy using the special.

    Some bonuses that make the Engineer a one man army:
    • Drops ammo, making sure you never run out
    • Low recoil, high fire rate gun for quick kills close to long range
    • Heals self with medkits
    • Instantly kill vehicles with AT mines or C4
    Upgrades to the repair-gun also turns this one man army into a 40-60 man army as long as the AMS keeps getting repaired.

    Is this fair to others not playing as engineer?
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  4. Balm

    Why is Light Assault a one man army?

    I love playing LA to surprise and confuse enemies to keep the fight going in my favor, but why do LA's get a gun with low recoil and an ability to burst fire to snipe with?

    I use the default gun with a 1x scope that used the red dot with red reticle on the side, and I can hit targets as far as a sniper rifle with upgraded scope can shoot. Controlling my fire makes it too easy to kill unless the enemy is a heavy using the special.

    Some bonuses that make the Medic a one man army:
    • Flank large groups of enemies with jetpack, or lag-jump in close range to win
    • Low recoil, high fire rate gun for quick kills close to long range
    • Heals self with medkits, so no need to find a base
    • Ammo isn't a concern, because you can just use an enemy pack after you have flanked them

    Upgrades to C4 also turns this one man army into an AMS killing nightmare, as long as the LA lives.

    Is this fair to others not playing as Light Assault?
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  5. Balm

    Why is infiltrator a one man army?

    I love playing the Infiltrator to support allies and keep the fight going in my favor, but why do Infiltrators get a gun to snipe with?

    I use the default gun with an 8x scope, and I can one-shot targets 400m away. I learned to use my pistol as well, and it's too easy to kill unless the enemy is a heavy using the special.

    Some bonuses that make the Infiltrator a one man army:
    • Hacks terminals to resupply, change into a MAX, or pull a tank in the middle of an enemy base. Also hacks turrets for on-demand anti-vehicle capability.
    • Sniper Rifle one shots infantry if you can aim
    • Heals self with medkits, or resupplies after hacking, no need to find a friendly base
    • Ammo isn't a concern with good aim
    Upgrades to the cloaking device also turns this one man army into a 40-60 man army if you can hack out an AMS in the middle of a big fight.

    Is this fair to others not playing as infiltrator?

    okay, I'm done
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  6. Rogueghost

    You made a decent argument with the other classes, but this one is laughable.
    With the acception of the very rare skilled infiltrator, anyone playing the class is pretty much a free kill.
    And I guess the max doesn't count as a one man army.
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  7. Azimaith

    I play an engineer and I'd argue we come about as close to being a one man army as you can get. :)

    At least that how I feel when I lay down 5 tank destroying AT/C4 traps, 2 Bouncing Betties, then run in with a smoke launcher and IR scope.

    Boom! The magrider outside hits the traps and goes up, blam! the infiltrator going to overload the generator steps on a mine. Suddenly the cap point is filled with smoke, then with a grenade and bullets, finally, with corpses, and standing over all of them, not an army, but an engineer. :)
  8. IceSword

    In any game where someone has the ability to revive or heal allies, they are a biiiiig target. If you were to nerf the medics, they would become a useless (or, at least less used) class. No one would play them. And, honestly, if I'm in an organized group trying to capture bases and not just get kills, medics are public enemy number 1.
  9. Balm

    There are lots of bad infiltrators. This is because 95% of infiltrators do not engage in the behavior I described that can make them viable in a real situation. The fact that there are lots of bad infiltrators does not invalidate my statement. The fact that there are afew good ones who regularly do all of these things confirms it.

    Max can't be a one man army because it cannot resupply itself, heal itself, or maintain the type of mobility that infantry have. Its basically an indoor vehicle, so it doesn't really fall into any of these categories. It's also on a cooldown.
  10. Veridio

    Except I rarely become a target in any situation while reviving. People don't seem to be stopping the medics because it means more farming all around.

    Also, I doubt any classes without single shot fire can do much harm at long range. The recoil of 2-3 shots is too much for that range.

    Simply put, medics have the best of most areas that make them easy to solo the enemy with. We don't even need medical kits with our special.
  11. HerpTheDerp

    Great job, now let's /thread
  12. Kyutaru

    In this great game of Pirates, Ninjas, and Wizards, the heavies are the Pirates with their hardy handshakes and their megadeath cannons, the light assaults are the Ninjas with their tricksy jumping and their death from above shenanigans, and the engineers are the Wizards that you often see in the back and are never quite sure if they're actually doing anything but they assure you they're vital to something and you should just continue to trust in their witchcraft. Whatever.

    Then you have infiltrators, a fusion of Ninjas and Wizards who fancy their stealth while still sitting in the back merely seeming useless while claiming to honestly be doing something if you can't quite see what it is. Tricksy ones they be, never trust them.

    Next up is the MAX units, a Pirate/Ninja hybrid that are tough to kill and good at killing, but boy if they can't be sidetracked by treasure. I mean a single walking future cert gain is usually enough to get them to bolt, leaving their soft, squishy Wizard behind.

    But medics? Medics are an abomination... Wizard Pirates. Tough to kill necromancers who can summon the dead to keep on fighting. They can field their own army of undead minions while also possessing incredible dark powers that can curse an enemy to death almost just by looking at them, I mean do they even have to aim or are the bullets enchanted to home onto the living??

    Terrifying creatures, medics.
    • Up x 4
  13. irishroy

    give the medic an ammobox instead of the C4 or fragnade :D

    but yeah, i still met lots of guys dont wanna play medic, because it has the image of a nurse or the "healguy" o_O

    are not any longer crispy enough?
    medic a "heal-nurse-guy"?
    i nearly can solodefend the northpass of the crown with an engy, a HA (maybe a MAX) at my side.
    wait until the attackers deplyoed their sundy. rush to the "cliff", put some C4 :mad:
    dinner is served
  14. maxkeiser

    I used to play medic a lot, but have come to the conclusion that the engineer is the most powerful class now. By far. Probably the most fun as well.
  15. Intruder313

    Agreed, and the early top BR ranking stats show this to be overwhelmingly true.

    Endless XP for nothing (literally XP in the Warpgate for dropping ammo packs ffs)
    Unlimited Ammo
    Ability to repair everything - crucially vehicles which of course set you a tier above Infantry.
    Carbines (awesome for CQB)
    C4 (something I thought was fun on my Medic until I tried Mines)

    Lacking only a self heal but you can of course carry a MedKit instead of the mines. The Medic Self Heal is rubbish anyway unless he's managed to just get outside combat when he has time to rest up.

    I find as a Medic if I am doing well I run out of ammo.
  16. Haterade

    It's not.

    An equally skilled HA will 1v1 you. Light assaults and engineers have the upperhand in CQC with their faster-firing weapons. Infiltrators can outshoot you in long ranges. Medics are good, but as a combat class they're probably the second worst (the worst being engineer). Given they're not the best combat class, they can't be a one man army. Hell, both light assault and engineer have more utility than medic.
  17. irishroy

    guy? watcha takin'bout?o_O
    get out of the medictopic pls
  18. Cyridius

  19. Shockfrosted

    That was beautiful, Balm.
  20. Wobberjockey

    that fact is thought that those few good infiltrators do very little to influence the overall battle unless they kill medics/engineers almost exclusively

    getting into range to hack turrets and terminals is a very pitched battle for the infiltrator considering that you have the lowest health pool in the game, and the best tool for the job (the full auto scout rifle) is one of the worst automatics in the game.

    skill plays a role, yes, but luck almost equal or even more so.
    and hardly a one many army that you need to fear turning the tide of battle (barring a ninja sundy spawn)