Why is Light Assault the 'default' class?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Souleater, May 14, 2013.

  1. Souleater

    Anybody know? I think of HA of being the general infantry man class with LA being more of a specialist role.
  2. MarthKoopa

    Because Higby wants it to default to his jump jetting pump action garbage
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  3. Badname3073

    Because LA is the only class that does not have any tool in an extra slot or an extra keybind for some ability. The jetpack turns on automatically when pressing the jump key, but beyond that you can only WASD+LMB
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  4. haldolium

    Well, it's not that pressing "F" to activate an ability is the most advanced or confusing thing a game has ever done... so barely a justification. Heavy is by far more the most basic and generic class in the game with nothing to confuse anyone on it...

    I find it weird too that the LA is the default class instead of the HA. It makes no sense truly.
  5. Bill Hicks

    rocket pods need to be the default class
  6. Xind

    I suspect it has more to do with cutting down on n00bs spamming dumbfire missiles.
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  7. Badname3073

    What you fail to understand is that there is no tutorial of any kind when you start the game for the first time. You are simply thrown down to earth in a capsule without a slightest clue what to do. The next thing you see is the first person 3D view with a gun and targeting reticle in the middle of the screen, so if you played 3D FPS before you would instinctively clutch at WASD + LMB. The game does not give you any clues as to what you can do, what your abilities are and how to activate them.
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  8. Nocturnal7x

    Just dopey crap left over from beta...er um I mean more dopey crap they have yet to remedy while we beta test their game for PS4.
  9. haldolium

    Oh trust me, I do not. In fact, my last comment before the one you quoted was on the lack of proper introduction for new players.

    I have no idea how you play your other classes, but every character in Planetside 2 moves with the same input keys. That is not an argument.

    The ease of use and foremost understanding, if anything, the worst with the Light Assault. Very few FPS, in comparison, offer jetpack classes or even the remote ability. So the LA is a more confusing choice.

    But that doesn't matter at all.

    The heavy is more versatile, has better protection, better default damage dealings. It is a common class beyond genre borders and most comprehensible for most people (as much as most fantasy games have a Knight or equally default tanking class. So it's even better comprehensible if you actually come from another genre and never played FPS in your life... )
    In a game where you die within milliseconds especially in the beginning, the heavy assault would be the obvious choice (and most people actually do switch to the HA in the beginning, it is de facto the best class to start with without being a constant victim).

    That the game overall fails to explain itself properly is another story.
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  10. Ghosty11

    Having the LA being the default class upon character creation is probably the worse choice out of all the possible choices since without a few certs in to your jumpjets you are really a gimped infantry ground class. IMO Medic, Engineer, or HA would all be better choices to start a new player off with. What's just as funny is that most new players that I see switch over to Infiltrator right away to start sniping, which is the class with the lowest average score per minute.
  11. Badname3073

    Well, they have the rocket launcher, true. However, there is no hint that they have it, and how to switch to it.
    That is, if one knows how to activate the shield. The game does not provide any hints that there is a shield, and how to activate it.
    For the TR, the base damage and RoF of the TRAC-5 is the same as those for the CARV. While the damage degradation of the CARV with distance is less severe, the TRAC-5 has better hipfire stats. It is not clear what is better for someone who is not even aware of the ADS RMB button.
  12. Badname3073

    This is precisely the reason why it is the class with the lowest average score per minute :D
  13. Ghosty11

    Ya I feel bad for all of a second after killing a lowby infiltrator who figured out how to use his stealth button, but has yet to realize that I can see him standing in front of me with his pistol out.:p