Why is it impossible to defend a sunderer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pumpkim, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. lawn gnome

    then we are no longer talking about solo infantry. 3x C4 on a flash will kill anything on the ground just as easily or an ESF with 3x C4 on the nose can kill anything period. that is a whole new issue and has almost nothing to do with the power of individual infantry. even if you limited EVERY infantry to exactly ONE C4 charge people would still get together and rig up their suicide vests.

    i am still waiting to see stalker infiltrators coated in C4 to appear.

    the only way to stop what you are talking about would be to take explosives away from infantry entirely and to bend them over the table for tanks.
  2. TheBlindFreak

    OP, this guy hit it right on the head. Motion spotter will show moving enemies on the map as if they had been Q-spotted. This is how I defend my sundies from infantry. Usually they won't be prepared to take on a sneaky ambush while trying to make it to the sundy.
    And if no one, including yourself, is willing to defend a sundy, then you deserve to have it blown. Leaving one or 2 guys back isn't that huge of a deal.
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  3. MorganM

    Not really; it takes little time to locate an enemy sunderer. Anyone who's played this game a few months pretty much knows where every one of those positions is for any given base. Even if you don't know these things; pull a flash and drive around the base. They will pop up on everyones map automatically when you get remotely close to it.
  4. MorganM

    I can agree that a lot of sunderer survivability, or lack of, can be laid at the feet of players. I literaly say over comms to people "this is a terrible spot, enemy can literally see your sunderer from the spawn room, move it!". It's pathetic you have to beg people to repair the sunderer WHO ARE STANDING RIGHT THERE. Ya I'm look'n aty ou worthless snipers camping on the hill near by. Your free amo dispenser is about to go down; maybe you can take the time to switch to ENG and actually help your team instead of helping your KDR for once? Ya, you, fresh meat that just respawned ... can you please take 10 sec of your day to repair this smoking thing that allows you to spawn here? Someone just spent several hundred resources and far more time out of their day to PUT IT HERE FOR YOU!

    However the original poster does have a point. Anyone with an ounce of experience and a little deterimination can take out a sunderer. Most times I don't even opt for the infantry bum rush. I pull an AP stealth lightning from an adjacent base, usually on the same side the enemy sunderer is, and take it out from 200+ meters.
  5. m44v

    huh? I'm talking about individual infantry that you can't prevent from reaching your sundy because they used a vehicle instead of going on foot. Like dropping from an ESF or driving a sunderer next to yours only for exit it and drop mines. A motion spotter isn't going to do jack.
  6. lawn gnome

    and if you remove their ability to do that on foot then they will simply resort to planting C4 all over their vehicle and detonating it after they ram you.
  7. lawn gnome

    the thing where they pop up on the map is a bit much, i used to enjoy the hunt, but when you just tell me outright where my target is that gets a bit lame.
  8. Axehilt

    Not sure it's the best defense, but it's definitely quite helpful and there are definitely times where as a vehicle I had to pull away due to being low ammo, and when I returned the sunderer was dead.

    I still think the best defense is deploying darts everywhere and playing infiltrator with a range-appropriate weapon for the terrain around the sunderer (which might be SMG or one of the scout rifles, or even a semiauto sniper rifle if you can get enough range on incoming targets.)
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  9. Noktaj

    The only problem with the sundy is in low pop fights 12vs12 or lower when anybody can sneak through the lines and get the sundy. I usually do sundy hunting with HA + AV nades and C4. Usually two C4 bricks and a rocket do the trick if the sundy is not armored.

    If it's max armored... well then is a real pain... two C4 bricks, AV nade and 2 rockets to bring it down if nobody is repairing it.

    My point is: sometimes it's very easy to blow up a sundy solo, but with max armor is almost impossible unless you and your mates are completely ignoring your spawnpoint. If that's the case, then is your fault.
    Unarmored sundies might need some improvement in resistance though.
  10. Keldrath

    a single infantry can one shot a sunderer. I've seen em do it, full health to explosion in one go.
  11. Astriania

    It's really not impossible to defend a Sunderer. A motion spotter plus the turret weapon is enough to deal with small infantry attacks. The trouble is, there are no certs in it 90% of the time (because the battle is probably around the control point or the spawn room), so no-one does it.
  12. dasichri

    Defending the sundy has its own problems, it does little to reward the player, unless you brought the sundy there and are getting xp for people spawning on it, defending a sundy is far less rewarding than leaving it to attack.

    Thats why 95% of players don't stay to defend it and don't care about it.

    Defending can be rewarding, but that depends on the size of the battle, the terrain and if its infantryside or planetside thats going on in the battle.
  13. lawn gnome

    unarmored = 2x C4 + a rocket to trigger the C4 charges
  14. Tuco

    At least we don't have the Orbital Strike. God it was so lame to have your AMS destroyed by a cloaker with an I-win button.

    You think defending a sunderer is hard here, try hunting down cloakers, with darklight, who can be halfway to the next base. Or they will die right next to your AMS, and then put a waypoitn on the map so when they respawn they hit the waypoint with an OS while sitting in the warpgate.
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  15. Tuco

    "We're not adding gravity and colors cause it causes too much frames per second loss"
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  16. Rift23

    I like setting AI mines around sunderers and catching bum-rushing engineers in an explosion of irony (suicide bombers don't wear flak most of the time).
  17. Atis

    This "too much frame loss" excuse is in just about every topic. Yea, they were ok with putting one base on top of another at hossin and load of objects was fine for our FPS, but tiny dots at ground and box with gun inside behind the wall are suddenly affect our FPS in some miraculous way.

    Anybody and his dog would gladly trade guns and useless sits for cloak, especially PS1 cloak.
  18. Crator

    What does one base on top of another have to do with how many objects are in the same area? Not sure you know, but they took a bunch of objects out of areas when they did the optimization passes.
  19. Famif

    If only everyone spawning from your sunderer would take just a moment to walk around it and check the perimeter as they make their way back to the battlefield. Most VS fights on my server, I see many of my comrades doing this. Even the ones not in outfits will check corners as they make their way back. You can always use prox chat to repeat "Fix the sundy! Fix the sundy! switch to engineer and fix it!" you know?

    And -not- curse out people for not letting the sundy take damage or getting blown up. It is a temporary spawn solution, NOT a permanent one. The fact that the enemy player is evading all of yours forces just to get to the sunderer on their own, sometimes against ridiculous odds, I think that person deserves the right to take your sunderer out.
  20. DJStacy

    Dont think he was talking about a 48/48 fight actually, its even easier to get a sunny when there are loads of players all milling around a sunny not actually doing anything.

    But 3/6 players defending constantly is usually enough if you employ the methods stated. If you wanna play planetside solo be an infil hiding in the hills, single players should never be able to take bases and hold on to sunnies.

    Its a team game, team up FFS.

    One infil ------------------ darts / motion detector. who can move off into a base after placing stuff around sunny.

    One engi ------------ claymores and mines .

    One preferably two LA's above sunny if you have had to place it in a bad position where it can be jumped down too. If you control the area above there will be no where to through C4 from.

    A burster Max

    One or two HA to slow down and vehicle rush on sunny.

    So Min 3 players and burster if needed in the open, Max 6 players when against well organised defence. Then when there is a big push the small defence team can press Squad / Platoon chat button and ASK for HELP, you know that long lost invention called COMMUNICATION.

    Im ok with making it so it takes a team effort to take a sunny down, like it takes a team effort to defend it. Maybe a mine guard and composite meld, so it would take more than one Eng/ LA / or HA with two bricks and a rocket/gren.

    More than half the players that spawn on sunnies dont even change to Eng and check its health let alone defend it.

    If your not willing to be part of just ONE SINGLE SQUAD, then PLEASE DONT complain about your sunderers getting destroyed.

    This is NOT a SINGLE PLAYER GAME. There is parts that can be played as such ........but hanging onto spawn points for exp is not one of them.

    SOE is not forcing players to play in a platoon, but if you want to keep a sunderer from getting destroyed you need to be in a squad at least.

    Why should a game based on TEAM PLAY be DUMBED down all the time for the selfish solo players, this makes the Vets bleed out and the game becomes simpler and easier at every pass.

    Where will it end if the solo cry babies are catered for all time, I can't defend my sunny on my own boo who..................

    Ill tell you where in a crap game that has a 15:00 min round then everything is reset PPhhhhwww get out your X-box is what I say to these people.

    Its easy to join a squad / its easy to join an outfit and get help to learn the basics / unfortunately its just as easy to moan and get PS2 for dummies one step closer to reality..............STOP.........................